Reverse Dependencies of google-cloud-bigquery
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-cloud-bigquery:
- moovai — A package for working with GCS and BigQuery
- morph-data — Morph is a python-centric full-stack framework for building and deploying data apps.
- morph-lib — no summary
- morphdb-utils — no summary
- mozanalysis — A library for Mozilla experiments analysis
- mozdetect — A python package used for change point detection at Mozilla.
- mozilla-bigquery-etl — Tooling for building derived datasets in BigQuery
- mozilla-jetstream — Runs a thing that analyzes experiments
- mpcq — Client library for interacting with an MPC observations database
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- myz-tools — Python helper tools
- nav-dataverk — Serverless ETL framework
- nci-cidc-api-modules — SQLAlchemy data models and configuration tools used in the NCI CIDC API
- needle-forms — Abstraction layer to GCP resources
- neoval-py-utils — no summary
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- nlbq — Natural language to BigQuery
- notifstats — Notification statistic collector
- nr-ops — An opinionated operator framework.
- nucml — ML-oriented tools for navigating the nuclear data evaluation pipeline.
- octue — A package providing template applications for data services, and a python SDK to the Octue API.
- odap-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- omicidx-builder — Tooling to build and deploy omicidx data and resources
- omop2survey — The 'omop2survey' Python package transforms standardized response codes from the OMOP CDM survey variables into numeric values and simplifies data preparation by providing functionalities for mapping and converting response codes, as well as handling missing data, facilitating easier and more reliable data analysis.
- opengamedata-common — A package for shared code used by other packages/tools in the OpenGameData software ecosystem.
- openlineage-integration-common — OpenLineage common python library for integrations
- openmetadata-sqlalchemy-bigquery — SQLAlchemy dialect for BigQuery by OpenMetadata
- optician — Sync your data warehouse tables to Looker
- oracle2postgres_schema_validator — Tool to compare Oracle objects with Postgres objects
- ormy — Python ORM wrappers
- ox-bqpipeline — Utility class for building data pipelines in BigQuery
- p360-ga-downloader — Extractor for Google analytics
- pandas-gbq — Google BigQuery connector for pandas
- pandasai-bigquery — Google BigQuery connector integration for PandaAI
- parsons — no summary
- pbq — python bigquery driver for easy access
- petaly — Python ETL tool
- pganalytics — A Python library for analyzing PG data
- pgb-broker-utils — Tools used by the Pitt-Google astronomical alert broker.
- pgb-utils — Tools to interact with Pitt-Google Broker data products and services.
- PheTK — The Phenotype Toolkit
- pii-data-generator — It generats the dummy 'Personally identifiable information' data
- pipelinesds — Solution for DS Team
- pipelinewise-target-bigquery — target for loading data to BigQuery - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelogger — no summary
- pittgoogle-client — Client utilities for the Pitt-Google astronomical alert broker.
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- popelines — An ETL library for Google BigQuery
- PREAGeoFuns — A package for geo tools used to map card score
- prefect-gcp — Prefect integrations for interacting with Google Cloud Platform.
- prism-dev — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- prism-ds — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- profiles-mlcorelib — no summary
- psql2bigquery — Export PostgreSQL databases to Google Cloud Platform BigQuery
- pyarrow-bigquery — An extension library to write to and read from BigQuery tables as PyArrow tables.
- pybigquery — OBSOLETE SQLAlchemy dialect for BigQuery
- pycarol — Carol Python API and Tools
- pycondusco — pycondusco lets you run a function iteratively, passing it the rows of a dataframe or the results of a query.
- pycontrails — Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts
- pydapper — A python micro ORM inspired by the nuget package Dapper
- pydatafabric — SHINSEGAE DataFabric Python Package
- pyfbad — anomaly detector
- pyFission — A tool to sync data across data sources
- pyga4 — Python Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Data Extraction and Analysis Toolkit
- pygbq — Easily integrate data in BigQuery
- PygQuery — 🐷 Multitread your data with Google BigQuery
- pygyver — Data engineering & Data science Pipeline Framework
- pyinsta-functions — no summary
- pykemen — Added file attatchemn support to emails
- pypeline-functions — A compiliation of data pipeline scripts in Python
- pypinfo — View PyPI download statistics with ease.
- pyplatform-datawarehouse — Pyplatform-datawarehouse package provides functions for querying, writing and managing data in Google BiqQuery.
- pypper — no summary
- pyrasgo — Python interface to the Rasgo API.
- pytest-bq — BigQuery fixtures and fixture factories for Pytest.
- pytest-databases — Reusable database fixtures for any and all databases.
- pytest-sql-bigquery — Yet another SQL-testing framework for BigQuery provided by pytest plugin
- pyText2Sql — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- python-bigquery-validator — Python module for validating BigQuery sql queries with support for Jinja templated variables
- python-cli-example — no summary
- python-connect — python database manipulation with advanced features
- qtrex — Query template rendering and execution library
- quacker — Sync dbt sources and models from cloud warehouses to duckdb
- querius — Client library for connecting with the Querius API
- quillsql — Quill SDK for Python.
- quixstreams — Python library for building stream processing applications with Apache Kafka
- quollio-core — Quollio Core
- Rabbit-in-a-Blender — An ETL pipeline to transform your EMP data to OMOP.
- rafa — A data transformation tool for analytics teams
- rain-dm — Rain library.
- rasgoql — Alpha version of rasgoQL open-source package.
- raster-loader — Python library for loading GIS raster data to standard cloud-based data warehouses that don't natively support raster data.
- rb-message-writer — Writes messages to a data store, usually with Airflow.
- rdsa-utils — A suite of PySpark, Pandas, and general pipeline utils for Reproducible Data Science and Analysis (RDSA) projects.
- recap-core — Recap reads and writes schemas from web services, databases, and schema registries in a standard format
- rgwfuncs — A functional programming paradigm for mathematical modelling and data science
- rgwml — Manipulate data with code that is less a golden retriever, and more a Samurai's sword
- roadtrip-tools — Generally useful tools built for AI-enabled EV navigation
- rslearn — A library for developing remote sensing datasets and models
- sankir-sdf — SDF Converter