Reverse Dependencies of cffi
The following projects have a declared dependency on cffi:
- dev-install — Dev is AI pair programming in your terminal
- dexteritysdk — Client for Dexterity - a modular derivatives decentralized exchange reference implementation
- dftd3 — Python API of the DFT-D3 project
- dftimewolf — Digital forensic orchestration.
- dfvfs — Digital Forensics Virtual File System (dfVFS).
- dhcpkit-vpp — DHCPKit extension to use it from VPP
- dicomcrop — Prepare bedside medical images for machine learning and image interpretation.
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- DigitalSpot — The beginnings of a custom web crawler
- dirsearch — Advanced web path scanner
- discord-profile-search — A basic profile search bot for discord
- distance-functions — Added Cosine Distance function for Python
- distill-trainer — Knowledge distillation toolkit
- django-alexa — Amazon Alexa Skills Kit integration for Django
- django-apiblueprint-view — Render API Blueprints on-the-fly using Django templates
- django-cognito-redux — Library for allowing the use of AWS Cognito security in Django projects
- django-database-postgresql-aad-backend — Django database backend for Azure Postgresql that adds AAD authentication
- django-doclib — A Document library
- django-restricted-fields — Provides date and date/time fields with restrictions for Django forms.
- django-swifty — Swifty Utils for Django Application
- djumail — no summary
- dkist-processing-cryonirsp — Science processing code for the Cryo-NIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dllhook — Hook x86 dll or executable instruction with python script injecting embedded python interpreter.
- dlt-pendulum — Python datetimes made easy
- dnadesign — Python bindings for dnadesign
- dnn-tts-torch — This is a library consisting of pre-trained models for the synthesis of Russian and English speech
- DNS-Command-Line-Tool — no summary
- dnsrobocert — A tool to manage your DNS-challenged TLS certificates
- doberman — A watchdog that when launched synchronise the remote directory with the content of the local one
- doku-python-library — DOKU Python Library for Payment Integration
- donpeterlibs — An id generator that generated various types and lengths ids
- Doopass — Crossplatform TUI password manager written in python
- doopass.libs — Libraries for project
- dorothy-cci — A Creative Computing Python Library for Interactive Audio Generation and Audio Reactive Drawing
- doxcli — Cli to create project structure
- dpu-utils — Python utilities used by Deep Procedural Intelligence
- drain-swamp — Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
- drain-swamp-snippet — Change portions of static config files
- draughtsman — API Blueprint Parser for Python
- drawing3d — A drawing 3D library for easy visualization
- dre4my-detection — Library for detecting abnormal HTTP-packets using one of the methods listed below.
- driftpy — A Python client for the Drift DEX
- drive-backup — Backup your Google Drive files locally.
- drop-backend — API and Command line tools for building drop
- dsc-python-sdk — no summary
- dualsense-controller — Use DualSense Controller with Python.
- duauto — no summary
- dumpscan — Scanning memory dumps for secrets using volatility and yara
- dverse-agent-python — A package for creating an Agent for the DVerse platform.
- dwspark — DataWhale用于星火杯2024的适配sdk
- DyaGram — Agentless IaC Tool to map out the state of your network
- Dyte-Dependency-version-checker — Demo Package for Dependency version checker for nodeJS and Python.
- eaasy — Build your e-commerce ea(a)sily
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- easy-automation-test — Easy to create a web or api automation test project
- easy_oidc_flow — a Flask wrapper which handles OIDC authentication, authorization, and the OAuth flow for a given Identity Provider.
- easy-vault — Secure vault files that are easy to use
- eavesdropper — Eavesdropper, an application-level gateway firewall proxy, gives you control over all network traffic. Or simply use its integrated mitmproxy 5.3.0 which can be completely controlled with Python code.
- ebmeta — Ebook Metadata Munging CLI
- ec2-task — A python module to manage AWS EC2 instances.
- eccodes — Python interface to the ecCodes GRIB and BUFR decoder/encoder
- eccodes-python — Python interface to the ecCodes GRIB and BUFR decoder/encoder
- echeck — 简单易用的批量环境检查工具
- ecoform-alvin — Economic models
- econometricMethodsESAN — Economic models
- editdistance-s — Fast implementation of the edit distance (Levenshtein distance)
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- eduMFA — eduMFA: identity, multifactor authentication (OTP), authorization, audit
- edx-repo-tools — This repo contains a number of tools Open edX uses for working with GitHub repositories.
- eegAudioAnotator — no summary
- EGDrive — A Simplified Google Drive API.
- elastalert2 — Automated rule-based alerting for Elasticsearch
- electrumsv-secp256k1 — Cross-platform Python CFFI bindings for libsecp256k1
- eliot — Logging library that tells you why it happened
- emlidtool — no summary
- emreader — no summary
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- encap-attack — Network sniffing and attacks using IP-in-IP and VXLAN
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- enry — Python bindings for go-enry package
- enstools — no summary
- envgen — A Virtual Environment Generator
- eo-kit — A multithreaded library for efficient Earth observation algorithms.
- eqcount — このライブラリで地震の可視化が可能になります
- equipment_cyg — no summary
- erc20token — ERC20 token SDK for Python
- erc20token-python — ERC20 token SDK for Python
- erc20tokensdk — ERC20 token SDK for Python
- esp-matter-mfg-tool — A python utility which helps to generate matter manufacturing partitions
- etabackend — Extensible Timetag Analyzer
- EtaML — An automated machine learning platform with a focus on explainability
- etesync — Python client library for EteSync
- ethash — C/C++ implementation of Ethash – the Ethereum Proof of Work algorithm
- ethmeet — Video-chat API. Compatible with most famous platforms.
- etlelk — A small example package