Reverse Dependencies of html2text
The following projects have a declared dependency on html2text:
- guise — Semantic fingerprinting
- h2ogpt — no summary
- hacli — no summary
- haruka-parser — A simple HTML Parser
- heakl-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- hhhrealpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- hive-email — Email message handling for Hive.
- hogwarts-browser-use — hogwarts browser use 霍格沃兹测试开发学社学员定制版
- hspylib-askai — HomeSetup - AskAI
- htmls-to-datasette — Tool to index and serve HTML files. Powered by Datasette.
- hubugs — Simple client for GitHub issues
- hwpfc — Hello word from pfc
- i-hate-papers — Create easily readable versions of academic papers via OpenAI
- iam-sarif-report — no summary
- iambic — Data extraction and rendering library for Shakespearean text.
- ibis-birdbrain — the portable Python LM-powered data bot
- ics2todoist — Convert iCalendar tasks to CSV for import into Todoist.
- ilds — 常用模块的集合,为了多平台,多电脑调用方便!
- imdabessay — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- inarrator — Summarize and Narrate your emails through power of LLMs.
- incognitoGPT — no summary
- investigraph — etl pipeline for investigations with follow the money data
- itkdb — Python wrapper to interface with ITk DB.
- itkspec — A python package responsible for retrieving component specifications from a unified database. This tool can also operate as an API since it is built with the FastAPI framework.
- JarvisAI — JarvisAI is python library to build your own AI virtual assistant with natural language processing.
- jemail — Django app to store emails in db
- jgtml — JGT Ml - Machine Learning Tools
- jgtpy — Enhanced JGTPy CDS, IDS, PDSP Services
- jirafts — Tool for searching in local copy of JIRA issues
- jnrbase — Common utility functionality
- jsz — 金手指
- jupyter_zenroom_kernel — Jupyter kernel for Zenroom. Small, secure and portable virtual machine for crypto language processing
- kalabash-amavis — The amavis frontend of Kalabash
- kdb — Knowledge (IRC) Database Bot
- knowledgefeed — This is a repository dedicated to curating knowledge on any topic related to your domain. This package takes in a topic of your interest and creates a feed of posts with caption-sized facts derived from latest research papers and news articles.
- komodo-sdk — Komodo SDK
- Kotti — A high-level, Pythonic web application framework based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It includes an extensible Content Management System called the Kotti CMS.
- koya-train — no summary
- koya-utilities — no summary
- kraken-extract-from-html — Kraken Extract From HTML
- ks-realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- ksalib — A library for KSA
- kubeagi — Data Processing is used for data processing through MinIO, databases, Web APIs, etc.
- kultimate — Aplicación para manejar tableros kanban con markdown desde la línea de comandos
- kuxxx-realpython-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- labandco — solution métier pour fluidifier les relations entre chercheurs et administration dans les universités et les EPST
- langchain_1111_Dev_cerebrum — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-by-johnsnowlabs — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-xfyun — 在LangChain中流畅地使用讯飞星火大模型
- langchaincoexpert — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainmsai — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainn — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langplus — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- languagetools — Tools for language models
- lauris-real-python-reader — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- lazy-spider — A lazy spider tools which intergrate lxml, requests, peewee......
- lb-toolkits — lb_toolkits Library for Meteorology and Remote Sensing
- letta — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letta-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- libervia-backend — Libervia multipurpose and multi frontend XMPP client
- libprocess — no summary
- lightmgb — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- listdiffcopy — listdiffcopy
- litbee — align (en, de, zh) texts via streamlit
- llama-hub — A library of community-driven data loaders for LLMs. Use with LlamaIndex and/or LangChain.
- llama-index-readers-boarddocs — llama-index readers boarddocs integration
- llama-index-readers-confluence — llama-index readers confluence integration
- llama-index-readers-stripe-docs — llama-index readers stripe_docs integration
- llama-index-readers-web — llama-index readers web integration
- llm-server — no summary
- llmail — Interact with LLMs via email
- llmproxy — no summary
- lms-waltz — Coordinate resources between an LMS like Canvas and a local directory
- LocalNote — LocalNote让你能够像使用本地文件一样使用印象笔记,支持markdown语法。Use your evernote like local file system in all platforms (markdown supported)
- logic-ds-bm — Teaching library for the LogicDS project course
- logic-ds-bm2 — Teaching library for the LogicDS project course
- logic-ds2 — Teaching library for the LogicDS project course
- logilab-mtconverter — a library to convert from a MIME type to another
- lspace — ebook manager built around isbnlib
- lucterios-contacts — contacts managment module for Lucterios framework.
- lwn2md — Turn Articles to Markdown
- m9s-trytond — Tryton Server
- magma-orc8r-client — A simple client to communicate with Magma Orchestrator
- magplan — no summary
- mail2beyond — A Python based SMTP server package and CLI that redirects incoming SMTP messages to upstream APIs like Google Chat, Slack and more!.
- mailshake — Dramatically simplify sending email from your python app.
- mailsuite — A Python package for retrieving, parsing, and sending emails
- mailtrigger — Remote service trigger with mail
- MainContentExtractor — A library to extract the main content from html. Developed for information on LLM and for feeding data into LangChain and LlamaIndex.
- malawi-news-scraper — Scrape news from known news outlets in Malawi
- MAMMOth-commons — Component interfaces of the MAMMOth fairness toolkit.
- markdownfeeds — Small library that can generated paged feeds (json, html, etc) based on a collection of markdown files.
- mastodon-fetcher-haystack — no summary
- MateGen — 交互式智能编程助手MateGen
- MateGenT1 — 交互式智能编程助手MateGen
- mauroquinteroos-reader — Paquete de prueba de Mauro Quinteros
- mcs-matplotlib — More utilities for matplotlib
- mds-investment — Tryton module to add investment items.
- mds-pim-memos — Tryton module to store memos
- mediatr-ez — Mediator project