Reverse Dependencies of configparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on configparser:
- Py-Focus — Full vectorial calculation of focused electromagnetic fields moduled by a custom phase mask
- py-githooks — Create git hooks with ease using a simple configuration file in a git project
- py-openjvs — Packaged version of openjvs dev by Roy Smeding
- py21cmcast — Fisher forecasts with 21cm experiments
- pybinaryedge — Python 3 Wrapper for the binary edge API
- PyBingWallpaper — A simple wallpaper downloader
- pybuilder-setup-cfg — PyBuilder plugin for getting information from setup.cfg file or environment variables
- pyburn-build — build system written in python for projects in C and C++
- PyCanDI — A cancer data integration package
- pyclvm — Command Line Utility to connect or redirect ports to a Cloud Virtual Machine
- pyconfviewer — A Python library for generating HTML views and diffs for configuration files.
- pycsamt — A Python open-source toolkit Audio-frequency Magnetotelluric
- pydata-wrangler — Wrangle messy data into pandas DataFrames, with a special focus on text data and natural language processing
- pydebugger — Print objects with inspection details and color.
- pyds8k — DS8000 Python Client
- pyg4ometry — Geometry package for high energy physics (Geant4, Fluka)
- PyGeoC — Python for GeoComputation
- pyHana — for pyhana club members
- PyHGNC — Importing and querying HGNC data
- pyimdbmoviefinder — Library for searching torrents that match an IMDb search.
- pyinfra-forked-by-stone-w4tch3r — Custom version for developing pyinfra
- PyIPAM — The Simple Python Flask IP Address Manager
- pykebab — no summary
- pylogs-DIGITAL-MARKEMATICS — no summary
- pyLoopSage — An energy-based stochastic model of loop extrusion in chromatin.
- pymysql_utils — Thin wrapper around mysqlclient. Provides Python iterator for queries. Abstracts away cursor.
- pypanabi-tools — Shared Python functions for OLX Business Intelligence Team
- pypandas-sql — Utility to read/write data from various data sources
- pypraware — Privacy aware library for MISP module
- pyrhe — A Python package for Randomized Haseman-Elston regression for Multi-variance Components.
- pyrsi — Python API for interacting with the Roberts Space Industries site for Star Citizen.
- pysafebrowsing — Google Safe Browsing API python wrapper
- pysecuritytrails — Python wrapper around the Security Trails API
- pySEI — Pacote para interagir com o SEI
- pyslurpers — Python slurpers package for simple XML, JSON, config, etc. processing
- pysqlformatter — A formatter for Python code and SparkSQL queries.
- pystoch — A Python package for Stochastic Gravitational Wave background
- pytabcmd — A tabcmd wrapper for Python
- pytesmo — Python Toolbox for the evaluation of soil moisture observations
- pytest-consul — pytest plugin with fixtures for testing consul aware apps
- pytest-resilient-circuits — Resilient Circuits fixtures for PyTest
- pytest-rpc — Extend py.test for RPC OpenStack testing.
- pytest-typhoon-polarion — Typhoontest plugin for Siemens Polarion
- pytest-zafira — A Zafira plugin for pytest
- python-alert — Multi-Platform Python tool to send notifications to your devices
- python-evtx — Pure Python parser for recent Windows event log files (.evtx).
- python-filmaffinity-fork — Simple python scraping for the FilmAffinity.
- python-githooks — Create git hooks with ease using a simple configuration file in a git project
- python-harvest-apiv2 — Harvest API v2 client
- python-language-server — Python Language Server for the Language Server Protocol
- python-mailcow — Interact with mailcow API
- python-redfish — Reference implementation of Redfish standard client.
- pytodo_package — A minimal command line todo list built with Python and MongoDB
- PyUniProt — Importing and querying UniProt
- pyvscp-p1-power-meter — VSCP P1 power meter handler
- pyvscp-sensors-bme680 — VSCP BME680 sensor handler
- pywayne — Some useful tools
- pywisp-emibcn — Access AirControl2, AirOS & Mikrotik
- qresp-config — Python command line application to configure qresp.
- qrmr — Terminal login toolkit for Amazon Web Services (AWS) enforcing and simplifying use of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
- qu1ckdr0p2 — Rapid file hosting.
- quackup — A simple migration tool for DuckDB databases.
- quantastica-qps-api — Quantastica Quantum Programming Studio API
- r53-ptr-vpc-associator — Associates route53 PTR records to particular vpc.
- rag4p — This project I use a lot for workshops, it contains some utils for splitters, tokenizers, and a weaviate client that I reuse a lot
- raimitigations — Python library for implementing and exploring mitigations for Responsible AI.
- rayvision-log — A Python-based API for Using Renderbus cloud rendering service.
- rcsb.db — RCSB Python Database Access and Loading Utility Classes
- rcsb.utils.config — RCSB Python Configuration Utilities
- Rdtest — 自用测试包, Windows操作相关
- recho — repost Reddit activity from a user to Slack in near-realtime
- redhat-qe-cloud-tools — Python utilities to manage cloud services, such as AWS.
- refchef — Genome reference manager.
- result-viewer — Result viewer
- ResumeGPT — Tailor your resume to match any job posting effortlessly
- revup — Code review and workflow toolkit for git / github
- rfswarm-agent — rfswarm Agent
- rfswarm-manager — rfswarm manager
- rfswarm-reporter — rfswarm reporter
- rft-core — RobotFramework Toolkit
- riddlesolver — A command-line tool to summarize Git commits using OpenAI ChatGPT
- river-core — RiVer Core Verification Framework
- rlieh-satlight — This module provides an interface to manage light phases using .ini file to perform remote call to a RLIEH satellite
- rlschool — RLSchool: Excellent environments for reinforcement Learning benchmarking
- rmctl — Simple cli client for broadlink
- rmsorn — Reward Modulated Self-Organizing Recurrent Neural Networks
- rna-tools — a toolbox to analyze structures and simulations of RNA
- robbie — Run experiments in the Robbie Cloud
- robo_ai — An SDK for ROBO.AI
- robotframework-inilibrary — no summary
- robotnetwork — A tool to relay http message from venus to slack.
- roodkcab — Used Setx to set Variable Global!
- roulette — Roullette game
- RPackUtils — R Package Manager
- rtfd — Build, read your exclusive and fuck docs.
- rubberduck-ai — A CLI tool for ChatGPT.
- rubycond — Pressure by Ruby Luminescence (PRL) software to determine pressure in diamond anvil cell experiments
- ruledownloader — A tool for downloading and archiving Snort and Suricata rules
- runjob — no summary
- s3sync-util — Sync directories/files with Amazon S3.