Reverse Dependencies of configparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on configparser:
- tg-migrator — migration tool for tigergraph
- thesaurus-lib — Implemented thesaurus library using SOM
- thirdweb-web3 —
- thunderstormAPI — THOR Thunderstorm Service API Client
- tini — Read simple .ini/configuration files.
- tipico-server — useless controller of a simulated device with PLICO
- tirma — Transit Inject and Recovery Multi-phase Analysis package
- tkgridgui — tkGridGUI builds a python Tkinter GUI graphic user interface using the grid geometry manager.
- tkmatrix — ToolKit for Multi-phAse Transits Recovery from Injected eXoplanets
- tlsmate — Simulate a TLS client and scan a TLS server
- togglreports — A simple project to automate the creation of reports using the Toggl API.
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- toll — poor man's integration testing
- tomaserial — python serial and deserial
- tool_aws — AWS scripts for geoadmin
- topicexplorer — InPhO Topic Explorer
- torahcodes — An understandable multilanguaje and multithreading bible codes . Study the Torah as never before Bible Codes python library . An understandable multilanguaje and multithreading bible codes . Study the Torah as never before
- torgo — The system-wide Org file manager
- transitleastsquares — An optimized transit-fitting algorithm to search for periodic transits of small planets
- transunion — TransUnion Python API
- treeshaker — A tree-shaking tool for Python.
- trifusion — Streamlining phylogenomic data gathering, processing and visualization
- tronapi-JCO — A Python API for interacting with Tron (Forked from tronapi)
- tronpytool — A Python API for interacting with Tron networks
- tronweb — A Python API for interacting with Tron (TRX)
- turbotutils — TurbotHQ API Library
- tweetpy-janmarkuslanger — Create your own twitter bot without the api
- tweetpy-janmarkuslanger-test — Create your own twitter bot without the api
- ubiops-cli — UbiOps Command Line Interface to interact with the UbiOps API.
- udemyscraper — A Udemy Course Scraper built with beautiful soup, that fetches udemy course information. Get udemy course information and convert it to json, csv or xml file, without authentication.
- uip-cli — Universal Extension CLI for interfacing with Controller Web Services
- ultipro — Python Client for the UltiPro SOAP API
- UniConf — A simple module allows you to quickly create and modify a configuration file. Based on 'configparser'.
- unitorch — unitorch provides efficient implementation of popular unified NLU / NLG / CV / CTR / MM / RL models with PyTorch.
- unsatfit — Fit soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity functions
- upass — Console UI for pass.
- valhallaAPI — Valhalla API Client
- vault-certificate-deploy — System for deploying certificates from Hashicorp Vault server
- vdr — A simple library to simulate a VDR.
- veriteos-web3 — Veriteos
- versionflow — Automatic Semantic Versioning with Git Flow.
- VestaRestPackage — Code to facilitate creation of Vesta Service Gateway.
- videolab-youtube-crawler — Clark University, Package for YouTube crawler and cleaning data
- viqi-api — ViQi Python API
- vnapi — Quantitative software
- vncuda — Quantitative software
- vnhub — Quantitative software
- vnta — Quantitative software
- vocabuilder — Vocabulary builder for language learners
- vod_metadata — CableLabs VOD Metadata 1.1 library and tools
- vqapi — ViQi Python API
- vscode-cli-helpers — Open files (with templates) in VSCode from the command line
- vscode-cli-helpers-open-file — Open files (with templates) in VSCode from the command line
- vscp-python-send-heartbeat — VSCP heartbeat handler
- vsgen — A Microsoft Visual Studio solution and project generator pyackage.
- vsmstreamer — Cisco Video Surveillance Manager Streamer
- vsss-client — no summary
- vsync — A tool to sync data between dissimilar Vertica clusters
- vvxme — Manages your Poly VVX powered by RESTAPIs based on (UCS>=6.1) directly or now via PDMS-SP!, with CLI Menu or simply use the available VVX class to develop your own applications.
- vw-gstore-adapter — Client for the UNM GSToRE REST Geospatial Data Service
- wandb-ng — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
- wanna-transfer — High level transfer to the cloud
- wavelengthlib2 — Wavelength library 2
- web3-eth —
- web3-klaytn —
- web3-metis —
- web3metis —
- webmon — Monitor websites for visual changes
- wfs — fms automation testing framework based on unittest.
- wfsx — api automation testing framework based on unittest.
- wfuzz — Wfuzz - The web fuzzer
- whatcha-readin — githook for adding currently reading books to git commit messages
- whatsappchatbot — Whatsapp chatbot
- whiskey-flask — Whiskey makes writing happen.
- witch-msa — WITCH - A Multiple Sequence Alignment Tool
- WOSplus — WOS+ is a tool for to manage and merge bibliographic databases like Web Of Science or Scopus
- wpc — WPC is a light-weight, highly configurable and easy to use library with a minimal CLI, with the objective of manage your work (hours and costs) and emit invoices.
- ws-cleanup-tool — Mend SCA Cleanup Tool
- ws-cleanup-tool-test — Mend SCA Cleanup Tool
- ws-copy-policy — WS Copy Policy
- ws-ignore-alerts — Mend Ignore Alerts
- wsn-sim — Wireless Sensor Network Simulator with AODV and DSR protocols
- wyn-wav2lip — A simple package to run Wav2Lip for lip synchronization with quality enhancements.
- xd — a list of useful commands which makes life easier
- xdaLibs — A helping-tool library for personal
- xnotify — Send notification to growl libnotify pushbullet NotifyMyDevice
- xyscript — add --no-pod to pull pullsubmodule
- YALogger — Yet Another custom logger
- yaml-indent — Tool for making consistent indentation
- ytree — An extension of yt for working with merger tree data.
- yyszh — utils for yyszhyyy
- zabbix-elasticsearch — Zabbix Monitoring for Elasticsearch
- zadarapy — Python module and command line interface with Zadara REST APIs
- zb-common — A package containing all the common utilities for the Zerobugz project
- zb-restqa — A package containing the framework for REST APIs
- zeclient — Python APIs for ZE Web Services
- zenkly — CLI for Zendesk admin tasks
- zensols.actioncli — This library intends to make command line execution and configuration easy.
- zensols.util — Command line, configuration and persistence utilites generally used for any more than basic application.
- zeroinger — group of tools for data process