Reverse Dependencies of httplib2
The following projects have a declared dependency on httplib2:
- ds-popularity — no summary
- dsparse — Multi-modal file parsing and chunking
- dspreview — a simple preview for dsp digital advertising information
- dsub — A command-line tool that makes it easy to submit and run batch scripts in the cloud
- duplicity — no summary
- dv-data-generator — no summary
- dv-mock-api — no summary
- earthengine-api — Earth Engine Python API
- EasyBlogger — A (very) easy CLI interface to Blogger blogs
- ec2-api — OpenStack Ec2api Service
- ecommercetools — EcommerceTools is a data science toolkit for ecommerce, marketing science, and Python SEO.
- edp-amundsen-databuilder — EDP Amundsen Data builder
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- EGDrive — A Simplified Google Drive API.
- embedly2 — Python Library for Embedly
- enablr-dashboard — Populate data from excel in gdrive enablr
- enil — no summary
- fairing — Python SDK for building, training, and deploying ML models
- fancyhands-v3 — python API
- fdr-beta — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.0 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v3 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v4 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v5 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v6 — Sample fdr lib
- fiddler-auditor — Auditing large language models made easy.
- fitz — Fitz: Workflow Mangement for neuroimaging data.
- flask-social-login — OAuth Provider integration for Flask-Login
- flask-starter — A flask extension which contains a basic app and is configured in your local machine through a command line utility
- FlickrMirroring — A tool to mirror Flickr photo
- forecastga — A Python tool to forecast GA data using several popular timeseries models
- formal-sdk — Formal SDK
- freesixty — Simple Google Analytics API data extraction.
- fullscript.spellbook — A simple package to make your life easier.
- fwpt_apatcher — Программа формирования template и сопроводительной документации для патчей
- g-sheets-tools — no summary
- galaxy-authnz — Galaxy AuthNZ
- gam7 — CLI tool to manage Google Workspace
- gator-red — no summary
- gbak — A Des of gbak
- gcalcli — Google Calendar Command Line Interface
- gcf-utility-functions — Helper functions for use with Google Cloud Functions
- gclient-service-account-auth — Easily create an authorized service-object for interacting with google's client APIs, server to server.
- gcloud-connectors — Python utilities to simplify connection with Google APIs
- gcp-impersonation-wrapper — no summary
- gcp-scanner — GCP resource scanner that can help determine what level of access certain credentials possess on GCP
- gdrive-deploy — Tiny utility to deploy file by name to google drive
- ge-sm — A python applications.
- geepal — From Google Calendar to dataframes
- geetools — A collection of tools to work with Google Earth Engine Python API
- genflowly-lambda-utils — no summary
- genome-downloader — A package to download genome, annotations and bowtie2 indexes
- geoshoplib — Python API to access geoshop services.
- geventhttpclient — HTTP client library for gevent
- glance — OpenStack Image Service
- glance_store — OpenStack Image Service Store Library
- glare — OpenStack Artifact Service
- global-workqueue — no summary
- gmails — Simple library for searching and retrieving emails using the GMail REST API
- gn_gsimporter — GeoNode GeoServer Importer Client
- goco — Simple authenticator for google apis
- google-api-python-client — Google API Client Library for Python
- google-api-python-client-helpers — Helpers for Google API Client Library for Python
- google-api-service-helper — A simple library for convenient work with Google API for Drive and Sheets
- google-api-support — In this package you will find functions to deal with google apis. Sheets, Drive, Storage and Slides
- google-apis-client-generator — Google Apis Client Generator
- google-apitools — client libraries for humans
- google-apitools-bigquery-v2 — Autogenerated apitools library for bigquery
- google-apitools-dataflow-v1b3 — Autogenerated apitools library for dataflow
- google-apitools-storage-v1 — Autogenerated apitools library for storage
- google-auth-httplib2 — Google Authentication Library: httplib2 transport
- google-oauth2-tool — Create OAuth2 key file from OAuth2 client id file
- google-oauth2l — command-line google oauth tools
- Google2Pandas — Google2Pandas
- GoogleDriveWrapper — A small package to make it easier work with GoogleDrive
- GraphiPy — A Universal Social Data Extractor
- grow — Develop everywhere and deploy anywhere: a declarative site generator for rapid, high-quality web site production.
- gspread_sync — google spreadsheet wrapper with multithread safety
- gynx — Google Drive sync client for Linux
- hammr — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- hammr-3.6 — Command-line tool for building conistent and repeatable machine images for multiple cloud platforms
- hardcopy — Tool to download and export Google Drive files
- hcls-imaging-ml-toolkit — Toolkit for deploying ML models on GCP leveraging Google Cloud Healthcare API.
- herald-notify — Programmable, extensible and easy to use notification system
- hogwarts-browser-use — hogwarts browser use 霍格沃兹测试开发学社学员定制版
- HolyTransaction — Python client for HolyTransaction API
- homebase-calendar-sync — A simple web scraper that reads's schedule and updates Google Calendar.
- huawei_b593_status — Huawei B593 status fetcher
- ibmBluegroup — IBM Bluegroup API
- ibmBluepages — IBM Bluepages API
- icalevnt — Simple Python 3 library to download, parse and query iCal sources.
- igor-iot — REST-like IoT server
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- iluvatar — With each note, Eru crafts worlds, blending music and magic into stunning realities.