Reverse Dependencies of flake8-docstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-docstrings:
- dsl-james — CLI tool for starting up a project
- dts-utils — DTS utility python package
- dynamic-diffraction-module — A python based framework for dynamic diffraction calculations of crystals.
- easy-file — Files for humans.
- easysim — A library for creating Gym environments with unified API to various physics simulators
- ebcc — Coupled cluster calculations on electron-boson systems
- ebooks-lister — Get normalized metadata from paths with ebooks.
- egrader — Auto-grader for Git-based programming exercises
- ekf-slam — Python implementation of EKF SLAM
- elasticsearch-logging — Elasticsearch logging
- elhub-python-sdk — Non official Python SDK for ElHub API.
- email-address — Email address utility class
- enterprise-search — Enterprise search CLI.
- esp-serial-find — Find the ESP32 serial port name with device serial number on macOS.
- espnet — ESPnet: end-to-end speech processing toolkit
- ethereum-rlp — Recursive-length prefix (RLP) serialization as used by the Ethereum Specification.
- ethereum-types — Types used by the Ethereum Specification.
- etlrules — A python ETL rule engine operating with data frames.
- etna — ETNA is the first python open source framework of T-Bank AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- etna-ts — ETNA is the first python open source framework of AI Center. It is designed to make working with time series simple, productive, and fun.
- eulerangles — deal with large sets of Euler angles in Python
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- evaluators — Various scene understanding and perception evaluation metrics.
- eventmagic — Event scheduling with persistence for short-lived processes i.e. AWS Lambda
- everhome — api package.
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- f-cli — Cloud Engineer toolkit
- fastapi-sessions — Ready-to-use session library for FastAPI
- fastapi-users-tortoise — FastAPI Users - Database adapter for Tortoise ORM
- fastapiusers-edgedb — FastAPI Users - Database adapter for EdgeDB
- fauxmo — Emulated Belkin WeMo devices that work with the Amazon Echo
- feature-encoders — A library for encoding features and their pairwise interactions.
- FGL — A fast graph library.
- filenamemanager — A simple library to handle filenames automatically for artifacts..
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flake8-keyword-params — Flake8 keyword parameter validation
- flake8-literal — Flake8 string literal validation
- flake8-ls — super fast flake8 language server
- flake8-modern-annotations — Flake8 modern annotations validation
- flake8-no-implicit-concat — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-no-implicit-str-concat-in-list — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-no-pytest-mark-only — Flake8 plugin to disallow the use of the pytest.mark.only decorator.
- flake8-noqa — Flake8 noqa comment validation
- flake8-numbers — Flake8 Numbers Plugin
- flake8-profiles — profiles for flake8
- flake8-pyprojecttoml — Inject pyproject.toml support into flake8.
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flict — FOSS License Compatibility Tool
- flowops — FlowOps: Optical Flow for Computer Vision
- fluffy-disco — A demo only
- folio-data-import — A python module to interact with the data importing capabilities of the open-source FOLIO ILS
- foo-bar-eggs-baruch — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- forbids — forBIDS - BIDS protocol compliance validation
- formelsammlung — Collection of different functions
- frequenz-api-common — Frequenz common gRPC API and bindings
- frequenz-api-dispatch — Frequenz gRPC API to propagate dispatches to microgrids
- frequenz-api-electricity-trading — Specification for Electricity Trading API.
- frequenz-api-microgrid — Frequenz gRPC API for monitoring and control of microgrids
- frequenz-api-reporting — Frequenz gRPC API to aggregate component data from microgrids
- frequenz-api-weather — Frequenz gRPC API for retrieving weather forecasts.
- frequenz-channels — Channel implementations for Python
- frequenz-client-base — Utilities for writing Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-common — Common code and utilities for Frequenz API clients
- frequenz-client-dispatch — Dispatch API client for Python
- frequenz-client-electricity-trading — Electricity Trading API client for Python
- frequenz-client-microgrid — Microgrid API client for Python
- frequenz-client-reporting — Reporting API client for Python
- frequenz-dispatch — A highlevel interface for the dispatch API
- frequenz-microgrid-betterproto — Bindings to the microgrid API generated using betterproto
- frequenz-quantities — Types for holding quantities with units
- frequenz-repo-config — Frequenz repository setup tools and common configuration
- frequenz-reporting-python — A highlevel interface for the reporting API
- funasr — FunASR: A Fundamental End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit
- funcodec — FunCodec: A Fundamental, Reproducible and Integrable Open-source Toolkit for Neural Speech Codec
- furbox — Python library for various furry media utilities
- fusion-sdk — JPMC Fusion Developer Tools
- fusionlab — Useful packages for DL
- galilei — the galilei project.
- gdec — Linear decoders for angled grating stimuli
- gdrf — Pytorch+GPytorch implementation of GDRFs from San Soucie et al. 2020.
- gefest — The toolbox for the generative design of physical objects
- genestboost — General boosting framework for any regression estimator
- gentun — Hyperparameter tuning for machine learning models using a distributed genetic algorithm
- geo-rasterizer — Package to rasterize shapes in a geodataframe to a reference geotif.
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- geomeffibem — A small library to facilitate some building energy modeling geometry operations with OpenStudio and EnergyPlus in mind.
- geomstats — Geometric statistics on manifolds
- geotribu — Une ligne de commande pour Geotribu qui offre des outils pour rechercher et consulter les contenus et images, et faciliter les tâches récurrentes des contributeur/ices.
- gitcc — GIT Commit Check - check the commit for certain rules
- givenergy-modbus — A python library to access GivEnergy inverters via Modbus TCP, with no dependency on the GivEnergy Cloud.
- gnetcli-adapter — Gnetcli-server adapter for Annet
- google-ads-report — Easier to use
- google-play-developer-api — Wrapper for APIs
- gp2040ce-binary-tools — Tools for working with GP2040-CE firmware and storage binaries.
- gpt-review — Python Project for reviewing GitHub PRs with Open AI and Chat-GPT.
- gptfunctionutil — A simple package for the purpose of providing a set of utilities that make it easier to invoke python functions and coroutines using OpenAI's GPT models.
- gradec — Meta-analytic gradient decoding
- graphene-gino — no summary
- grid-tariff-calculator — Library to calculate the grid tariffs in Norway.