Reverse Dependencies of coveralls
The following projects have a declared dependency on coveralls:
- IOHMM — A python library for Input Output Hidden Markov Models
- ipyannotations — Create rich adata annotations in jupyter notebooks.
- irgen — A python tool for generating and converting ir formats
- isatools — Metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments
- iScore — Scoring protein-protein interface using RWGK and SVM
- isqrt — Efficient pure-Python implementation of the integer square root function.
- iterlib — Parallel and concurrent iterators
- itu.algs4 — Python 3 port of the Java code in "Algorithms, 4th Edition" by Sedgewick and Wayne
- ivadomed — Feature conditioning for IVADO medical imaging project.
- j1-nbinteract — Export interactive HTML pages from Jupyter Notebooks for J1 Template
- jetblack-graphene — GraphQL Framework for Python
- Jord — Geodata toolbox
- journal-rss — A FastAPI web server for creating RSS feeds for scholarly journals with the magic of adversarial interoperability
- jsonvice — jsonvice minifies JSON files by trimming floating point precision.
- karstnet — Statistical characterization of karst networks
- kawasemi — A Python library for sending notifications to services such as Slack, HipChat, Twitter, and so on
- kaze-python — Python Node and SDK for the kaze blockchain
- kipoi-conda — kipoi-conda: conda/pip related functionality used by Kipoi
- kipoi_datasets — kipoi_datasets: training datasets for genomics
- kipoi_interpret — Kipoi interpret: interepretation plugin for Kipoi
- kipoi-utils — kipoi-utils: utils used in various packages related to kipoi
- kipoi_veff — kipoi_veff: variant effect prediction plugin for Kipoi
- kipoiseq — kipoiseq: sequence-based data-loaders for Kipoi
- kivy-garden.collider — Collides a point with a space defined by a curve.
- kivy-garden.contextmenu — Context and application menus for Kivy
- kivy-garden.drag-n-drop — Flower that can drag and drop widgets between Kivy layouts.
- kivy-garden.filebrowser — An advanced kivy file browser.
- kivy-garden.frostedglass — FrostedGlass is a Kivy widget with frosted glass effect.
- kivy-garden.graph — Display plots in kivy.
- kivy-garden.mapview — A kivy garden mapview demo.
- kivy-garden.modernmenu — A modern contextmenu for Kivy
- kivy-garden.navigationdrawer — Android Side Panel like widget.
- kivy-garden.painter — Flower for drawing shapes in Kivy.
- kivy-garden.radialslider — A kivy garden radialslider.
- kivy-garden.simpletablelayout — Simple Table Layout – HTML table-like layout that supports rowspan and colspan, built into Kivy Garden.
- kivy-garden.splittergrid — A kivy grid layout that allows user to resize columns ad rows.
- kivy-garden.tickmarker — TickMarker widget, used to mark intervals.
- kivy-garden.wordcloud — A wordcloud widget for kivy.
- kivymd — Set of widgets for Kivy inspired by Google's Material Design
- kivymd-extensions.akivymd — A set of fancy widgets for KivyMD
- kivymd-extensions.example-extension — Example extension that adds beautiful button
- kivymd-extensions.filemanager — File manager for desktop
- kivymd-extensions.sweetalert — Beautiful, responsive, customizable and accessible popup replacement
- kivymd-extensions.title-bar — File manager for desktop
- kivymd2 — Set of widgets for Kivy inspired by Google's Material Design
- krak — KraK Python Library
- laboral-kutxa — Unofficial Laboral Kutxa Python library
- lagrange — Pure-Python implementation of Lagrange interpolation over finite fields.""
- lambda-kit — A tool to package Python code for AWS Lambda.
- landlab — Open-source Python package for numerical modeling of Earth surface dynamics.
- langcrawler — Language Crawler
- laplace-torch — laplace - Laplace approximations for deep learning
- leap-ec — A general purpose Library for Evolutionary Algorithms in Python.
- leet — Leet library
- lego-console — Console for Lego Mindstorms Inventor / Spike Prime.
- lessqlite — A less-like command-line tool for paging through SQLite databases.
- leveropen — Python wrapper for Lever Open API
- lhe — Leveled homomorphic encryption library supportingup to three multiplications and unlimited additions.
- libcoveweb — no summary
- lifesci — This repo contains python3 life sciences utilities.
- lineapy — Data engineering, simplified. LineaPy creates a frictionless path for taking your data science artifact from development to production.
- linguist-breakdown — View the language breakdown of your entire GitHub account.
- lintaosp — Lint AOSP
- lintwork — Lint Work
- livedoc — Transforms tests in documentation, and viceversa
- localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- localstack-core — The core library and runtime of LocalStack
- lockable — lockable resource module
- logical — Callable class derived from the tuple type for representing logical operators/connectives based on their truth tables.
- m-phate — m-phate
- magic_constraints — Magic Type Introspection And Runtime Parameter Type/Value Checking.
- magic-impute — MAGIC
- mahotas — Mahotas: Computer Vision Library
- maidenhead — Maidenhead Locator, Lat Lon coordinate convertor
- mailtrigger — Remote service trigger with mail
- mainline — Simple yet powerful python dependency injection for py2/py3k
- mapbox — A Python client for Mapbox services
- mapboxcli — Command line interface to Mapbox Web Services
- mapview — A kivy garden mapview demo.
- marten — Stupid simple Python configuration environments
- masonite-inertia — Server-side Masonite adapter for Inertia.js
- matchmock — Hamcrest matchers for mock objects.
- matchpy — A library for pattern matching on symbolic expressions.
- matminer — matminer is a library that contains tools for data mining in Materials Science
- matricity — Embedded domain-specific library for implicitly and explicitly encoding functions as matrices that operate on domains of one-hot vectors.
- meld — MELD
- mentaws — moMENTary AWS credentials
- meshless — Meshless Methods for Computational Mechanics
- metalm-xclient — 雪浪模型推理服务的客户端
- metalmetrics — Metal Metrics
- metatable — Extensible table data structure that supports concise workflow descriptions via user-defined combinators.
- mgwr — multiscale geographically weighted regression
- mibi-bin-tools — Source for extracting .bin files from the commercial MIBI.
- micrometa — Reading of microscopy metadata
- mimid — Modern mocking library for Python.
- mink — mink: MuJoCo inverse kinematics.
- mirdata — Common loaders for MIR datasets.
- mitm — Man-in-the-middle proxy with customizable options.
- mja-graphene-sqlalchemy — Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
- mlbapi — A python3 API wrapper for the MLB API at