Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- matyan — Generate changelog from Git commits.
- mauto — Automate deployment of monitoring tools
- maxware-tsp-cli — no summary
- mayat — AST-based code similarity detection tool
- mbed-project — Project and library management for Mbed OS
- mbed-tools — Command line interface for Mbed OS.
- mbed-tools-ci-scripts — Continuous Integration scripts used by Mbed tools Python packages
- mbootstrap — Mini Bootstrap Script
- mccode_antlr — ANTLR4 grammars for McStas and McXtrace
- mccole — Simple template for static web sites
- mcm-cli — A command-line interface for Moloco Commerde Media
- mcp-server-git — A Model Context Protocol server providing tools to read, search, and manipulate Git repositories programmatically via LLMs
- mcpunk — MCP tools for Roaming RAG
- md-dead-link-check — This is a lightweight and fast tool to help you keep your Markdown files free of broken links.
- md-to-html — Python module for converting Markdown to HTML
- md2api — no summary
- mdirtree — Generate directory structure from ASCII art or Markdown files
- mdserve — Markdown server.
- MechTruffleHog — Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and regex patterns. Suitable for local development and pipeline workflows.
- medux — MedUX: Open Source Electronic Medical Record
- meeseeksbox — MeeseeksBox
- Megalus — Command line helpers for docker and docker-compose
- melanin — Darken Python code exposed to sunlight
- meld-sandbox — M3LD data privacy as code.
- mellarikat-alo — ALO (AI Learning Organizer)
- memorycode — Memorycode
- memote — the genome-scale metabolic model test suite
- menderbot — The AI-powered command line tool for working with legacy code
- mentat — AI coding assistant on your command line
- merger — Package used for merging branches, squashing them and saying who reviewed them
- merlin-sdk — Python SDK for Merlin
- message-ix-models — Tools for the MESSAGEix-GLOBIOM family of models
- metafield — Computational linguistic research companion
- metagit — A Git Project Manager
- metagpt — The Multi-Agent Framework
- metagpt-simple — The Multi-Agent Framework
- metamart-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for MetaMart
- metaphor-connectors — A collection of Python-based 'connectors' that extract metadata from various sources to ingest into the Metaphor app.
- metarepo — Git Meta Repository Manager
- metasrc — LSST project metadata synthesis and JSON-LD export library.
- MeteorTools — Python Tools for Meteor Data Analysis
- metovhooks — My personal git hooks.
- metricflow-lite — Lite version of MetricFlow. This version is missing dependencies for using connectors with data warehouses
- metrics-layer — The open source metrics layer.
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- metron-smappee — Interfaz de conexion entre un Smappee Pro y el blockchain de Pylon
- mfu — Michael's fun utilities
- mgsc — Multi git server client. A basic client for multiple git servers like GItlab, Github and Gitea
- mhmzx-little-paimon — (非官方)小派蒙!原神qq群机器人,基于NoneBot2的UID查询、抽卡导出分析、模拟抽卡、实时便签、札记等多功能小助手。
- mibplugin — Mib Compilation and Loading
- micro-test-hub — A system to support the creation of integration tests for MOC microservices
- microagi-git — Git For Humans: Predictable, secure and precision tuned command-line assistant that translates natural language into Git commands.
- microblog-git — Python renderer for git microblogs
- microblog-server — Microblog server backend
- microdrop-plugin-template — Microdrop plugin template
- micropy-cli — Micropython Project Management Tool with VSCode support, Linting, Intellisense, Dependency Management, and more!
- midap — A package for cell segmentation and tracking.
- mig3-client — Send test result to Mig3 service
- migration-db — Migrate database files
- mike-brady — Create a repo from a repo blueprint
- minchin.releaser — Minchin.Releaser is a collection of tools designed to make releasing Python packages easier.
- minilayer — no summary
- minimax-lib — Efficient baselines for autocurricula in JAX
- missing-diff-lines — Creates a set of all lines that have no test coverage in the current git diff
- missinglink — Command line tool and SDK for platform
- missinglink-kernel — Kernel SDK for streaming realtime metrics to
- missinglinkai-resource-manager-docker — Resource Manager - Docker version
- mite-cli — mite cli tool
- mitosis — Reproduce Machine Learning experiments easily
- mitre-attack — no summary
- mixdiff — Mixture of Diffusers for scene composition and high resolution image generation .
- mixy — no summary
- mk — mk
- mkblog — MkDocs plugin for blogging
- mkchangelog — Generate changelog from git log with convencional commits.
- mkdocs-blogging-plugin — Mkdocs plugin that generates a blog index page sorted by creation date.
- mkdocs-branchcustomization-plugin — Update mkdocs configuration based on the git branch
- mkdocs_build_webhook — no summary
- mkdocs-git-committers-plugin-2 — An MkDocs plugin to create a list of contributors on the page. The git-committers plugin will seed the template context with a list of GitHub or GitLab committers and other useful GIT info such as last modified date
- mkdocs-git-latest-changes-plugin — MkDocs plugin that allows you to display a list of recently modified pages from the Git log
- mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin — Mkdocs plugin that enables displaying the localized date of the last git modification of a markdown file.
- mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin — MkDocs plugin for setting revision date from git per markdown file.
- mkdocs-git-revision-date-plugin-blame — MkDocs plugin for setting revision date from git per markdown file using blame.
- mkdocs-git-show-history-log-plugin — MkDocs plugin for showing a history log for a specified markdown file
- mkdocs-git-tag-plugin — mkdocs plugin for enabling git-tag injection in markdown
- mkdocs-gitsnippet-plugin — Mkdocs plugin that allow to inject snippet or all markdown content from a given remote git repository.
- mkdocs-latest-git-tag-plugin — MkDocs plugin to get the latest git tag from the local repository
- mkdocs-latest-release-plugin — MkDocs plugin to display the latest version based on git tags.
- mkdocs-mermaid-export-to-svg — MkDocs plugin for showing a history log for a specified markdown file
- mkdocs-newsletter — Automatically create newsletters from the changes in a mkdocs repository
- mkdocs-revealjs — Mkdocs plugin that enables displaying a Revealjs Presentation directly from an (mkdocs) markdown file.
- mkdocs-rss-plugin — MkDocs plugin which generates a static RSS feed using git log and page.meta.
- mkdocs-snippet-plugin — An mkdocs plugin that injects snippets from a file in a git repository
- mkdocs-yamp — Yet Another Multirepo Plugin for MkDocs. Adds additional repositories to a directory within the docs directory to be referenced in the navigation
- mkdocs-zettelkasten — Add Zettelkasten features to MkDocs
- mknodes — Don't write docs. Code them.
- mknotebooks — Plugin for mkdocs to generate markdown documents from jupyter notebooks.
- mknotebooks-with-links — Plugin for mkdocs to generate markdown documents from jupyter notebooks.
- mkreports — A package to programmatically create mkdocs sites.
- ml4math — no summary