Reverse Dependencies of cffi
The following projects have a declared dependency on cffi:
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- autobiasdetector — tools for detecting bias patterns of LLMs
- AutoChromedriver2 — A cross-platform one-line solution that automatically manages chromedriver installation for Selenium
- autonn — Configurable deep neural networks for neural architecture searchand hyper-parameter tuning; Cloud deployment of DNN models
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- AutoReg-MrPaC6689 — AUTOREG - Operação automatizada de Sistemas - SISREG & G-HOSP
- avif — Python bindings for libavif
- avocado-framework-plugin-ansible — Adds to Avocado the ability to use ansible modules as dependencies for tests
- aws-assume-role-otp — A CLI tool to assume a role on AWS using MFA
- aws-cognito-cli — A simple CLI tool to get the AWS Cognito Access Token
- azdatalakefacade — A package to implement a singleton for azure data storage gen2
- azpype — A native Python interface wrapping AzCopy for bulk data transfer to and from Azure Blob Storage.
- aztarna — A footprinting tool for ROS and SROS systems
- azucar-web-driver — Automatización de navegadores con Selenium
- azure-arm-nb-extensions — Jupyter notebook extensions for azure arm.
- azure-datalake-store — Azure Data Lake Store Filesystem Client Library for Python
- azure-integration — Microsoft Azure Integration
- azureml-designer-internal — Internal functionalities provided for Azure Machine Learning designer built-in modules. Not intended for public use.
- azuretoolbox — Tools for Azure
- azvaultcopy — cmdline tool to copy Azure Key Vault certs and secrets from one vault to another in same or a different tenant
- backtest-reg — no summary
- backupz — The application allows you to generate CHANGELOG files based on Git tags.
- baconian — model-based reinforcement learning toolbox
- badwing — Skateboarder/Platformer/Lepidopterist Game using Arcade & Pymunk
- bahy-bot-maker — A package for creating bots on bluesky
- baotool — BaoTool (宝图), 个人积累的 python 工具库
- barbican — OpenStack Secure Key Management
- basic-gear — Basic Template Gear
- basiclive — A Framework for creating beamline LIMS
- bastion-key-client — FABRIC Bastion host key rotation utility
- batteryopt — battery operation optimization
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bcj-cffi — bcj algorithm library
- bcl — Python library that provides a simple interface for symmetric (i.e., secret-key) and asymmetric (i.e., public-key) encryption/decryption primitives.
- beambusters — no summary
- bempp-rs — Boundary element method library
- bermuda-ledger — A module for manipulating insurance loss triangles
- berryworld — Handy classes to improve ETL processes
- BevyFrame — Python Web Framework
- bgameb — Board Game Builder
- BigFastAPI — Adding lots of functionality to FastAPI
- bildkedde — Lightweight sensor modeling package
- — A Python wrapper for Binaryen
- binlog — A binary data log library
- birdisle — Python bindings for birdisle
- bisheng-unstructured — ETLs fro LLMs
- bitbucket-hg-exporter — A tool for exporting all project data from a BitBucket mercurial repository
- bitdust — BitDust is a decentralized on-line storage network for safe, independent and private communications.
- bitdust-p2p — BitDust is new software framework to build distributed and secure peer-to-peer applications.
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- bitmex-websocket — Bitmex websocket API
- bitwarden-simple-cli — Simple bitwarden CLI written in Python to list and decrypt secrets
- biweeklybudget — Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
- bizzflow-toolkit — Bizzflow is ETL (extract - transform - load) template based on standard native cloud services. Supporting the three main cloud providers (Google Cloud Platform / Amazon AWS / MS Azure), it takes all the advantages. You pay only for services you really use. Perfect for teams who want to have direct relationship with their cloud provider. No matter if it is because of security or because you already have existing contract.
- blacksea-tester — ATG Blacksea Test Framework client package
- bladerf-sdr-aio — An asynchronous Python wrapper based on the official bladerf python library from Nuand
- blended-dataset-loop — no summary
- Bliss — BeamLine Instrumentation Support Software
- block.bootstrap.pytorch — BLOCK: Bilinear Superdiagonal Fusion for Visual Question Answering and Visual Relationship Detection
- bloock — Bloock library for Python
- bluefin-v2-client — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluefin-v2-client-sui — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- blurhash-python — BlurHash encoder implementation for Python
- bofhound — Parse output from common sources and transform it into BloodHound-ingestible data
- boilee — An easy way to create a tool to generate code boilerplates like "npm init" and "vue create" for any programming language.
- boj-cli — Command line interface for BOJ
- bonito-cuda-runtime — no summary
- bookkeywords — Library To Check Keywords Using From User Input Pre-Define Library Book Keywords.
- boolexpr — Boolean Expressions
- BootIntegrityValidator — A Python module to validate the Boot Integrity Visibility Output in Cisco Products.
- box-oauth — Box headless OAuth2 client
- box0 — libbox0 Binding
- box2d-python — Bindings for box2d v3
- bplib-fork — A bilinear pairing library for petlib.
- brain-ai — Build your own intelligent personal assistant.
- brainstem — Acroname BrainStem Software Control Package
- breeze-historical-options — A Python package for easily downloading historical options data
- bripy — Bam read index in python.
- brotlicffi — Python CFFI bindings to the Brotli library
- brotlipy — Python binding to the Brotli library
- bspider — A high-level distributed crawling framework Git:
- bsrag-unstructured — A Python package with a built-in web application
- btclib-libsecp256k1 — Simple python bindings to libsecp256k1
- build-magic — A general purpose build/install/deploy tool.
- buildpan — no summary
- Buildpan-CLI — no summary
- buildrunner — Docker-based build tool
- burgiss-api — An api wrapper package for financial data provided by Burgiss
- bylexa — Control your PC using Bylexa voice commands.
- bzip3 — bz3 compress and decompress
- c2pa-python — Python bindings for the C2PA Content Authenticity Initiative (CAI) library
- c4m-PySpice — Temporary fork of PySpice with extra commits
- c7n — Cloud Custodian - Policy Rules Engine
- c7n-awscc — Cloud Custodian - AWS Cloud Control Provider
- c7n_azure — Cloud Custodian - Azure Support
- c7n_gcp — Cloud Custodian - Google Cloud Provider
- c7n-kube — Cloud Custodian - Kubernetes Provider
- c7n-left — Custodian policies for IAAC definitions
- c7n_logexporter — Cloud Custodian - Cloud Watch Log S3 exporter
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer