Reverse Dependencies of coveralls
The following projects have a declared dependency on coveralls:
- bpyutils — A collection of various common Python utilities.
- brain-slam — Surface anaLysis And Modeling
- brainless — Automated Machine Learning for production and analytics
- brazil-monthly-deaths — Brazil deaths by city as pandas dataframe or csv file
- brazilcep — Minimalist and easy-to-use Python library designed to query CEP (Postal Address Code) data
- breakout-garden-exporter — Exposes Prometheus metrics based on data collected from Pimoroni Breakout Garden sensors
- bromodels — The GEOTOP and REGIS data downloaded from the DINOloket OPeNDAP server.
- bt-cheater — Bert's Cheat Notes cli
- btconfig — Module for reading configuration files
- btdashboard — Bert's Dashboard
- btecli — Extensible CLI
- btgitserver — Python-based Git Server
- btssh — Utility library for command invocation via ssh
- btweb — Utility library for fronting requests functionality
- bubop — Bergercookie's Useful Bits Of Python
- byoc — An object-oriented framework for command-line apps.
- cafelytics — Open-Source Agricultural Simulation for coffee cooperatives
- calour — CALOUR: exploratory and interactive microbiome analyses based on heatmap
- CalSciPy — A toolbox for analyzing, designing, and visualizing multiphoton imaging & optogenetics experiments.
- CAMD — camd is software designed to support autonomous materials research and sequential learning
- camillademo — A python demo
- candore — no summary
- capparselib — A module to parse and standardise CAP feeds
- captest — Framework and methods to facilitate photovoltaic facility capacity testing following ASTM E2848.
- carsons — A python library computing carson's equations.
- ccapi — Python API for Cell Collective
- ccdc-opencivicdata — campaign finance fork for python opencivicdata library
- cdm_reader_mapper — Common Data Model reader and mapper toolbox
- Ceed — Slice stimulation and recordings.
- cems-nuclei — Python wrapper around NUCLEI's functionality.
- centralized-pre-commit-conf — Easily install and update centralized pre-commit hooks and their configuration files in decentralized repositories
- cfn-cumulus — Simplified Cloudformation architectural patterns, with an opinion
- cg — Clinical Genomics command center
- chattr-django-master-password — Login as any user with a master password. Add master password support to your custom authentication backend.
- chimerapy — ChimeraPy: Python Distributed MultiModal Data Framework
- chimerapy-engine — ChimeraPy-Engine: The Cluster Networking Engine for the ChimeraPy framework
- chimerapy-orchestrator — ChimeraPyOrchestrator: A webapp and CLI tool for orchestrating ChimeraPy pipelines
- chromo-map — A Python package for manipulating color maps.
- chrov — chrov:
- circuit — Pure-Python library for building and working with logical circuits.
- circuitdb — Data set of optimal circuits for Boolean functions that have low arity.
- circuitry — Embedded domain-specific combinator library for the abstract assembly and automated synthesis of logical circuits.
- civicpy — CIViC variant knowledgebase analysis toolkit.
- ckanext-attribution — A CKAN extension that adds support for complex attribution.
- ckanext-ckanpackager — A CKAN extension that stores legacy download statistics from the deprecated service ckanpackager.
- ckanext-contact — A CKAN extension for adding popup contact forms to pages.
- ckanext-doi — A CKAN extension for assigning a digital object identifier (DOI) to datasets, using the DataCite DOI service.
- ckanext-gallery — A CKAN extension for a dataset gallery view.
- ckanext-gbif — A CKAN extension that that connects with the GBIF API.
- ckanext-graph — A CKAN extension that adds a graph view for resources.
- ckanext-iiif — IIIF for CKAN
- ckanext-ldap — A CKAN extension that provides LDAP authentication.
- ckanext-list — A CKAN extension that adds a list view for resources.
- ckanext-nhm — A CKAN extension for the Natural History Museum's Data Portal.
- ckanext-query-dois — A CKAN extension that creates DOIs for queries on resources.
- ckanext-sketchfab — A CKAN extension for embedding Sketchfab models as views.
- ckanext-statistics — A CKAN extension for accessing instance statistics.
- ckanext-status — A CKAN extension that adds a 'status' bar to the top of the page.
- ckanext-twitter — A CKAN extension that enables users to post a tweet every time a dataset is created or updated.
- ckanext-userdatasets — A CKAN extension that allows organisation members to create datasets, and edit or delete the datasets they have created.
- ckanext-versioned-datastore — A CKAN extension providing a versioned datastore using MongoDB and Elasticsearch
- ckanext-versioned-tiledmap — A CKAN extension with a map view for versioned-datastore backed resources.
- ckanext-video — A CKAN extension for embedding Youtube or Vimeo videos as views.
- ckanext-webview — A CKAN extension that adds a view for displaying generic/arbitrary URLs.
- ckantools — Utilities for ckan extensions.
- classparse — Declarative `ArgumentParser` definition with `dataclass` notation.
- clearly — Clearly see and debug your celery cluster in real time!
- click-logging — Logging integration for Click
- click-plugins — An extension module for click to enable registering CLI commands via setuptools entry-points.
- cloning — Simulate DNA cloning reactions.
- cloudaux — Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers
- clusterking — Cluster sets of histograms/curves, in particular kinematic distributions in high energy physics.
- co2mpas — The Type-Approving vehicle simulator predicting NEDC CO2 emissions from WLTP
- cola-plum-dispatch — Multiple dispatch in Python (with additional features for the CoLA library)
- comberload — Stop letting heavy packages block down your scripts!
- commitgpt — commitgpt assists developers in generating high-quality commit messages for their version control systems, such as git.
- common-log-parser — Parse HTTP Common Log format file for top visited urls, top ips and number of uniq ips
- compchem-si — A plugin for generating SI data from Gaussian output files
- conbench — Continuous Benchmarking (CB) Framework
- conch-sounds — Analyze acoustic similarity in Python
- consecution — Pipeline Abstraction Library
- contributors-txt — Generate a list of contributors automatically from git data
- coscon — Some convenience functions for Cosmology-related analysis.
- cosipymodel — Coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model in Python.
- country_converter — The country converter (coco) - a Python package for converting country names between different classifications schemes
- coveralls-check — Check coverage at
- CoverLovin2 — Download music album cover art for a music collection.
- cpac — C-PAC Python Package
- cparser — C Parser written in pure Python
- cpl-media — Kivy support for playing and recording various cameras.
- crabpy — Interact with geographical webservices by Informatie Vlaanderen.
- crabpy_pyramid — Bindings for the CRABpy webservices and the Pyramid framework.
- crashvb-logging-utilities — Consolidation of logging utilities.
- Cryb — Cryptocurrency data scraper
- cryptography-suite — A comprehensive and secure cryptographic toolkit.
- cryptologic — Python wrapper for cryptocompare API
- curvlinops-for-pytorch — scipy Linear operators for curvature matrices in PyTorch
- cybertensor — cybertensor
- dacite — Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries.
- dacite-cjunct — Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries.