Reverse Dependencies of flake8-docstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-docstrings:
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- project-async — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Async Client for a new API
- provision-ai — AI experiment provisioner
- psfmodels — Scalar and vectorial models of the microscope point spread function (PSF).
- ptspy — Pts is a python package for visualization and creative coding. It's the python version of the popular [Pts.js]( library.
- public-suffix-list — Split domain names into subdomain, registered, and public parts per the Public Suffix List
- pulp-2-tests — Functional tests for Pulp 2
- pulser-myqlm — An extension to interface MyQLM with Pulser.
- pulumi-ui — UI for visualizing self-hosted Pulumi state.
- py-dbchat — Chat with your existing database without using vector DB.
- py-helmet — A module providing Helmet-like security middleware for Python HTTP servers..
- py-homepass — Python package for basic interaction with the Plume Homepass API
- py-parser-sber — Simple parser of Sberbank, using selenium
- py-project-toml-kimtodd — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- py4ai-core — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- py4ai-data — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pyBlindRL — A Python implementation of blind Richardson-Lucy deconvolution
- pybolt-client — "REST API Client for Passbolt servers."
- pycasx — A Python implementation of ACAS XA and ACAS XU for Flightgear.
- pyclugen — Multidimensional cluster generation in Python
- pycookiecheat-slack — Borrow cookies from your browser's authenticated session for use in Python scripts.
- pydanticprotobuf — pydanticprotobuf
- pydecipher — Python un-freezing and bytecode extraction + analysis framework
- pydoit-project-builder — Templates to be used when creating projects.
- pydownlinkparser — parses spacecrafts down-links complying with the CCSDS standard
- PyDrive2 — Google Drive API made easy. Maintained fork of PyDrive.
- pye3dc — E3/DC client for python
- pyensemblorthologues — Tool to download ortologue genes from ensembl compara.
- pyfatfs — FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 implementation with VFAT support
- PyFstat — a python package for gravitational wave analysis with the F-statistic
- pyGCodeDecode — Generate time dependent boundary conditions from a .gcode file.
- pygeoif — A basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
- PyIRI — Python implementation of International Reference Ionosphere
- PyIRTAM — Python tool for IRTAM using PyIRI
- pyjats — Quick pydantic based parser for parsing JATS xml from e.g. EuropePMC
- pykauriid — A (reference) library of tools to support work with the Kauri ID data structures and protocols
- pykiwi — pykiwi
- pykx — An interface between Python and q
- pymanopt — Toolbox for optimization on Riemannian manifolds with support for automatic differentiation
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pymdownx-superfence-filter-lines — A custom superfence for pymdown-extensions that can filters lines and plays nice with MkDocs
- pymentoring — Anton Husiev Python Learning Course.
- pymeteobridgedata — Python Wrapper to communicate with a Meteobridge Weather Data Logger
- pyMicroeconomics — Functions for microeconomic analysis
- pymmcore-MDA-writers — MDA writers for pymmcore-plus
- pyndler — Executable bundler for Windows
- pynso-restconf — A Python client library for Cisco NSO (previously tail-f).
- pyodi — Object Detection Insights
- pypale — Python Passwordless Tokens.
- pypas — Python wrapper for CyberArk Core PAS REST-API
- pypergraph — Hypergraph data structure in Python.
- pypersonality — Identify the personality from a given text using (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset
- pyproject-pre-commit — pre-commit hooks for python projects using pyproject.toml.
- pyprojen — Minimal, spiritual fork of projen. No JSII. Python focused.
- pypyr — task-runner for automation pipelines defined in yaml. cli & api.
- pypyraws — pypyr task runner AWS plugin. Automate services like ECS, S3, Beanstalk & EC2 with automation pipelines without writing having to write code.
- pypyrslack — pypyr slack plug-in: send slack messages & notifications from pypyr task-runner automation pipelines.
- pyramids-gis — GIS utility package
- pyrchive — A Python package for interacting with
- pyreachx — Python Code Reachability Analyzer
- pyresumize — Resume Parser Written in Python3 . The module supports .pdf and .docx files
- pysatMadrigal — Madrigal instrument support for the pysat ecosystem
- pysatSpaceWeather — pysat support for Space Weather Indices
- pysinglesource — The high level software development kit (SDK) to participate in the decentralised SingleSource identity eco-system in Python.
- pySISF — A Python toolkit for SISF Images
- pysketcher — Geometric Sketching Utility for Python
- pyspark-dataframe-wrappers — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pysrpm — Convert python source distributions to source RPM (or spec files)
- pytest-azure — Pytest utilities and mocks for Azure
- pytest-kafka — Zookeeper, Kafka server, and Kafka consumer fixtures for Pytest
- pytest-shell-utilities — Pytest plugin to simplify running shell commands against the system
- pytest-skip-markers — Pytest Salt Plugin
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-graphql-client — Python GraphQL Client
- python-matter-server-priyankub — Python Matter WebSocket Server Fixes
- python-multimapwithttl — An implementation of multimap with per-item expiration backed up by Redis.
- python-nessus-api — Yet another Python package for latest Nessus Professional
- python-tools-scripts — Python Tools Scripts
- python-twonms-config — Python package to manage configs based on OmegaConf.
- python3-saml-django — Implement SAML Single Sign-On in your Django project quickly and easily.
- pytripalserializer — Serialize Tripal's JSON-LD API into RDF..
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- qsavvy — savvy's Quantum Stuff.
- query-flow — A library for visualizing your Queries as Sankey-diagrams..
- rak811 — Interface for RAK811 LoRa module
- raster-forge — Raster Forge is an package for the manipulation of raster data. It includes a library and a graphical user interface (GUI) application.
- rearden — Library of useful data structures for data preprocessing, vizualizations and grid search
- reference_package — A basic package setup with examples.
- reformat-money — A script to fix money references within a codebase.
- registry-sweepers — A set of utility scripts which transform/augment PDS registry metadata to support additional capabilities.
- regopy — Python interface for the OPA Rego Language and Runtime
- reportly — An Open Source Python Report Engine for Data Visualization with HTML.
- reprompt — Reprompt
- resource-backed-dask-array — experimental Dask array that opens/closes a resource when computing
- rijksplotlib — A datavizualization compliance library for RWS Datalab
- rimseval — Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) Data Evaluation for CRD Files.
- robotframework-pyocd — PyOCD interface library for robotframework