Reverse Dependencies of flake8-docstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-docstrings:
- codeworks — CodeWorks python package
- coffee-n-py — no summary
- CohesiveSDK — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- colcon-alias — Extension for colcon to create and modify command aliases.
- colcon-bash — Extension for colcon to provide Bash scripts.
- colcon-cargo — Extension for colcon to support cargo packages.
- colcon-clean — Extension for colcon to clean package workspaces.
- colcon-cmake — Extension for colcon to support CMake packages.
- colcon-core — Command line tool to build sets of software packages.
- colcon-defaults — Extension for colcon to read defaults from a config file.
- colcon-devtools — Extension for colcon to provide information about all extension points and extensions
- colcon-ed — Extension for colcon to edit file in directories.
- colcon-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Gradle packages.
- colcon-installed-package-information — Extensions for colcon to inspect packages which have already been installed.
- colcon-lcov-result — Extension for colcon to gather test results.
- colcon-mixin — Extension for colcon to read CLI mixins from files.
- colcon-notification — Extension for colcon to provide status notifications.
- colcon-output — Extension for colcon to customize the output in various ways.
- colcon-override-check — Extension for colcon to check for potential problems when overriding installed packages.
- colcon-package-information — Extension for colcon to output package information.
- colcon-package-of — Extension for colcon to get packages of files.
- colcon-parallel-executor — Extension for colcon to process packages in parallel.
- colcon-powershell — Extension for colcon to provide PowerShell scripts.
- colcon-python-setup-py — Extension for colcon to support Python packages with the metadata in the file.
- colcon-recursive-crawl — Extension for colcon to recursively crawl for packages.
- colcon-rerun — Extension for colcon to quickly re-run a recently executed verb.
- colcon-ros — Extension for colcon to support ROS packages.
- colcon-ros-cargo — Extension for colcon to support Ament Cargo packages.
- colcon-ros-distro — Extension for colcon to discover packages in a ROS distribution.
- colcon-ros-domain-id-coordinator — Extension for colcon to coordinate different DDS domain IDs for concurrently running tasks.
- colcon-ros-gradle — Extension for colcon to support Ament Gradle packages.
- colcon-zsh — Extension for colcon to provide Z shell scripts.
- collie — A PyTorch library for preparing, training, and evaluating deep learning hybrid recommender systems.
- collie-recs — A PyTorch library for preparing, training, and evaluating deep learning hybrid recommender systems.
- commit-tracker — Commit Tracker analyzes Git repositories to present comprehensive statistics.
- configuration-settings — General purpose config file parser
- cosmics — Tools for an event-driven design following Cosmic Python
- county-adjacency — This package provides adjacency information for US counties (or their equivalent).
- creevey — Bulk image processing
- crepr — Create a __repr__ for your python classes from the definition found in __init__
- cryotypes — Generalized python types and validators for cryoEM data.
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- curvesimilarities — Curve similarity measures
- curvesimplify — Polyline simplifying package
- cx-copilot — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- dado — Dado: Data Driven Test Decorator.
- dash-avatar — Create input-output web applications and user interfaces using Plotly Dash lightning fast.
- dask-regionprops — Compute region properties using dask delayed and dataframe
- dbnomics-fetcher-toolbox — Toolbox of functions and data types helping writing DBnomics fetchers.
- dbrief — Python package for quickly creating lightweight HTML reports
- dbt-common — The shared common utilities that dbt-core and adapter implementations use
- ddex — ddex
- declare-cloudinfra-standard-template-library — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- deduplicationdict — A dictionary that de-duplicates values.
- deepmreye — MR-based eye tracker without eye tracking
- deepts-forecasting — Deep Learning Models for time series prediction..
- dell-unisphere-mock-api — A FastAPI-based mock implementation of the Dell EMC Unisphere REST API
- denonavr — Automation Library for Denon AVR receivers
- dev-moviepy — Video editing with Python
- device-ui — UI for micro devices based on QT
- devwrangler — Bringing peace, freedom, justice, and security to your Python empire.
- dialogflow-fulfillment — Create webhook services for Dialogflow using Python
- diffeqzoo — Ordinary differential equation zoo
- din — Dunder Mixins
- Diofant — Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
- dipcoatimage-finitedepth — Image analysis for finite depth dip coating process
- dipcoatimage-finitedepth-ifd — Measure finite depth dip coating roughness with integral Fréchet distance.
- discogs-track — no summary
- — An extension which makes a rich-help command for
- discretize — Discretization tools for finite volume and inverse problems
- displayrws — SPI Display and ESP32 project
- django-activity-tracker — A reusable Django application to track user actions through the database..
- django-app-tree — no summary
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django-gvar — Django extension which adds model fields to store multi-dimensional Gaussian random variables.
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-owm — Weather from the Open Weather Map APIs
- django-planetscale — A Django database backend for PlanetScale.
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-security-txt — Handle security.txt
- django-simple-bulma — Django application to add the Bulma CSS framework and its extensions
- django-unpoly — Unpoly integration for Django.
- django-urlconfchecks — a python package for type checking the urls and associated views.
- django-uwsgi-taskmanager — Django application to manage async tasks via admin interface, using uWSGI spooler.
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- docc — Python code documentation compiler
- doccano-client-duydv — A simple client wrapper for the doccano API.
- docint — Extracting information from DOCuments INTelligently.
- document-tools — 🔧 Tools to automate your document understanding tasks.
- DPSDV — Creating a Differential Privacy securing Synthetic Data Generation for tabular, relational and time series data.
- dpyrandmeme — Random memes fetched for use in bot commands.
- dremio-arrow — Dremio SQL Lakehouse Arrow Flight Client.
- drytoml — Keep toml configuration centralized and personalizable
- ds-best-practice-example — Showcase best practices for structuring a Python package.
- dsdk — An opinionated library to help deploy data science projects