Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- serial-weighing-scale — serial_weighing_scale
- servicefoundry — Deploy applications and interact with the Truefoundry platform using CLI
- setup-servers — no summary
- sf-git — Python package to manipulate Snowsight worksheets
- sf-hamilton — Hamilton, the micro-framework for creating dataframes.
- sf-hamilton-contrib — Hamilton's user contributed shared dataflow library.
- sf-hamilton-sdk — Hamilton SDK for reading and writing to the Hamilton backend APIs that support the UI.
- sfdc-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- sftp-uploader — Package for upload data in before commit uncommited files to sftp server
- shallow-backup — Easily create lightweight backups of installed packages, dotfiles, and more.
- shandy-sqlfmt — sqlfmt formats your dbt SQL files so you don't have to.
- sharelatex — no summary
- shift-left-secure — Mitigate vulnerabilities before pushing code to github/gitlab/bitbucket
- shinobi-client — A Python client for controlling Shinobi (an open-source video management solution)
- shinylive-deploy — CLI utility to help deploy py-shinylive apps to hosted webservers via SSH.
- shipwright — The right way to build, tag and ship shared Docker images.
- shopify_python — Python Standards Library for Shopify
- short-poetry — no summary
- shrike — Python utilities for compliant Azure machine learning
- shulkr — Diff decompiled versions of Minecraft
- sigopt — SigOpt Python API Client
- silhouette-cli — Silhouette is a cli tool to bootstrap projects from templates published on Github
- siliconcompiler — A compiler framework that automates translation from source code to silicon.
- SimLogger — Simplify scientific data logging
- simpgit — A tool to simplfy git operations
- simple-bump — Simple Semantic Versioning for Python projects
- simple-deployment — no summary
- simple-gpu-queue — Simple GPU Queue: For running lots of smaller experiments on your handful of GPUs, designed for JAX
- simple-kfp-task — Generate a simple Kubeflow Pipeline task
- SimpleApplication — Simple Application in Python
- SimpleDeployer — Dead simple deployment system
- simpleicons — Use a wide-range of icons derived from the simple-icons/simple-icons repo in python.
- SimplHDL — A framework for simulating and implementing HDL designs
- simpml — SimpML is an open-source, no/low-code machine learning library in Python that simplifies and automates machine learning workflows.
- simvue — Simulation tracking and monitoring
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- siphon-cli — A tool to efficiently extract and compress Git repository contents for LLMs.
- skilletlib — Tools for working with PAN-OS Skillets in Python 3
- skip-developers-chamber — A small plugin which help with development, deployment, git
- skulk — Streamline release for Conductor client tools and others
- slagit — no summary
- slai-cli — no summary
- slap-cli — Slap is a command-line utility for developing Python applications.
- slapp — Tool for easy deploying projects to git repo.
- slim-cli — Automation of the application of software lifecycle best practices to your GitHub repositories
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- slrkit — Tools to automatize systematic literature reviews
- SLTev — a tool for evaluation
- sltoo — rmtoo
- smartsim — AI Workflows for Science
- smartsquash — Makes daily git workflows easier, automates rebases or fixups.
- smartworld — Tools Collection of Smartworld
- smttask — Task wrapper for the Sumatra API
- smush — Tool to automate merging of topic branches
- snakemake — Workflow management system to create reproducible and scalable data analyses
- snakemake-py37 — Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. Snakemake workflows are essentially Python scripts extended by declarative code to define rules. Rules describe how to create output files from input files.
- snapbatch — `snapbatch` is a replacement of `sbatch` to create a snapshot of current working directory, and submit the command to `sbatch`.
- sndid — AI Sound Identification.
- snippets2changelog — Generate a changelog from individual snippets
- snk — no summary
- snowcomp — Compares files from different branches and spits out deleted files
- snowd — no summary
- snowflake-cicd — Snowflake CI/CD utility
- snowflake-cli — Snowflake CLI
- socialED — A Python Library for Social Event Detection
- socketsecurity — Socket Security CLI for CI/CD
- software-collection — Manage a collection of git repositories
- software-driven-RDM — no summary
- software-release — Automate Releasing of Software, following Semantic Versioning
- solida — NGS pipelines bootstrapper
- solovision — State-of-the-art Real Time Object Detection & Tracking System integrated with ReID architecture
- solutions-builder — A solution framework to generate a project with built-in structure and modules
- sonagent — Autonomous Agent for Digital Consciousness Backup Using Large Language Models (LLM).
- sorno-py-scripts — Herman Tai's python scripts all prefixed with "sorno_"
- souJpg-diffusers — State-of-the-art diffusion in PyTorch and JAX.
- Source-Assist — A DevOps automation tool for incrementing version numbers and git repo management
- sourcegraph — Convert GitHub Repo Into Graph
- sourceknight — simple dependency manager for sourcemod projects
- sourcesage — no summary
- SPACEc — SPatial Analysis for CodEX data (SPACEc)
- sparc — SPARC CLI - SPARC Framework Command Line Interface
- sparqlin — Spark SQL framework for Databricks jobs
- sparrow-python — no summary
- sparrow-tool — no summary
- spateo-release — Spateo: multidimensional spatiotemporal modeling of single-cell spatial transcriptomics
- spectrochempy — Processing, analysis and modelling Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python
- speedscope-to-codeperf — no summary
- spell — Spell CLI
- spellcaster — An open-source tool that leverages AI agents to enhance the quality of your codebase by scanning repositories for grammar, spelling, and code example errors in documentation files.
- sphinx-collections — Sphinx extension for collecting external data for Sphinx build.
- sphinx-deployment — A versioned documentation deployment tool for sphinx.
- sphinx-gha — Sphinx Extension for Documenting GitHub Actions
- sphinx-git — git Changelog for Sphinx
- sphinx-gitstamp — git timestamp generator for Sphinx
- sphinx-vcs-changelog — Project Git Changelog for Sphinx
- sphinx-versioned-docs — Sphinx extension to build versionsed docs.
- sphinx-xml2rfc — A sphinx extension for documenting IETF Internet-Draft versions
- sphinxcontrib-data-pipeline — This extension allows you to document data processing pipelines that connect tools ("drivers") and corresponding data products
- sphinxcontrib-git-context — A Sphinx plugin to get the version and the release settings from the GIT repository
- sphinxcontrib-scm — Sphinx SCM interface