Reverse Dependencies of google-cloud-bigquery
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-cloud-bigquery:
- graphite-datasets — tensorflow/datasets is a library of datasets ready to use with TensorFlow.
- graphtomation — An AI utility package to build and serve Crew and LangGraph workflows as FastAPI routes, packed with reusable components for AI engineers.
- great-expectations — Always know what to expect from your data.
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- grexx-gcloudtools — Tools for accessing Google Cloud interfaces for Budget Coach services
- harlequin_bigquery — A Harlequin adapter for Google BigQuery.
- hashquery — no summary
- hawk-sdk — no summary
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- heimdall-mail-notifier — This module allow user to execute an SQL request in Bigquery and send the result in a mail attachment send by mailjet
- hela — Your data catalog as code and one schema to rule them all.
- heps-ds-utils — A Module to enable Hepsiburada Data Science Team to utilize different tools.
- hi-gcp — GCP Utilities for BigQuery
- higcps — GCP Utilities for BigQuery
- honeydew — Collection of connectors for ETL
- hoops-dynasty-api — connects to hoops dynasty in whatifsports and pulls data
- hubspot-etl-pipeline-webserver — Hubspot ETL webserver.
- humailib — HUMAI data science framework
- hyperdb — Hyperdb provides wrapper functions for working with Tableau hyper datasources and moving data between Tableau Server, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure through a common interface
- hypermodel — Hyper Model provides functionality to support MLOps
- hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- ibis-bigquery — Ibis BigQuery backend
- ibis-framework — The portable Python dataframe library
- inbound — declarative data ingestion.
- indxdatalaketools — Package that allows the upload of files to a datalake
- ingaia-libs — inGaia Python Utility Library
- insomnyak-connector — Suite of prebuilt connectors to other APIs
- instackup — A package to ease interaction with cloud services, DB connections and commonly used functionalities in data analytics.
- internxt-data — no summary
- internxt-data-test — no summary
- ipulse-shared-data-eng-ftredge — Shared Data Engineering functions for the Pulse platform project. Using AI for financial advisory and investment management.
- iqtk — Reproducible biological data science.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jarvis-sdk — JARVIS SDK Python Package
- jefferson-street-api — A set of tools for building and connecting to JSt's API.
- joes-giant-toolbox — A large collection of general python functions and classes that I use in my daily work
- kaisia — GCP Big Query Migration helper
- karadoc — Karadoc is a data engineering Python framework built on top of PySpark that simplifies ETL/ELT
- katonic — A modern, enterprise-ready MLOps Python SDK
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- kensu — no summary
- kensu-pyspark — no summary
- kiwi-booster — Python utility functions and classes for KiwiBot AI&Robotics team
- klondike — Klondike is a suite of database connectors, powered by Polars
- knada-bq-connector — Python package wrapping for execute queries in BigQuery.
- knada-kafka-consumer — no summary
- koala-analytics — Package for fetching metrics from different analytics sources and pushing them to BigQuery.
- koku-nise — A tool for generating sample cost and usage data for testing purposes.
- kraken-g-api — Kraken g api
- kyne-goes-easy-dataflow — Automatización de procesos de Data para Kynegos
- kynegos-easy-cloud — Automatización de procesos de Data para Kynegos
- labelbigquery — Labelbox Connector for BigQuery
- labelboxbigquery — Labelbox Connector for BigQuery
- langchain-google-community — An integration package connecting miscellaneous Google's products and LangChain
- launchflow — Python-native infrastructure for the cloud: LaunchFlow provides a Python SDK that automatically creates and connects to production-ready infrastructure (such as Postgres, Redis, etc..) in your own cloud account. LaunchFlow completely removes the need for DevOps allowing you to focus on your application logic.
- lea-cli — A minimalist alternative to dbt
- leap-data-management-utils — LEAP / pangeo-forge-recipes extension library for logging data in Google Big Query
- lib310 — lib310 Python Package
- lib310-lite — lib310 Lite Python Package
- libvisualwebarena — This is an unofficial, use-at-your-own risks port of the visualwebarena benchmark, for use as a standalone library package.
- lingualeo-sqlmesh — no summary
- linkml-store — linkml-store
- liveramp-automation — This is the base liveramp_automation_framework
- load-stock-price-into-bigquery — no summary
- loads-pipeline — Loads Pipeline Workflow Package.
- log10-io — Unified LLM data management
- logos-sdk — SDK for Logos platform
- lolpop — A software engineering framework for machine learning workflows
- looqbox — A looqbox package to write python scripts in the platform
- lowclouds — The lowclouds is a shortcut library for several cloud service libraries.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lv-vectordb-gcp — A package for GCP, LangChain, and BigQuery Vector store integration
- macrometa-source-bigquery — Macrometa source bigquery connector for extracting data from BigQuery
- macrometa-target-bigquery — Macrometa target bigquery connector for loading data to BigQuery
- mara-db — Configuration and monitoring of database connections
- marfa-bi-connection — MarfaBI connections
- market-data-transcoder — Market Data Transcoder
- marquez-integration-common — Marquez common python library for integrations
- mcl_google_cloud_bigquery — The mcl_google_cloud_bigquery package.
- mcp-bigquery-biomedical — MCP server for open (biomedical) datasets in bigquery
- mcp-server-bigquery — A Model Context Protocol server that provides access to BigQuery. This server enables LLMs to inspect database schemas and execute queries.
- meerkat-ml — Meerkat is building new data abstractions to make machine learning easier.
- mercury-fil — Python client for accessing Filecoin chain data.
- merlin-batch-predictor — Base PySpark application for running Merlin prediction batch job
- merlin-sdk — Python SDK for Merlin
- mesiqi — mesiqi helps you build data microservices
- metabeaver — Beaverish about data. Metabeaver originally started as a "glue" project to bring together commonly used code. It has since expanded to contain common operations, metaprogramming, and Computer Sci resources. It is intended a resource to learn computer science, Python, and limit the need to rebuild the wheel. For development operations, please see Operation Beaver.
- metadata-guardian — MetadataGuardian is used to protect data by searching the source metadata.
- metamart_source_bigquery — no summary
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- metrics-layer — The open source metrics layer.
- migbq — read microsoft sql server table data and upload to bigquery
- mindlab — Data science toolbox
- mitzu — Product analytics over your data warehouse
- mk-feature-store — Python SDK for Feast
- ml4h — Machine Learning for Health python package
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- mms-pip — A custom MMS Analytics module for Python3 by the Touchpoint Analytics & Data Discovery
- modus-facade — Modus Facade
- momo-data-validation — Data Validation package