Reverse Dependencies of cartopy
The following projects have a declared dependency on cartopy:
- acgc — A collection of data analysis programs used by the Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Change (ACGC) research group
- AeroViz — Aerosol science
- aglio — Another Geodata Library for Input/Output (and more)
- agrid — A grid for spatial multidimensional processing
- amisrsynthdata — Tool for generating synthetic AMISR data files.
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- appmar — Python program for marine climate analysis.
- appmar2 — Python program for marine climate analysis.
- asediag — Aerosol Diagnostics on Model Native Grid
- astro-gdt — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Core Components
- astro-gdt-cgro — Gamma-ray Data Tools: CGRO Mission
- astro-gdt-fermi — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Fermi Mission
- astro-gdt-hete2 — Gamma-ray Data Tools: hete2 Mission
- astro-gdt-integral — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Integral Mission
- astro-gdt-maxi — Gamma-ray Data Tools: MAXI Mission
- astro-gdt-rxte — Gamma-ray Data Tools: RXTE Mission
- astro-gdt-swift — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Swift Mission
- banet — A deep learning approach for mapping and dating burned areas using temporal sequences of satellite images
- beaker-climate — no summary
- bibliometa-vis — An extension package for Bibliometa that provides visualization functions
- bluemath-tk — Module collection for custom climate data analysis. The main objective of this Python package is to provide a set of statistical tools tailored for climate data analysis, with a focus on statistical classification and prediction.
- bmi-geotiff — Access data and metadata in a GeoTIFF file through an API or a BMI
- bolides-bounding-box — A package to get bounding box images from GOES satellites.
- building2parcel-trainingdata — A package for mapping parcels and buildings using various data sources
- cartes — A generic toolbox for building maps in Python
- cartoee — Publication quality maps using Earth Engine and Cartopy!
- cartosky — Python tools for making skymaps
- ccplot — CloudSat and CALIPSO plotting tool
- cedar-graph — Plot tool for CEMC.
- cedarkit-maps — A graph tool for CEMC/CMA.
- cemc-plots-kit — Plots tool for CEMC's NWP Opearting systems.
- cgeniepy — A Python package to read, analyse and visualise cGENIE Earth System Model output
- cima.goes — GOES-16 File Processing
- cinrad — Decode CINRAD radar data and visualize
- ciso — Create isosurfaces from 2D or 3D arrays
- cldfviz — A cldfbench plugin to create vizualisations of CLDF datasets
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- climaf — CliMAF: a Climate Model Assessment Framework.
- Climind — A python package for managing climate indicator information
- climpy — Tools to analyse climate data for machine learning and event analysis
- clisops — CLISOPS - Climate simulation operations.
- cloudbandPy — A Python package for atmospheric cloud bands detection.
- clouddrift — Accelerating the use of Lagrangian data for atmospheric, oceanic, and climate sciences
- cmip6-downscaling — Climate downscaling using cmip6 data
- columnflexpart — no summary
- convml-data — Dataset creation for neural network classification of clouds
- convml-tt — Neural Network based study of convective organisation
- cool-maps — Helper functions around cartopy for plotting data on maps. These functions are written to easily generate nice-looking maps.
- cosipymodel — Coupled snowpack and ice surface energy and mass balance model in Python.
- crusty — A convinience python package for HPC computation, large dataset handling and plotting.
- datav — Data visualization tools for Python.
- datawaza — Datawaza is a collection of tools for data exploration, visualization, data cleaning, pipeline creation, model iteration, and evaluation.
- ddeq — Algorithms for data-driven detection and quantification of hot spot emissions in satellite observations.
- dhnx — Simulation and optimization of district heating and cooling networks
- dinosar — SAR processing on the Cloud
- disstans — DISSTANS
- dlotter — Quick and dirty static plots of NWP output
- dnplot — Plotting of data imported by the DNORA package
- doppyo — Diagnostics and verification package
- dreamcoat — The joyful oceanographic seagoing expedition planning helper
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- earthkit-data — A format-agnostic Python interface for geospatial data
- earthkit-geo — Geospatial computations
- earthkit-maps — Geospatial visualisation tools and templates
- earthkit-plots — Visualisation tools for earth science data
- earthplot — no summary
- easyclimate — A line of code to analyze climate
- easygems — Processing tools around km-scale earth system modeling
- ecco_v4_py — Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) Version 4 Python Package
- echopop — A tool to generate biological estimates from acoustic data collected from echosounders
- ecubevis — Earth CUBE VISualization with Python
- ela — A Python package for exploratory lithology analysis
- emsarray — xarray extension that supports multiple geometry conventions
- EnergyOffshore — DT Climate Energy Offshore use case
- ensembleperturbation — perturbation of coupled model input over a space of input variables
- enstools — no summary
- envector — The envector library is a suite of tools written in Python to solve geographical position calculations forked from nvector.
- enveloc — enveloc - envelope cross-correlation location method
- EOmaps — A library to create interactive maps of geographical datasets.
- epygram — EPyGrAM : Enhanced Python for Graphics and Analysis of Meteorological fields
- erddaplogs — Parse log files from an ERDDAP server
- esa-climate-toolbox — The ESA CCI Toolbox is designed to provide access to CCI data
- esi-shakelib — USGS Earthquake Impact Library for ShakeMap
- esi-utils-cartopy — USGS Earthquake Basic Geographic Utilities
- esil — commonly used functions written by Devin Long
- esm-viz — esm-viz allows you to monitor and visualize ongoing simulations
- esmf-regrid — Iris regridding scheme using ESMF
- ESMValTool — ESMValTool: A community diagnostic and performance metrics tool for routine evaluation of Earth system models in CMIP.
- eTraGo — electric transmission grid optimization
- eviz — An easy to use visualization framework for Earth system models
- ewatercycle — A Python package for running and validating a hydrology model
- figanos — Outils pour produire des graphiques informatifs sur les impacts des changements climatiques.
- figurex — Make figures with context managers in python: quicker, simpler, more readable.
- fitanimate — Fit Animate
- floatcsep — CSEP Floating Experiment application
- foggy — foggy is a python package for using a CNN to predict fog at airports
- freva — Free Evaluation and Analysis Framework (Freva)
- frontpy — FrontPy is a Python package designed for the detection and analysis of atmospheric fronts. It uses the Thermal Front Parameter (TFP) method to identify cold and warm fronts. The package also includes visualization capabilities, allowing users to plot the identified fronts over GOES-16 satellite imagery.
- gcmprocpy — A Python3 post processing tool for TIE-GCM and WACCM-X