Reverse Dependencies of google-cloud-bigquery
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-cloud-bigquery:
- 5x-google-bigquery-auth-manager — A simple Python library for creating a Google BigQuery client using either an access token or a service account JSON file.
- abq — no summary
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- adansonia — Utils package for common operations
- adsdatahub — Ads Data Hub API client for Python
- afl-ai-utils — A sample test package
- ai-management — This is a toolbox to help AI & ML teams to have a better management of their metrics.
- airbyte — PyAirbyte
- airflow-commons — Common functions for airflow
- airflow-metrics-gbq — Airflow metrics to Google BigQuery
- airflow-provider-bigquery-reservation — An Apache Airflow provider concerning BigQuery reservation.
- airless — Airless is a package that aims to build a serverless and lightweight orchestration platform, creating workflows of multiple tasks being executed on FaaS platform
- airless-google-cloud-bigquery — Airless package to works with google cloud bigquery
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la línea de comandos.
- am4894bq — Helper library for BigQuery
- ampere-meter — Tooling to track and visualize engagement with the mrpowers-io organization
- amundsen-frontend — Web UI for Amundsen
- anai-opensource — Automated ML
- analytics-mesh — Facades and common functions necessary for data science and data engineering workflows
- anaml-client — Python SDK for Anaml
- anomaly-detection-framework — Anomaly Detection Framework allows us to calculate Anomalities on any Time - Series Data Sets. It has an interface which is easy to manage to train - predict with given dataset.
- another-bigquery-magic — Unofficial IPython magic command for bigquery
- apache-airflow-providers-google — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-google for Apache Airflow
- apache-beam — Apache Beam SDK for Python
- apache-beam-ai2 — A FORK! for testing with different dill version
- api-nichotined — Simple lib for testing rest API
- api2db — Python Api data collection tool
- arcane-bigquery — Override google bigquery python client
- arti — no summary
- articat — articat: data artifact catalog
- astro-sdk-python — Astro SDK allows rapid and clean development of {Extract, Load, Transform} workflows using Python and SQL, powered by Apache Airflow.
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- athiruma-cloud-governance — Cloud Governance Tool
- atscale — The AI-Link package created by AtScale
- authz-analyzer — Analyze authorization.
- automlkiller — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- autotonne — Auto machine learning, deep learning library in Python.
- avro-to-bigquery — Create bigquery schema from an avro schema.
- avroconvert — Utility to convert avro files to csv, json and parquet formats
- banditml — Lightweight library for training & serving contextual bandit models.
- barkus-func-toolkit — Cloud Functions Toolkit
- basedosdados — Organizar e facilitar o acesso a dados brasileiros através de tabelas públicas no BigQuery.
- beepbeep — data pipeline utility functions for
- beepbeep-bq — no summary
- bibt-gcp-bq — Functionality often used by BITS Blue Team (GCP BigQuery Module).
- bibtutils — Functionality often used by BITS Blue Team. [DEPRECATED]
- bigflow — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bigframes — BigQuery DataFrames -- scalable analytics and machine learning with BigQuery
- bigfunctions — Supercharge BigQuery with BigFunctions
- biggerquery — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bigquery — Easily send data to Big Query
- bigquery-advanced-utils — A utility library that enhances the official BigQuery Python client by providing additional tools for efficient query management, data processing, and automation. Designed for developers and data scientists, `bigquery-advanced-utils` simplifies working with Google BigQuery.
- bigquery-agent — Library for creating agent around BigQuery
- bigquery-agents — no summary
- bigquery-custom-davidbrandon16 — custom bigquery
- BigQuery-DatasetManager — BigQuery-DatasetManager is a simple file-based CLI management tool for BigQuery Datasets.
- bigquery-dry-run — This package is used to perform a BigQuery dry run of all `.sql` files in a folder and its subfolders.
- bigquery-duckdb-toolkit — Toolkit para consultas e manipulação de dados no BigQuery com integração com DuckDB.
- Bigquery-Email-extractor — no summary
- bigquery-erd — Building Entity Relationship Diagrams for Google BigQuery.
- bigquery-fdw — BigQuery Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgreSQL
- bigquery-frame — A DataFrame API for Google BigQuery
- bigquery-funcs — BigQuery functions and/or classes, helper scipts, etc. I commonly use when working with the Python SDK
- bigquery-helper — A helper package for Google BigQuery operations
- bigquery-magics — Google BigQuery magics for Jupyter and IPython
- bigquery-manager — BigQueryManager
- bigquery-migrations — Simple tool for writing Google BigQuery migrations
- bigquery-operator — Wrapper for usual operations on a fixed BigQuery dataset.
- bigquery-schema-coerce — Force python dictionary to type convert and project onto the given schema
- bigquery-spark-streaming-connector — spark structured streaming connector utility for gcp bigquery using storage api services.
- bigquery_sync — no summary
- bigquery-test-kit — BigQuery test kit
- bigquery-view-analyzer — A command-line tool for visualizing dependencies and managing permissions between BigQuery views
- bigquery-views-manager — BigQuery Views Manager
- bigquery-wrapper-gcp — Bigquery package
- bigQueryExporterEnhanced — Package codes to execute queries on BQ and save to local machine, to BQ table or to GCS.
- bigtesty — BigTesty is an integration testing framework for BigQuery
- bill-calculator-hep — Billing calculations and threshold alarms for hybrid cloud setups
- bits-aviso-python-sdk — Repository containing python wrappers to various services for bits-aviso.
- bits-google — BITS Google
- bits-people — BITS People
- bizon — Extract and load your data reliably from API Clients with native fault-tolerant and checkpointing mechanism.
- bl-vanna — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- blueforge — The Blueforge for Python
- bq-airflow-dag-generator — Generate Airflow DAG from DOT language to execute BigQuery efficiently mainly for AlphaSQL
- bq-easy-zfullio — Простой экспорт из Pandas Dataframe в BQ
- bq-estimator — estimate BigQuery usage of sql queries
- bq-etl — Simple BigQuery ETL
- bq-fake-pii-table-creator — Library for creating BQ tables with fake sensible data
- bq-iterate — Work with BigQuery data as you do with lists in python
- bq-jobrunner — Enables to easily query multiple BigQuery queries with any dependencies.
- bq-meta — BigQuery metadata
- bq-properties-creator — Python code that creates properties files containing all BigQuery resources
- bq_schema — Define your BigQuery tables as dataclasses.
- bq-schema-policy-tags — Define your BigQuery tables as dataclasses. With this forked library you can also add Policy Tags to your dataclasses to protect your PII data.
- bq-schema-sync — A tool to synchronize BigQuery table schemas with local definitions
- bq-sqoop — A CLI client for exporting elasticsearch data to csv
- bq-test-kit — BigQuery test kit
- bq-utils — A collection of BigQuery utilities