Reverse Dependencies of coveralls
The following projects have a declared dependency on coveralls:
- exporgo — Experiment organizer
- expurgator — Censor sensitive string data in Python.
- ezcf — Import JSON/YAML/INI/XML like .py files
- facebook-apps-tool — Facebook Apps Tools
- fairdatapoint — Python implementation of FAIR Data Point
- fairdatapoint-client — FAIR Data Point API client
- fairworkflows — FAIRWorkflows python library
- fastapi-jwt-auth — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-jwt-auth_md — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-jwt-auth2 — FastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support (secure, easy to use and lightweight)
- fastapi-paseto-auth — FastAPI extension that provides PASETO Auth support
- fastspecfit — Fast spectrophotometric modeling of DESI data.
- fdm — Estimate derivatives with finite differences
- fe25519 — Pure-Python data structure for working with Ed25519 (and Ristretto) field elements and operations.
- featuristic — Genetic algorithms for automated feature engineering and feature selection
- fenbux-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python
- fenics-ffcx — The FEniCSx Form Compiler
- fenics-ufl — Unified Form Language
- fenics-ufl-legacy — Unified Form Language
- figanos — Outils pour produire des graphiques informatifs sur les impacts des changements climatiques.
- filers2 — Video tools for recording experiments.
- filmpy — filmpy is a Python library for video processing and manipulation based on MoviePy
- fink-client — Light-weight client to manipulate alerts from Fink
- flapison — Flask extension to create REST web api according to JSONAPI 1.0 specification with Flask, Marshmallow and data provider of your choice (SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, ...)
- flasgger-tschaume — Extract swagger specs from your flask project
- flask-fs2 — Simple and easy file storages for Flask
- flask-minio-factory — A package, which provides easy usage for minio with flask
- flask-redoc — no summary
- Flask-REST-JSONAPI — Flask extension to create REST web api according to JSONAPI 1.0 specification with Flask, Marshmallow and data provider of your choice (SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, ...)
- flask-rested-jsonapi — Flask extension to create REST web api according to JSONAPI 1.0 specification with Flask, Marshmallow and data provider of your choice (SQLAlchemy, MongoDB, ...)
- flats — Minimal library that enables flattening of nested instances of iterable containers.
- flowMC — Normalizing flow exhanced sampler in jax
- fnmatch2 — An improved Unix filename pattern matching
- formulas — Parse and compile Excel formulas and workbooks in python code.
- foto — Command line photo manager
- fountains — Python library for generating and concisely specifying reproducible pseudorandom binary data for unit testing.
- foxessprom — Prometheus exporter for Fox ESS Inverters (using the Fox Cloud API).
- fpvgcc — Analysing code footprint on embedded microcontrollers using GCC generated Map files
- freezerbox — Database of DNA sequences.
- freqtrade — Freqtrade - Crypto Trading Bot
- frostmark — Frostmark - A simple bookmark manager.
- gamegym — Game theory framework, algorithms and game implementations
- garm-rate-limiter — Rate Limiter for Flask
- gdc-api-wrapper — A simple Python wrapper for the GDC Application Programming Interface
- ge25519 — Pure-Python data structure for working with Ed25519 (and Ristretto) group elements and operations.
- gemviz — Visualize Bluesky data from tiled server.
- genomehubs — GenomeHubs
- GeoProfile — A Python library for visualizing geotechnical profiles.
- gerritaction — Gerrit Action
- gerritstats — Gerrit Stats
- gfModParser — Parser for gfortran's Fortran module file format.
- glitter2 — Video scoring for behavioral experiments.
- glowprom — Receives gas and electric meter data from and exposes it to Prometheus.
- goodreads-export — Convert goodreads books to markdown files, for example for Obsidian.
- gpdvega — GpdVega GeoPandas and Altair intergation
- gradec — Meta-analytic gradient decoding
- graphene — GraphQL Framework for Python
- graphene-cruddals — Library base for create others libraries with the objective of create a CRUD+DALS with GraphQL
- graphene-django — Graphene Django integration
- graphene-django-cruddals — Framework for trivial code, Easy and Fast for learn, Easy and Fast for use
- graphene-neo4j — Graphene Django-Neo4J (neomodel) integration
- graphene-pandas — Graphene Pandas integration
- graphene-sqlalchemy — Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
- graphene-tornado — Graphene Tornado integration
- graphtools — graphtools
- grg-sphinx-theme — A GRG sphinx theme to use across GRG projects
- GridPath — A versatile simulation and optimization platform for power-system planning and operations.
- group_decomposition — A plugin for extracting data from .sum files and manipuating them
- gsshapyorm — An SQLAlchemy ORM for GSSHA model files.
- gtd — Manages a simple log book, to Get Things Done
- h5xplorer — A customizable HDF5 browser
- hanja — Hangul & Hanja library
- har-server — Programmable HTTP server for testing
- Heimdallr — A package for hosting and connecting to a live dashboard
- hgpmatch — A CSV driven solver for resident/hospital style matching markets
- hidden-pure-protobuf — [Stolen copy of] Implementation of Protocol Buffers with dataclass-based schemaʼs
- historical — Historical tracking of AWS resource configuration.
- historical-reports — Collection of reporting functions built on top of Historical data sets.
- historical-reports-s3 — Historical function for generating full dictionary of all S3 buckets and corresponding metadata.
- histutils — Utilities for reading HiST data, etc.
- hklpy2 — 2nd generation diffractometer controls for the Bluesky Framework.
- holms — Text to Unicode code points breakdown
- homeassistant_cli — Command-line tool for Home Assistant.
- hoshi — Python i18n for human beings
- htsimaging — High-Throughput Single-cell Imaging analysis.
- htsinfer — HTSinfer infers metadata from High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) data
- httpq — Parse, modify, and compile HTTP/1.1 messages.
- hubit — Minimal tool for connecting your existing models in a composite model allowing for asynchronous multi-processed execution
- hyperparameter-hunter — Easy hyperparameter optimization and automatic result saving across machine learning algorithms and libraries
- i75 — A wrapper around Pimoroni's `interstate75` library which allows for running locally and easier testing.
- ice-moviepy — a package for extracting short subtitled clips from movies by file.
- icloudpd — icloudpd is a command-line tool to download photos and videos from iCloud.
- im-fragalysis — Library for fragment based analysis
- imline — imline is key point marker and angular map creator on a face
- impactlab-tools — Python tools for Climate Impact Lab developers
- indexdigest — Analyses your database queries and schema and suggests indices and schema improvements
- inertia-masonite — Server-side Masonite adapter for Inertia.js
- inject-emoji — Emoji notation expansion.
- injectable — Injectable is an elegant and simple Dependency Injection framework built with Heart and designed for Humans.
- interpretable — interpretable: