Reverse Dependencies of flake8-docstrings
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-docstrings:
- a-sync — async helper library.
- aac — A distinctly different take on Model-Based System Engineering (MBSE) that allows a system modeller to define a system in simple yaml.
- aac-bom — Architecture-as-Code (AaC) plugin for material modeling. Rigorously track your sites, assemblies, and parts.
- aac-gen-gherkin — An AaC plugin that generates Gherkin feature files from model behavior scenarios.
- aac-req-qa — no summary
- aboleth — Bayesian supervised deep learning with TensorFlow
- acmebot — ACME protocol automatic certitificate manager
- action-rules — The package for action rules mining using Action-Apriori (Apriori Modified for Action Rules Mining)..
- aegir — A minimal package to support configuration files without any additional work.
- aetcd — Python asyncio-based client for etcd
- aetcd3 — NOTICE: Please use aetcd package instead
- afkode — Personal voice command interface for iPhone on pythonista powered by Whisper and ChatGPT.
- agenet — Age of Information Model for wireless networks
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aimet-ml — Python package of frequently used modules for ML developments in AIMET..
- aioproc — Skeleton project created by Python Project Wizard (ppw).
- aiorb — Async Database ORM
- air2phin — Air2phin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- airphin — Airphin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- aleksis-builddeps — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Build/Dev dependencies for apps
- algobattle-base — The Algobattle lab course package.
- alias-cd — A CLI to help give aliases to directories
- amalgam-lang — A direct interface with Amalgam compiled DLL, dylib, or so.
- amsterdam-airflow-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam airflow instances.
- amsterdam-schema-tools — Tools to work with Amsterdam Schema.
- analogvnn — A fully modular framework for modeling and optimizing analog/photonic neural networks
- anaml-client — Python SDK for Anaml
- ansible-navigator — A text-based user interface (TUI) for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
- ap-games — Games Tic-Tac-Toe and Reversi with CLI.
- ap-rss-reader — AP RSS-reader with CLI.
- apache-dolphinscheduler — pydolphinscheduler is Apache DolphinScheduler Python API.
- api-client — Separate the high level client implementation from the underlying CRUD operations.
- Api-Counter — Simple API Counter from log files or folder.
- appier-report — Report APIs wrapper
- appins — appins - cli tool for enabledu ecosystem
- applovin-report — Applovin Report APIs wrapper.
- arcos4py — A python package to detect collective spatio-temporal phenomena.
- asciidag — Draw DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) as ASCII art, à la git log --graph
- ase-notebook — Highly configurable 2D (SVG) & 3D (threejs) visualisations for ASE/Pymatgen structures, within the Jupyter Notebook
- astrobasecloud — astrobase
- astrochem-embedding — Language models for astrochemistry
- atlannot — Align and improve brain annotation atlases
- atlinter — Interpolate missing section images in gene expression volumes
- audit-middleware — Audit Middleware for OpenStack
- AutoCase — Automatic AI based (optional) Camel / Snake / Pascal / Kebab / Train(Title) / Upper / Lower Case Conversion
- automagically — Python SDK für Automagically.
- automl-utils — Facilitating reproducible AutoML research.
- avicortex — Python functions and classes to build connectivity graphs and datasets from Freesurfer's brain cortical measurements.
- avro-compat — A library-compatibility layer for avro parsers
- azkv — CLI client for the Azure Key Vault data plane
- azure-datalake-utils — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- azure-nag — azure-nag static analysis tool
- badfiles — A malicious file detection engine written with Python and Yara.
- baruchiro — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- bds-sampler — Python bindings for bi-degree sequence generator
- beanahead — Beancount extension for future transactions
- better-dict — Python dictionary revamped.
- bfb-delivery — Tools to help plan deliveries for Bellingham Food Bank.
- bgcflow_wrapper — A snakemake wrapper and utility tools command line interface for BGCFlow.
- bi-tiktok-business-api-master — Tiktok Business API wrapper
- bids2cite — create a citation file for a BIDS dataset
- bindtool — Preprocessor for Bind9 zone files
- biobank-tools — Biobank Tools.
- biolearn — Machine learning for biomarkers computing
- bitorch — A package for building and training quantized and binary neural networks with Pytorch
- bokbokbok — Custom Losses and Metrics for XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost
- boltworks — A collection of decorators and functionns for Slack's bolt library to help you make a better slackbot.
- bone-pytex — 一个用来简化LaTex编写的Python库
- bonfo — Multiwii flight controller configuration management
- botblox — BotBlox Manager CLI tool
- botc-tokens — A collection of command line utilities for creating, updating, and grouping tokens for Blood on the Clocktower.
- botorch — Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch
- botroyale — A battle royale for bots.
- brain-app — Pass.
- bran — DER-Encoded ASN.1 Serialization and Deserialization
- btrfsgit — B-tree Filesystem Git attempts to enable git-like workflow for BTRFS subvolumes. Commit, push, checkout, stash, pull...
- build_harness — CI build harness embodying best practices for Python projects.
- carbon-black-cloud-sdk — Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK
- catalyst-codestyle — Catalyst.Codestyle
- catalystcoop.pudl-catalog — A catalog of open data related to the US energy system.
- catkin_pkg — catkin package library
- cbc-syslog — Syslog Connector for Carbon Black Cloud
- cbpa — cbpa
- cellphe — CellPhe: Toolkit for cell phenotyping from time-lapse videos
- censys-bigquery-cli — A command line tool for Censys Enterprise Customers that allows BQ access via the command line.
- censys-maltego — This package provides an interface into Censys from Maltego.
- centraal-client-flow — Proyecto que facilita el flujo de información de cliente.
- centraal-dataframework — Utilidades para interactuar con Azure Datalake.
- cfg4py — Easy config (template, auto-complete), hierarchichal design, monitor config change and load on-the-fly .
- cfgenvy — Configuration from Environment embedded in yaml.
- chatplayground — ChatPlayground for LLMs
- ChurchToolsApi — A Python wrapper for the ChurchTools API
- ci — Easily run common CI tasks for Python builds.
- civ4save — Extract data from a .CivBeyondSwordSave file
- class-based-fastapi — Class based routing for FastAPI
- cleopatra — visualization package
- clip-gofer — easily search through videos using natural language queries.
- coauthor — Coauthor Python Project
- coco-assistant — Helper for dealing with MS-COCO annotations.