Reverse Dependencies of configparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on configparser:
- sequdas-qc — Sequence Upload and Data Archiving System
- services-reviews — no summary
- setprogramoptions — Program options configuration file reader using ConfigParserEnhanced.
- sgdot — no summary
- sgdotlite — no summary
- shaman — Multiprocessing application to download and analyze a content of an html pages.
- shapeandshare-dicebox-core — Dicebox Core
- shapeout — User interface for real-time deformability cytometry (RT-DC)
- ShareDB — An on-disk pythonic embedded key-value store for compressed data storage and distributed data analysis.
- shavis — SHA256 and SHA1 hash image generator
- sheepdoge — Manage your personal Unix machine(s) with Ansible.
- shock-cooling-curve — A python module used to model the shock cooling emission from double-peaked supernovae.
- sigla — Yet another code generator
- simian-engine — A simple 2D game engine implemented with python!
- simon-says — GE/Interlogix Simon XT Alarm interface library and API
- simple-migrations — no summary
- simpleml — Simplified Machine Learning
- simpler-devops-api — A Simpler Python Module for interacting with Azure Devops
- simpysql — A simple mysql orm base on pymysql
- simpysqls — A simple mysql orm base on pymysql
- simutil — A simple python libs
- sitTools — Useful function tools for SIT project use.
- ski-weather-utah — A server-side app that sends daily updates for weather at select Utah ski resorts.
- skyctl — SkyCtl CLI Tool For Skybackend Server
- sleuren — Server monitoring agent
- sleurencli — Sleuren CLI
- slg-utilities — This is a description.
- slipstream-cli — A tool to use SlipStream from a shell.
- slitronomy — Sparse Linear Inversion Technique for lenstronomy
- SmartHepSub — no summary
- smarty-gpt — A wrapper of LLMs that biases its behaviour using prompts and contexts in a transparent manner to the end-users
- smbmap — SMBMap is a handy SMB enumeration tool
- smenan — Developed for Sade Tech. Corp.
- smipyping — A pure Python client for SNIA SMI test support.
- snapctl — Snapser CLI Tool
- snowflake-python-sdk — This package has been built to help developers build applications using snowflake quickly
- snowland-py253 — Python3 SDK for (SMS)
- snyp — Snyp is a command line utility that streamlines the process of creating text based documentation and programming tutorials in Markdown.
- soca — A python package that given an organization/user name, it will create a software catalog for browsing all repositories or just a single repository in a minimalist card.
- solarkat — Solar imaging pipeline for solar interference mitigation in MeerkAT
- solvency2-data — Package for reading the Solvency 2 Risk-Free Interest Rate Term Structures from the zip-files on the EIOPA website and deriving the term structures for alternative extrapolations
- sophos-central-api-connector — Sophos Central API Connector
- sorn — Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Networks
- SpaceShare — Package to schedule ride and hotel sharing
- spacetimedb-sdk — no summary
- sparkplug — An AMQP message consumer daemon
- sparksqlformatter — A SparkSQL formatter in Python based on, with customizations and extra features.
- spiderkeeper-deploy — Deploy to SpiderKeeper
- spimagine — OpenCL volume rendering in 3D/4D
- spkrepo — Synology Package Repository
- spotify-cmd — Command line Spotify client
- SpotToBee — Convert a CSV or Spotify playlist URL to a MusicBee smart playlist
- SpotToQob — Backup a CSV or Spotify playlist URL using Qobuz-dl
- spyonweb — SpyOnWeb python wrapper
- sqlauthandle — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- sqlint — Simple Sql Linter
- square-commons — helper module containing common functions for all my python modules.
- Stackility — Python CloudFormation utility
- stages — Simple support for sequential execution of scripts.
- stash-okta — Fork of okta-awscli by James Hale
- stocksdashboard — A package to build Stocks Dashboards in Bokeh
- Stork — Update libraries on Databricks
- storm-aws-adfs — AWS CLI authenticator via ADFS - small command-line tool to authenticate via ADFS and assume chosen role
- str-banner — Display the classification of the system on the desktop
- strigiform — strigiform
- studentvue-cli — description
- studioml — TensorFlow model and data management tool
- studioml-cs — Base packages for StudioML functionality
- submodulegraph — Visualize Git Submodule Graphs
- subphot — SubPhot library. Image Subtraction photometry pipeline for astronomy.
- suiutils-py — no summary
- supercommit — no summary
- swane — Standardized Workflow for Advanced Neuroimaging in Epilepsy
- swel — SWEL
- swimlane-records-updater — Common Record Updater for Swimlane apps
- switchkeys — The SwitchKeys Python client enables seamless integration with the SwitchKeys feature management platform in Python applications. Developers can effortlessly incorporate feature flags and toggle management into their projects, accessing user data, retrieving feature values, and setting feature flags with ease. This client streamlines the process of implementing feature management functionality, empowering developers to efficiently control feature rollout and experimentation in their applications.
- symchaos — Symmetric Chaos
- synoindexwatcher — An automated media-index updater for Synology DiskStations based on inotify and synoindex.
- systemadmin — no summary
- tabdanc — Table Data Sync
- tabdance — Table Data Syncer
- tabpy — Web server Tableau uses to run Python scripts.
- tabrec-v — tabrec-v
- tadr — A tool that will automatically reply done to the first 'cannot find transcription' message from the r/TranscribersOfReddit bot.
- tania — A greedy processes sniper
- tapis-cli — Scripting interface to the Tapis platform. Documentation at
- tasker-tasks-cli — tasker: cli based task manager.
- TDCRPy — TDCR model
- team-commit-checker — A CLI tool to check team members' git commits in
- teamscale-client — A simple service client to interact with Teamscale's REST API.
- telegramApi — Message classes.
- tempest-nfv-plugin — Tempest plugin for testing NFV
- tenable-sc-config — A simple tool to create & load an .ini file for logging into an instance of Tenable.SC
- terraform-validator — Lightweight, extensible schema and data validation tool for Cloudformation Templates.
- terranet — Terranet: mmWave Distribution Network Emulator
- tesla-ce-provider-pt-tpt-lib — TeSLA Plagiarism Tool (TPT)
- test-junkie — Modern Testing Framework
- testdatatable — TestDataTable
- teuthology — Ceph test framework
- textworker — A simple, cross-platform text editor.