Reverse Dependencies of httplib2
The following projects have a declared dependency on httplib2:
- prima-youtrack — YouTrack Python 3 Client Library
- prismedia — scripting your way to upload videos on peertube and youtube
- prospecting — Marketing toolset using Pandas & Google Sheets API, with classes for a variety of other Google APIs
- pureml-llm — no summary
- py2gc — Add events to a Google Calendar from the command line.
- pyams_utils — PyAMS generic modules
- pycof — A package for commonly used functions
- pycontacts — Interact with google contacts
- pydatafabric — SHINSEGAE DataFabric Python Package
- pygaul — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by FAO GAUL from a Python script.
- pygdrive3fixed — Use Google Drive API v3 with a python interface
- pygoogleapps — A module to provide a stateful wrapper around the Google App system
- pygsheet — Wrapper for Google sheets API and Drive API
- pyimdbmoviefinder — Library for searching torrents that match an IMDb search.
- pyinstapaper — PyInstapaper is a Python wrapper for the full Instapaper API.
- pykemen — Added file attatchemn support to emails
- pykoko — KOKO is an easy-to-use entity extraction tool
- PyLTI — PyLTI provides Python Implementation of IMS LTI interface that works with edX
- Pynopticon — Pynopticon
- pynrp — Python interface to the Neurorobotics Platform (NRP)
- pyqcore — Library by QuantumCore: Revolutionary ML Company
- pysearchconsole — PySearchConsole is a Python library that allows you to get query and analyze data from your website's Search Console account, including search analytics, crawl errors, sitemaps, and more.
- pytest-splunk-env — pytest fixtures for interaction with Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud
- python-congress — A Python client for the ProPublica Congress API
- python-oauth-token-manager — API for managing stored OAuth credentials.
- python-service-builder — Helper library for easier creation of Google services.
- python-solumclient — Client library for Solum API
- python-yunionclient — Client library for Yunion Cloud API
- pytouchline-extended — A Roth Touchline interface library
- QAD — Quick and dirty web app scanner
- qsc-node-qscf — Quantum Safe Coin Foundation
- qualdocs — Qualitative data analysis based on Google Docs comments
- querynator — Python package to query cancer variant databases
- quick-mail — A simple commandline application for sending mails quickly
- rapport — Work report generator for the lazy
- readwise-pyinstapaper — PyInstapaper is a Python wrapper for the full Instapaper API.
- reqmgr2 — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-monitor — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-output — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-pileup — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-rulecleaner — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-transferor — no summary
- reqmgr2ms-unmerged — no summary
- reqmon — no summary
- reqtrace — tracing request. (don't use this in production)
- rfcx — Client SDK for the Rainforest Connection and Arbimon platforms
- riskhub — fetching URLs to any domains
- robotframework-interfacelibrary — An interface wrapper library for RobotFramework
- robotframework-xlibrary — Library Custom For Automate
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- rohmu — Rohmu is a python library providing an interface to various cloud storage providers.
- SDoc — A super format documentation document preparation system for SAAS and multi tenant applications
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- sheet2db — A tiny library for one-way syncing the Google spreadsheet to database
- shipyard-googlecloud — A local client for connecting and working with Google Cloud Service
- simple-youtube-video-commenter — CLI utility for adding comments
- SimpleVoiceAssistant — A simple voice assistant
- six-python — Six offical python ackage
- sixth-python — Sixth offical python package
- sixth-sense — Six offical python ackage
- skt — SKT package
- skyatc — no summary
- snowcast-Malachyiii — A package for pulling down satellite imagery for snow forcasting
- social-gpt — Social gpt
- SocialScraper — Social Scraper is a python tool meant for Detection of Child Predators/Cyber Harassers on Social Media
- solum — Application Lifecycle Management for OpenStack
- SOMGraySclae — Using mainifest to improve a grayscale method based on Color-to-gray conversion using ISOMAP [Cui et al. 2010]
- songbirdcli — Songbird's cli.
- songbirdcore — core low level api for songbird
- sop-deutils — A utils package for Yes4All SOP
- splunksplwrapper — Package to interact with Splunk
- spotlite — Package to simplify working with Satellogic APIs
- sqlLibraryNabeel — Process json and convert it into dataframes
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- swap-python-sdk — SWAP Python SDK
- sword2 — SWORDv2 Python client
- sysl — System specification language with compiler and code generator
- tableconv — CLI data plumbing tool
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- TDY-PKG — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- TDY-PKG-saquibquddus — its an implimentation of TF-2 , Detectron and yolov5
- techmo-client — no summary
- teflo-webhooks-notification-plugin — teflo's chat notifier for teflo notifications
- telegram-gmail-bot — A bot that connects Telegram with Gmail
- tempest-lib — OpenStack Functional Testing Library
- TerminalApplication — no summary
- test-amundsen-databuilder — Amundsen Data builder
- test-dohq-youtrack — YouTrack Python 3 Client Library
- testrail-api-reporter — TestRail API reporter tools
- testypie — HTTP proxy that generates and loads from fixtures for testing.
- teuthology — Ceph test framework
- textmagic — TextMagic APIv2 client
- TFBS-footprinting — Tool for identifying conserved TFBSs in vertebrate species.
- TFBS-footprinting3 — Tool for identifying conserved TFBSs in vertebrate species.
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- the-refinery-toolkit — The Refinery Toolkit (RFTK)
- tinylang — A tiny language interpreter
- tmg-etl-library — TMG Etl library
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- toto9 — The missing GCP Python Client Library