Reverse Dependencies of httplib2
The following projects have a declared dependency on httplib2:
- immudb-py — Python SDK for Immudb
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- INGInious — An intelligent grader that allows secured and automated testing of code made by students.
- instagram — Instagram API client
- internationaltouch-oauth2client — OAuth 2.0 client library
- iotronic-lightningrod — Implementation of the Lightning-rod, the Stack4Things board-side probe
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jarvisub — A Secure and Powerful Python-Telethon Based Library For Ultroid Userbot.
- jasonpi — Authentication package to use with django-rest-framework & json-api
- jira-oauth — Python library for Jira OAuth
- kingbird — Kingbird is a centralised synchronization service for multi-region OpenStack deployments.
- kubeflow-fairing — Kubeflow Fairing Python SDK.
- kubeflow-fairing-dmtest — Kubeflow Fairing Python SDK.
- labsync — Toolkit for synchronizing works with remote servers
- laika-lib — A simple business reporting library
- launchpadlib — Script Launchpad through its web services interfaces. Officially supported.
- lazr.restfulclient — A programmable client library that takes advantage of the commonalities among
- lesting.api — Lesting API discovery
- lesting.api.client — Lesting API Client Libraray
- lesting.http — A comprehensive HTTP client
- lftools — Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools
- lg-rez — Discord bot for organizing Werewolf RP games ESPCI-style
- libcloudforensics — libcloudforensics is a set of tools to help acquire forensic evidence from Cloud platforms.
- lightrun — Add logs and snapshots (virtual breakpoints) to live applications - without stopping them.
- LinearRecolor — 基于线性映射模板的色彩转移(Based on Image recoloring using linear template mapping)
- lithops — Lithops lets you transparently run your Python applications in the Cloud
- logos-sdk — SDK for Logos platform
- lotame — Simple python wrapper for LOTAME API
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- mafiagg — A Python wrapper for the MafiaGG API
- magen-gmail-client — Magen Gmail Client Package
- magen-user — Magen Gmail Client Package
- mail2gg — Import mail to Google Groups using an IMAP account or mbox file
- mangopaysdk — A client library written in python to work with mangopay v2 api
- mapeathor — Mapeathor translates your mapping rules specified in spreadsheets to a mapping language.
- markdown-to-blog — Add your description here
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- matminer — matminer is a library that contains tools for data mining in Materials Science
- mcp-google-docs — mcp server for viewing, editing, creating, google docs (supports comments)
- mcp-gsuite — MCP Server to connect to Google G-Suite
- mdast-cli — Dynamic-Mobile-Security
- metagpt — The Multi-Agent Framework
- metagpt-simple — The Multi-Agent Framework
- meteva — A collections of functions for meteorological verification.
- meteva-base — base classes and functions of generally meteorogical usage, like Basic_class/IO/calculation/plot .etc
- midonetclient — Midonet API client library for Python applications
- migbq — read microsoft sql server table data and upload to bigquery
- missinglink — Command line tool and SDK for platform
- mkdocs-build-plantuml-plugin — An MkDocs plugin to call plantuml locally or remote
- mkdocs-build-plantuml-plugin-ardihikaru — An MkDocs plugin to call plantuml locally or remote (cloned from:
- monasca-agent — Monitoring agent for gathering metrics and sending them to the Monasca API.
- monasca-api — OpenStack Monitoring as a Service
- nagios-notification-google-calendar — Notifications via Google Calendar Nagios plugin
- naver-core — A Core Ancestor Library
- nebula-flute — nebula graph database toolkit python version
- nebula2-python — Python client for Nebula Graph V2.6
- nebula2-python-aden — Python client for Nebula Graph V2.0, Aden fork
- nebula2-python-fork — no summary
- nebula3-python — Python client for NebulaGraph v3
- neteval — Package for standardization and evaluation of biological networks
- neutron — OpenStack Networking
- neutron-dynamic-routing — Neutron Dynamic Routing
- noaodatalab — Tools for interacting with NOIRLab's Astro Data Lab.
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- noobiez — We are Noobiez </>
- notion2googlecalendar — A package to synchronize Notion tasks with Google Calendar
- npiai — no summary
- oauth2 — library for OAuth version 1.9
- oauth2-ingaia — library for OAuth version 1.9
- oauth2client — OAuth 2.0 client library
- ocdskingfishercolab — A set of utility functions for Google Colaboratory notebooks using OCDS data
- odcs — On Demand Compose Service
- odoo10-addon-cmis — Connect Odoo with a CMIS server
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- oidc-register — OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration tool
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- oni-api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- OniPKG-Api — Helper para consumo de APIs
- opensecrets-crpapi — A Python client for the Center for Responsive Politics API at
- org-ical — Sync your org files to ical provider
- own-knowledge-gpt — Custom Knowledge GPT
- pak8 — no summary
- paperminer — customized pdfminer that can parse research papers
- papyrus_ogcproxy — papyrus_ogcproxy
- parsons — no summary
- pdfcompare — A Python package to compare files (PDF, docx, images) and generate reports in txt, html, or PDF format
- — An easy-to-use API wrapper for Perspective API written in Python.
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- PikaTgBot — A Secure and Optimized Python-Telethon Based Library For Pikachu UserBot aka Pikabot.
- pillar-youtube-upload — Upload YouTube videos from Python and more.
- plantuml — no summary
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- playlist-kreator — Create playlists easily from a list of artists, using their top songs.
- pnow — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.
- poly-app-downloader — app_downloader
- poppycdn — A modular, vendor-neutral API, that wraps provisioning instructions for all CDN vendors that support it.
- posidrive — no summary
- pquisby — Quisby is a data processing and visualization tool for benchmark testing.
- Prancer-Basic — Prancer Basic,
- predictnow-api — A restful client library, designed to access predictnow restful API.