Reverse Dependencies of cffi
The following projects have a declared dependency on cffi:
- compllments — Send nice texts to your friends using LLMs
- confidant — DEPRECATED: A secret management system and client.
- confo — Confo is a configuration manager, built to support multiple backend systems
- ConnectedPapersExtractor — A package for creating summaries based on
- connector-factory — Connector Factory;
- contamxpy — Python wrapper for the CONTAM Simulation Engine, ContamX
- ContextQA — Chat with your data by leveraging the power of LLMs and vector databases
- ConvoXML — no summary
- core-api-tools — This is the simplest module for quick work with fastapi.
- coref — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corellia-preprocessor — Corellia data market Preprocessor package
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corgibrowser — Corgi Browser
- cori-ai — An AI-powered code review assistant
- corradin-opioid-project — no summary
- cosmotool — A small cosmotool box of useful functions
- coupeutils — Library with utilities for projects.
- courts-api — no summary
- cover-crypt — Cosmian Cloudproof Covercrypt library
- cowbase — A Python package for data processing of Automatic Milking System data
- CPACqc — A package to view Nifti files in a BIDS dataset and generate QC plots.
- cpyImagingMSpec — utils for processing imaging mass spectrometry data
- cpyMSpec — isotope pattern calculator for small molecules
- cpyMSpec-0-3-5 — isotope pattern calculator for small molecules
- cpytest — Test C Code using Python/pytest
- crelm — Utility that automates turning simple C classes into Python objects
- creyPY — Collection of my Python and FastAPI shortcuts, snippets etc.
- crhc-cli — This project contains the crhc command line tool that simplifies the use of the C.RH.C API available at
- cricket-tannmay — A computer vision package to recognize and assess different cricket shots and bowling videos.
- cricket-tannmay-headless — A computer vision package to recognize and assess different cricket shots and bowling videos.
- crl-datacube — Utilities for scaling geospatial analyses
- croaring — Compressed integer sets based on Roaring bitmaps.
- crosslab-aiortc — An implementation of WebRTC and ORTC
- crypt-utilities — An easy and simplified cryptographic utility package (fernet, RSA, hashes...)
- crypto-markets — Fetch trading markets from a cryptocurrency exchange
- crypto-msg-parser — Parse websocket messages from cryptocurreny exchanges
- crypto-wallet-finder — A tool for finding cryptocurrency wallet seeds using parallel processing
- cryptoadvance.specter — A GUI for Bitcoin Core optimised to work with airgapped hardware wallets
- cryptography — cryptography is a package which provides cryptographic recipes and primitives to Python developers.
- cryptoolzf — A small high-level crypto library / cli toolset.
- CryptoTokenAuth — Cryptographic token authentication
- crystalpy-barno — Python integration with Crystal Reports
- csiphash — A CFFI-based implementation of SipHash24
- csiphash24 — A CFFI-based implementation of SipHash24
- cskipdict — A fast CFFI-based SkipDict implementation.
- csodium — A standalone Python interface for libsodium.
- csr — Compressed Sparse Row matrices for Python, with Numba API.
- ctoybox — Package containing Rust Toybox games.
- CUDAInline — A CUDA interface for Python
- culting — Culting package manager.
- cuplcodec — Package for creating and decoding URLs that contain temperature and humidity samples.
- cuquantum-python-cu11 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- cuquantum-python-cu12 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- curl-cffi — libcurl ffi bindings for Python, with impersonation support.
- custom-bench — This is a simple benchmarking library for Python3 designed to be easy to understand and use.
- custom-bench-fsr — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- custom-image-builder — A python package that enables user to build their custom singularity image on HPC cluster
- cv-algorithms — Optimized OpenCV extra algorithms for Python
- cwafctl — Radware Cloud WAF command-line tool
- cxsystem2 — A cerebral cortex simulation framework
- cybs — REST API
- cypherpunkpay — Modern self-hosted software for accepting Bitcoin on clearnet and onion websites.
- dali_renderer — Powerful rendering of your source code.
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- DaqC — Controller for the DAQ chain at Arhus University
- dareyou — Use this package to train your keyhole and predict it rapidly and right
- darshan — Python tools to interact with Darshan log records of HPC applications.
- dashborg-python-sdk — Dashborg Python SDK
- data-horizon — Horizon REST API + client
- data_market_index_fetcher — no summary
- data_pipeline — Provides an interface to consume and publish to data pipeline topics.
- database-factory — Database Factory;
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- datagrepper — A webapp to query datanommer
- datapyrse — A package used to mimic the functionality of the Dataverse SDK.
- dataspine-cli — Dataspine CLI client
- datati — Download and preprocess your dataset from any source, all in one place.
- DbObjectCreator — A database object creator
- dbpd — Python module for establishing a working relationship between relational databases and Pandas DataFrames
- DBTunnelBridge — A package for managing local and remote database connections with optional SSH tunneling.
- dcspy — Integrating DCS (Digital Combat Simulator) planes with Logitech G13/G15/G510/G19 LCD
- DDWRT-Tracker — Connection tracker for DD-WRT routers
- de-pytools — Data Engineering Python Tools
- debu — Automatic Deployment and Build tool
- decasify — A CLI utility and library to cast strings to title-case according to locale specific style guides including Turkish support
- decentmesh — Simple connection over decentralized network
- decimal-python-sdk — no summary
- deciphon — Individually annotate long, error-prone nucleotide sequences into proteins
- deciphon-api — RESTful API for Deciphon scheduler
- deciphon-core — Python wrapper around the Deciphon C library
- decore-base — decore Base is an out-of-the-box "Python to Vue.js" data application dashboard that helps you go from idea to view in a few simple steps. It is aimed at those who want to focus on the results of their algorithms , do scientific work, or perform teaching or learning functions.
- deepview-rt — DeepViewRT for Python
- deligence-django-docusign-connect — installable django app to integrate with docusign APIs.
- demakein — Design woodwind instruments and make them with a 3D printer or CNC mill.
- demo-package-python — This is a sample package which follows the instructions for publishing a Python package to PyPI.
- demonstrable-whisperx-service — A standalone service for transcribing audio files using WhisperX
- denis — A thin set of abstractions to perform geometrical operations on top of the latitude/longitude coordinate system
- deploy-box-cli — CLI for managing Deploy Box operations
- deploya-aider-chat — Aider is AI pair programming in your terminal