Reverse Dependencies of html2text
The following projects have a declared dependency on html2text:
- prawn — A stream processor for cleaning mixed streams of html and text into plain text.
- pre_commit_html — Format results from pre-commit cmd to HTML file
- prlps-typo — исправление типографии в Markdown и HTML
- Products.EasyNewsletter — Powerful newsletter/mailing addon for Plone
- profilescout — Profile Scout is a kit that uses crawling and machine learning to identify profile pages on any website, simplifying the process of extracting user profiles, gathering information, and performing targeted actions.
- promail-template — Promail Template Libary
- prove-test-runner — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- ptextpad — ptextpad
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- py-manga — A library to get information from
- py-read — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- pybitblock — Python Bitcoin block dashboard, transactions, send message to Space and more
- pycee2 — Enhanced error messages from Stackoverflow
- pyfunctions — This project contains many functions that can be used in daily development.
- pyl2h — Python library for controlling Link2Home devices
- PyLambo — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- pylc-cli — A small CLI tool to solve leetcode problems from your favorite text editor!
- pylunch — Pylunch cli and web tool to get lunch info
- pymemgpt — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymemgpt-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymicrostructure — Simulate financial markets
- pynbx — Next generation of knolwedge management
- pynumbpkg — get it all over here
- pypi-search — Get Information on Python Packages From PyPI
- pypolona — Image downloader for the website of the Polish National Library
- PySiteCrawler — A web crawler that uses graph traversal algorithms to crawl the web.
- pytechnicolor — Technicolor Gateway library
- pytest-log-report — Package for creating a pytest test run reprot
- python-fortune-cookie — Fortune Cookie Generator for python.
- python-jobspy-mini — Job scraper for LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor & ZipRecruiter
- pythoncf — `pythoncf` is your command-line companion for all things Codeforces.
- pyTSx — Time Series Analysis with Python and Spark.
- pyuubin — Mailing services with HTTP Api
- qai-scraper — QAI Web Scraper
- qai-server — no summary
- qbchemchef — LLM-based tools for information retrieval
- qonstellation — Qonstellation Client
- qreu — EMail Wrapper
- quantalogic — QuantaLogic ReAct Agents
- questionnaire-mistral — no summary
- RAG_FineTuning — RAG Finetuning Project
- ragasas — A package that can be used to create RAGs with a single line of code.
- raggen — RAG dataset generator
- RAGScraper — RAGScraper is a Python library designed for efficient and intelligent scraping of web documentation and content. Tailored for Retrieval-Augmented Generation systems, RAGScraper extracts and preprocesses text into structured, machine-learning-ready formats. It emphasizes precision, context preservation, and ease of integration with RAG models, making it an ideal tool for developers looking to enhance AI-driven applications with rich, web-sourced knowledge.
- rapydo-http — HTTP API server working on top of the RAPyDo framework
- reader-test-rachit-2 — no summary
- reader-yaojh — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpy-feed — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-rpressiani — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-shx — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-tchia — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-tsctest — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-tutorial-Khalid — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader-Wilbury-01 — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpython-reader1 — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- realpythonpypi-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- replyowl — Email reply body generator for HTML and text
- rf-googlemaillibrary — Google Mail Library
- rinki-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- roin — This is just a module for easier installation of Rosehip dependencies
- rosehip — Released Operational System by Elisha Hollander Implemented Python
- rprpressiani — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- rss2email — A python script that converts RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email
- ruby1.9.1-dev — Hello World!
- SALTISE-course-flow — CourseFlow
- sat — Salut à Toi multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- Sawmill — Alternative logging framework for Python
- scraped — Tools for scraping
- scrapegraphai — A web scraping library based on LangChain which uses LLM and direct graph logic to create scraping pipelines.
- scrapegraphaisub — A first semantic versioned Scrapegraph fork by subzero team
- scrapy-llm — LLM integration for Scrapy
- scrapyu — Scrapy utils
- scule — no summary
- search-terminal — This is a program that allows you to search the web from the comfort of your terminal.
- sentinelsat — Utility to search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
- serchding — Fulltext search for linkding
- SerpScrap — SEO python scraper to extract data from major searchengine result pages. Extract data like url, title, snippet, richsnippet and the type from searchresults for given keywords. Detect Ads or make automated screenshots. You can also fetch text content of urls provided in searchresults or by your own. It's usefull for SEO and business related research tasks.
- setopati-reader — Read the latest news from setopati
- shandryll-reader — Um simples leitor de artigos do blog da TreinaWeb
- simplebot-mastodon — Mastodon/DeltaChat bridge.
- sinapsis-langchain-readers — Package that provides support for Langchain community data loaders.
- sipian-test-package-1 — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- smtpymailer — A emailing python library for emailing from alternative domains - DNS entries etc need to be assigned (not used for spamming).
- snackademics — Learning in a fun and bite-sized way
- snapgene_reader — Convert Snapgene *.dna files dict/json/biopython.
- snapgene-utils — Convert Snapgene *.dna files dict/json/biopython.
- snoozingmail — A minimal python3 wrapper for the Gmail API
- so-pip — Generate packages from Stackoverflow answers
- sockit — Sockit is a natural-language processing toolkit for modeling structured occupation information and Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes in unstructured text from job titles, job postings, and resumes.
- solace-agent-mesh — Solace Agent Mesh is an EDA AI-first platform powered by Solace
- sourcesage — no summary
- sphinx-jekyll-builder — sphinx builder that outputs jekyll compatible markdown files with frontmatter
- sphinxnotes-markdown-builder — sphinx builder that outputs markdown files, an active fork of clayrisser/sphinx-markdown-builder
- spider-utils — 常用爬虫模块的集合,为了多平台,多电脑调用方便!
- spiderpig — Caching and execution library for data analysis.
- spynl — spynl
- srst-ordbok — A good mix of Norwegian dictionaries
- stackwizard — Provides a Stack Overflow answer when an error occurs.
- stealth-requests — Make HTTP requests exactly like a browser.