Reverse Dependencies of html2text
The following projects have a declared dependency on html2text:
- dataverse — An open-source simplifies ETL workflow with Python based on Spark
- DBigBang — Analysis of Mailman archives
- dcc — Tools for interactive and programmatic access to the LIGO DCC.
- dcss — Utilities for the book Doing Computational Social Science
- dedlin — Line editor, edlin clone with many improvements
- deep-research-agent — An AI-powered deep research agent for autonomous web research
- dfapp — A Python package with a built-in web application
- dhisana — A Python SDK for Dhisana AI Platform
- django-admin-methods — Quickly create admin related actions, list properties and single instance properties for Django
- django-asyncmailer — Async email solution w/ multiple SMTP credentials, load-balancing and blacklist.
- django-blog-api — A small example plugin package
- django-fs-email — The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to send multipart emails and store them in a database.
- django-fs-email-helper — The Django-related reusable app provides the ability to send multipart emails and store them in a database.
- django-happymailer — django email templates manager
- django-herald — Django library for separating the message content from transmission method
- django-heralder — Django library for separating the message content from transmission method
- django-import-export-celery — Process long running django imports and exports in celery
- django-mail-factory — Django Mail Manager
- django-mails — A Django Library to Send Simple/HTML Emails
- django-maja-newsletter — A Django app for sending newsletter by email to a contact list.
- django-notification-sender — Pluggable app to centralize notification configuration.
- django-notification-system — Notification functionality to use within Django
- django-ogmios — Just sends email. Simple, easy, multiformat.
- django-pony-express — Class-based emails including a test suite for Django
- django-posts-api — A small example plugin package
- django-saas-email — An email manager for sending emails with templates, mail history and admin.
- django_simple_mail — A simple and customizable email template built for Django
- django-templated-email-md — An extension for django-templated-email for creating emails with Markdown
- django-transactional-mail — Transactional emails in Django projects made easy
- django-userena — Complete user management application for Django
- django-userena-ce — Complete user management application for Django
- django-widgy — A CMS framework for Django built on a heterogenous tree editor.
- django-xblog — A full-featured blogging application for your Django site
- Dmail — This is a simple package that provides a quick way to send emails through code.
- doc-analyzer — no summary
- doc-extractor — no summary
- docorator — A Python library for interacting with Google Docs API with caching and logging
- Docs2KG — Unified Knowledge Graph Construction from Heterogeneous Documents Assisted by Large Language Models
- docs2prompt — Convert software documentation to one-file prompt for LLMs
- dotagent — no summary
- dotagent-dev — no summary
- dotams — no summary
- dotnext — no summary
- ds4biz-format-parsers — no summary
- dspygen — A Ruby on Rails style framework for the DSPy (Demonstrate, Search, Predict) project for Language Models like GPT, BERT, and LLama.
- duowen-agent — 多闻LLM核心工具包
- dvg — document-vector grep
- dynahost — Web-service pour administrer des hôtes en adresse IP dynamique
- earthcraft-countries-api — Countries API used by the EarthCraft bot
- ebook-converter-noimage — Convert ebook between different formats
- ebook-tree-parser — Parse an ebook based on its TOC into a tree-like structure
- edapp-python-sdk — A Python tool for interacting with the EdApp SDK
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- elemental-tools — A Collection of Utilities. Not even can be described.
- email-listener — Listen in an email folder and process incoming emails.
- email-router — A straightforward and efficient inbound email router.
- email-to-soup — Email to HTML-Soup & Soup-Text
- emailsanta — Python module to simulate emailing the legendary Christmas character Santa, powered by Alan Kerr's
- emplode — Agent that performs action on your system by executing code.
- emrt.necd.content — Content-types for EMRT-NECD Review Tool
- enex2md — Convert enex to Markdown.
- espial — no summary
- exp10it — This is a package about network security
- fanfic-scraper — Scrapes fanfics, maintains download db, organizes folders when reading.
- FanFicFare — A tool for downloading fanfiction to eBook formats
- faraday-plugins — Faraday plugins package
- fashionsearch — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- fast-sqlalchemy — Make application with Fastapi and Sqlalchemy with ease
- feed2exec — The programmable feed reader
- feeddiasp — Feed Diaspora with RSS-Feeds or Facebook
- ffmirror — Local mirror for Internet fiction sites
- fhirsearchhelper — A package to help with FHIR searching when needed search parameters are not available
- finalcif — CIF file editor
- fishpi-pyclient — 摸鱼派聊天室python客户端
- flask-mailman-templates — Templates for Flask-Mailman
- floscraper — Simple webscraper built on top of requests and beautifulsoup
- fluentcms-emailtemplates — Creating e-mail messages, with multiple layouts and multilingual content.
- flying-delta-readers-web — llama-index readers web integration
- — Collection of high-level tools to simplify everyday development tasks, with a focus on AI/ML
- forum-dl — Scrape posts and threads from forums, news aggregators, mail archives
- fossil-mastodon — A mastodon reader client that uses embeddings to present a consolidated view of my mastodon timeline
- foster2020 — Package for Foster's class containing useful functions
- fp2md4roam — Convert FreePlane Mind Map to Markdown for import into Roam
- frag2text — Select and reverse-Markdown (html2text) web page fragments.
- freeplane-io — provide create, read, update and delete of freeplane nodes via file access
- frx08-sentinelsat — Utility to search and download Copernicus Sentinel satellite images
- funkyprompt — A library for speaking with large langauge models using object orientated generation to build data-rich agentic systems
- gameyamlspiderandgenerator — A useful tool for generating FurryGameIndex yaml files
- gardener-cicd-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries
- gardener-gha-libs — Gardener CI/CD Libraries for GitHubActions
- ghostscraper — A Playwright-based web scraper with caching capabilities
- glibs-mail — no summary
- goog — Google Search API using public mirrors.<br/>Google search by image (reverse search, similar image).<br/>Web resources proxying using Google Translate internals.<br/>Google Colab tools such as tunnel, web scraping, rclone.<br/>Google Drive API for batch downloads.
- googleapiutils2 — Wrapper for Google's Python API
- gptline — no summary
- grid-research — A package for automated research data collection using LLMs and Web Search API
- grow — Develop everywhere and deploy anywhere: a declarative site generator for rapid, high-quality web site production.
- gsm-infinite — GSM-Infinite Benchmark for LLMs
- gspan — no summary
- guillotina-mailer — Mailer integration with guillotina