Reverse Dependencies of GitPython
The following projects have a declared dependency on GitPython:
- opal-common — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. opal-common contains common code used by both opal-client and opal-server.
- opal-common-fork — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. opal-common contains common code used by both opal-client and opal-server.
- opal-server — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. The opal-server creates a pub/sub channel clients can subscribe to (i.e: acts as coordinator). The server also tracks a git repository (via webhook) for updates to policy (or static data) and accepts continuous data update notifications via REST api, which are then pushed to clients.
- opal-server-fork — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. The opal-server creates a pub/sub channel clients can subscribe to (i.e: acts as coordinator). The server also tracks a git repository (via webhook) for updates to policy (or static data) and accepts continuous data update notifications via REST api, which are then pushed to clients.
- open-dev — A collection of tooling to enable open source development..
- open-project-linter — Automatic checklist for open source project best practices.
- open-source-init — A tool to automatically create a github repo, integrate travis, code coverage, read the docs, and everything else necessary for OSS development
- openadapt — Generative Process Automation
- openaihub — OpenAIHub installer and others
- openbaton-ems — Openbaton generic EMS
- opendelta — An open source framework for delta learning (parameter efficient learning).
- openfalcon — no summary
- opengamedata-common — A package for shared code used by other packages/tools in the OpenGameData software ecosystem.
- opengate — Simulation for Medical Physics
- openhands-aci — An Agent-Computer Interface (ACI) designed for software development agents OpenHands.
- openmetadata-ingestion — Ingestion Framework for OpenMetadata
- openmsistream — Python applications for materials data streaming using Apache Kafka. Developed for Open MSI (NSF DMREF award #1921959)
- openpecha — OpenPecha Toolkit allows state of the art for distributed standoff annotations on moving texts
- openpnm-test — A framework for conducting pore network modeling simulations of multiphase transport in porous materials
- openProduction — A framework to model device production
- openselery — A Software-Defined Funding Distribution
- opensoundscape — Open source, scalable acoustic classification for ecology and conservation
- opentimestamps-client — Command-line tool to create and verify OpenTimestamps proofs
- oplangchain — langchain for OpenPlugin
- ops-cli — Ops - wrapper for Terraform, Ansible, and SSH for cloud automation
- opswork — OpsWork Swiss Knife.
- OpsworksTool — no summary
- optimum-furiosa — Optimum Furiosa is the interface between the 🤗 Transformers library and Furiosa NPUs such as Furiosa Warboy. It provides a set of tools enabling easy model loading and inference for different downstream tasks for Furiosa NPU.
- optimum-graphcore — Optimum Library is an extension of the Hugging Face Transformers library, providing a framework to integrate third-party libraries from Hardware Partners and interface with their specific functionality.
- optimum-habana — Optimum Habana is the interface between the Hugging Face Transformers and Diffusers libraries and Habana's Gaudi processor (HPU). It provides a set of tools enabling easy model loading, training and inference on single- and multi-HPU settings for different downstream tasks.
- optimum-neuron — Optimum Neuron is the interface between the Hugging Face Transformers and Diffusers libraries and AWS Trainium and Inferentia accelerators. It provides a set of tools enabling easy model loading, training and inference on single and multiple neuron core settings for different downstream tasks.
- OpUstad — OpUstad
- oracle-ads — Oracle Accelerated Data Science SDK
- oracle-object-tracker — A Python-based tool for tracking Oracle database object DDL with git
- orb_analysis — the package can be used for analysing fragment calculations with the AMS software package
- orc-dev-cli — CLI dev tool for interacting with openshift clusters and RHOAM addons.
- orca-nw-lib — APIs to interact with SONiC NW
- orchd-sdk — SDK for Orchd Ecosystem Applications
- orf-utils — Utils for different actions within the open-reading-frame GitHub Organization
- Orion — Asynchronous [black-box] Optimization
- — Orkid Build Tools
- orquestra-sdk — Compose Orquestra workflows using a Python DSL
- osa_differ — Find changes between OpenStack-Ansible versions
- osia — OpenShift infra automation
- osism — OSISM manager interface
- oss-directory — Open source software directory
- oss-red-flag-checker — Check remote repositories for typical red flags like CLAs and risks due to low development activity
- other-semantic-release — Automatic semantic versioning for python projects
- otterdog — Tool to manage GitHub organizations and their repositories.
- overhave — Overhave - web-framework for BDD
- overlincs-git — Unofficial fork of python-sharelatex to manage
- owmeta-core — owmeta-core is a platform for sharing relational data over the internet.
- ozapfdis — Open Zippy Analysis Project For Data In Software: A helper library that let's you import all kinds of software related data into the data analysis framework pandas.
- ozi-core — The OZI Project packaging core library.
- p4x — Philipp Tempel's Personal Python Package. Includes lots of self-made modules and methods.
- package-locator — For a package, locate its source repository url and its relative path within the repository
- Package-Version-Manager — Package release tool
- packagit — Increment version, create and push tag for release
- packgithub — Github automation using python
- packitos — A set of tools to integrate upstream open source projects into Fedora operating system.
- paco-cloud — Paco: Prescribed automation for cloud orchestration
- pactus — Framework to evaluate Trajectory Classification Algorithms
- pad-final-project — Final project for the 'Python for data analysis' subject in the UNAV Master's degree in Big Data Science.
- pademelon — Used to retrospectively add static type checking on legacy project by just running the checks on only files modified in a pull request.
- pagemarks — Free, git-backed, self-hosted bookmarks
- pagermaid — A telegram utility daemon and plugin framework.
- pagure-exporter — Simple exporter tool that helps migrate repository files, data assets and issue tickets from projects on Pagure to GitLab
- paige-gitflow — Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- panoptes-aggregation — Aggregation code for Zooniverse panoptes projects.
- paper-animator — Animate a version-controlled PDF/LaTeX paper!
- papersync — A tool for syncing LaTeX projects with Git and external folders.
- papert-lab — papertlab is an AI pair programmer in your browser.
- paraloq-installer-experimental — Facilitates installing paraloq software.
- paramit — Parameterize Python scripts/notebooks all from the command line.
- parlai — Unified platform for dialogue research.
- partcad — Package manager for CAD models and a modelling framework
- partcad-skyline — The City of One
- pass-operator — A Kubernetes operator that syncs and decrypts secrets from pass store git repositories
- passpy — ZX2C4's pass compatible Python library and cli
- patched-cli — patched cli
- patchparser — A python package to extract features from a commit patch.
- patchwork-cli — no summary
- payu — A climate model workflow manager for supercomputing environments
- pbi-tools — Power BI REST API wrapper and other tools
- pbutils — MacOS paste board utilities
- pds-github-util — util functions for software life cycle enforcement on github
- pdtools — Paradrop Developer Tools
- pdx-lib — Library to speed up common scripting tasks at PSU
- peakrdl-markdown — Export Markdown description from the systemrdl-compiler register model
- peegy — Tools to pipeline bulk analyses of EEG and other modalities.
- pegasus-wrapper — A higher-level API for ISI Pegasus, adapted to the quirks of the ISI Vista group
- pelutils — Utility functions that are often useful
- penify-cli — A penify cli tool to generate Documentation, Commit-summary and Hooks to automate git workflows.
- pentagon — Radically simple kubernetes
- percheron — no summary
- person-detector — A high level API for detecting and tracking people.
- pesummary — Python package to produce summary pages for Parameter estimation codes
- PF-PWeb-SourceMan — PWeb Project source management tool by Problem Fighter
- pfsense-git-config — pfSense Git Config