Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- robot-chat — RobotChat is AI robotics programming in your terminal
- robot_descriptions — Import open source robot description as Python modules.
- robot-folders — robot_folders is your workspace handling utility around the ROS ecosystem.
- robota-core — A package to retrieve version controlled software projects from GitHub and GitLab, for further analysis.
- roboy-parlai — Unified API for accessing dialog datasets.
- robustness — Tools for Robustness
- rockstar — Makes you a Rockstar programmer in 2 minutes
- rocm-docs-core — Core utilities for all ROCm documentation on RTD
- rohe — An orchestration framework for End-to-End Machine Learning Serving with Resource Optimization on Heterogeneous Edge
- romt — Romt (Rust Offline Mirror Tool) enables mirroring of Rust programming language tools and crates for use in an offline context.
- roo — A package manager to handle R environments
- roodkcab — Used Setx to set Variable Global!
- ros-license-toolkit — Checks ROS packages for correct license declaration.
- rosdistro-reviewer — Automation for analyzing changes to the rosdep database and rosdistro index
- rosetta-search — Semantic Code Search informed by git commit messages
- RosettaPy — A Python utility for wrapping Rosetta command line tools.
- rosmap — Clones and analyzes ROS-Packages.
- rpc-component — Tools for managing RPC components.
- rpc_differ — Find changes between RPC-OpenStack revisions
- rpi-camera-colony — RPi Camera Colony: Central control for video acquisition with (many) Raspberry Pi cameras
- rpkg — A python library and runtime script for managing RPMpackage sources in a git repository
- rstdoc — rstdoc - support documentation in restructedText (rst)
- rtofdata — Data model for the Refugee Transitions Outcomes Fund (RTOF)
- rubick — Es una herramienta OpenSource escrita en Python que nos permite utilizar scaffolds para generar la estructura base de cualquier tipo de proyecto sin importar el lenguaje de programación o el tamaño del proyecto
- rubin-scheduler — Scheduling algorithms for Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
- rudaux — Canvas Course Management with JupyterHub & nbgrader.
- rumi-i18n — A static site translation monitoring tool
- runway — Simplify infrastructure/app testing/deployment
- rupindytetool — Dyte task myawsometool by Rupin Patel.
- rustbinsign — A tool to help you unstrip rust executables
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- s-vault — Simple vault server
- s1-cns-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- s1-shift-left-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- saashq-wrench — CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Saashq apps
- sacred — Facilitates automated and reproducible experimental research
- safa — A command line tool for running SAFA in the command line.
- safe-commit — A pre-commit hook for stopping you from committing to the main branch.
- safe-migrations — A Django package to safely generate and apply migrations from historical commits.
- safelysaveonline — SafelySaveOnline is a libary making it easy to save encrypted dictionaries and store them in a git repository.
- salesforce-merlion — Merlion: A Machine Learning Framework for Time Series Intelligence
- saltstack-vulcan — Formula build tool for SaltStack.
- sardine — Manage your docker-composes as if they were snipets
- sasctl — SAS Viya Python Client
- satori-ci — Satori CI - Automated Testing
- savory — cli tool to manage saltstack git repositories
- sayjira — Adds a jira ticket from branch name to the beginning of a commit message
- sbmodder — Tool to manage git submodule
- sc3nb — SuperCollider3 (sc3) for Python and Jupyter notebooks
- scancodeio — Automate software composition analysis pipelines
- scdlp — no summary
- scibench — A Python project template.
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scilaunch — A tiny program for you, setting up the ground for grand discoveries. (2023)
- scilpy — Scilpy: diffusion MRI tools and utilities
- scioer-builder — A cli application to help build custom versions of the sci-oer course container
- sciolyid — Create ID Discord bots for SciOly studying.
- sciris — Fast, flexible tools to simplify scientific Python
- sciunit — A test-driven framework for formally validating scientific models against data.
- scmrepo — scmrepo
- — A continuous experimentation framework to perform infrastructure experiments
- scrapy-toolbox — Error Handling and Processing for your Scrapy Exceptions
- scrippy-git — "Socle de fonctions utilisées dans les scripts python de gestion d'infrastructure."
- scruft — A tool for managing consistency across repositories.
- scsims — Scalable, Interpretable Deep Learning for Single-Cell RNA-seq Classification
- scss-compile — A CLI for compiling SCSS files to CSS, and associated pre-commit hook.
- SDGraph — A simple jedi based python3 dependency analysis tool
- sdkms-git-sign-tool — Fortanix SDKMS Git sign tool
- sdkms-plugin-registry-builder — Fortanix SDKMS Plugin Registry Builder
- sdot — Tools to construct/handle PowerDiagram, notably for semi-discrete optimal transport
- sdRDM — Software-driven RDM converts markdown data models into powerful objects that can be serialized to JSON, XML, YAML and HDF5
- sdrdm_database — An sdRDM-based framework to utilize databases
- sdv — Generate synthetic data for single table, multi table and sequential data
- seagoat — A semantic-code search engine
- sealights-python-agent — Python Agent
- searchdatamodels — no summary
- season — season wiz web framework
- sebaubuntu-libs — SebaUbuntu's shared libs
- sebschmi-snakemake — Snakemake is a workflow management system that aims to reduce the complexity of creating workflows by providing a fast and comfortable execution environment, together with a clean and modern specification language in python style. Snakemake workflows are essentially Python scripts extended by declarative code to define rules. Rules describe how to create output files from input files.
- sec-vault-generator — A framework to parse common things into an Obsidian vault.
- second-brain-tools — This project is a toolset for Second Brain,
- secrets-guard — Encrypts and decrypts private information
- section-history — no summary
- SeCureLI — Secure Project Manager
- seed-farmer — The AWS Professional Services CLI tool SeedFarmer for GitOps support with AWS_CodeSeeder
- seeeye — CI/CD toolkits for mobile apps
- seidr — Synthesize Execute Instruct Debug Rank
- SeisMonitor — To monitor seismic activity
- selfupdate — Python project that allow scripts to easily and safely update themselves if they are in a git repo
- sem — A Simulation Execution Manager for ns-3
- semgrep-agent — no summary
- semgrep-rules-manager — Manager of third-party Semgrep rules
- semvergit — Manage your project's version numbers.
- sense-o-api — SENSE-Orchestrator Northbound API Client
- sensor-position-dataset-helper — A helper for the SensorPositionDateset (recorded 2019, published 2021)
- sentineltoolbox — no summary
- sentry-infra-tools — Infrastructure tools used at Sentry
- seqsynch — GitHub synch for sequence management
- serial-weighing-scale — serial_weighing_scale
- servicefoundry — Deploy applications and interact with the Truefoundry platform using CLI