Reverse Dependencies of cartopy
The following projects have a declared dependency on cartopy:
- olas — Library with wave tools like ESTELA
- omlabs — Analysis Routines for GFDL Ocean Models
- oneworld — Python mapping made easy
- openap-top — Trajectory OPtimizer based on OpenAP model
- OpenDrift — OpenDrift - a framework for ocean trajectory modeling
- opensarlab-lib — A Python library to support ASF OpenSARlab's Jupyter Notebook repository
- orcestra — Tools around the ORCESTRA field campaign
- osm-flex — Python package for flexible data extraction from OpenStreetMap
- pacl-waffle — Workflows and Automatic Fancy Figures for Large Ensembles (WAFFLE) is a toolkit tailored for use by researchers in and from the Persad Aero-Climate Lab (PACL).
- PaleoSTeHM — A modern, scalable Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Modeling framework for paleo-environmental data
- PaleoVeg — Predict paleovegetation from bioclimatic variables.
- parabellum — Parabellum environment for parallel warfare simulation
- parcel-building-mapper — A package for mapping parcels and buildings using various data sources
- paropy — Python package to process data from PARODY-JA4.3 dynamo simulations.
- pastax — **P**arameterizable **A**uto-differentiable **S**imulators of ocean **T**rajectories in j**AX**.
- pikobs — pikobs
- planetMagFields — Routines to easily access information about magnetic fields of planets in our solar system and visualize them in both 2D and 3D
- podaac — Shorten the distance between data and human.
- polartoolkit — Helpful tools for polar researchers
- projmap — High level wrapper of matplotlibs mapping package
- proxysiphon — Internal lab tool to parse and clean marine sediment proxy data.
- psy-maps — Psyplot plugin for visualization on a map
- pvdeg — Pvdeg is a python library that supports the calculation of degradation related parameters for photovoltaic (PV) modules.
- pxmcmc — Proximal Markov Chain Monte Carlo
- pyaerocom — pyaerocom model evaluation software
- pyatoa — Python's Adjoint Tomography Operations Assistant
- pyaurorax — Python library for interacting with the AuroraX platform
- pyClimat — Python package for climate model output analysis and visualization
- pycontrails — Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts
- pycsep — Python tools from the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- pycwr — China Weather Radar tools
- pydarn — Data visualization library for SuperDARN data
- pydda — Py-DDA
- pyearth — Python for Earth Science.
- pyensae — Helpers for teaching purposes (includes sqllite helpers).
- pyfesom2 — FESOM2 tools
- pyflowline — A mesh-independent river network generator for hydrologic models
- pyflwdir — Fast methods to work with hydro- and topography data in pure Python.
- pyfortracc — A Python package for track and forecasting configurable clusters.
- pygeochemtools — An eclectic set of geochemical data manipulation, QC and plotting tools.
- pyglimer — Pythonic Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake Records
- pyhelpme — Python Utilities
- pyicon-diagnostics — Diagnostic python software package for ICON
- pyleoclim — A Python package for paleoclimate data analysis
- pymaginverse — Python Library performing Geomagnetic Field inversions for (paleo)magnetic data
- pyobistools — Python tools for quality-controlling data for publishing to OBIS
- pyopenrivercam — pyorc: free and open-source image-based surface velocity and discharge.
- pyosv — Python Open Satellite Vision
- PyPMT — Python package for analysis and visualization of polar datasets.
- pyposeidon — Framework for Sea Level Hydrodynamic simulations
- pyposeidon-viz — no summary
- pypsa — Python for Power Systems Analysis
- pyPSCF — A Hysplit backtraj and PSCF tool for atmospheric science
- pypsg — A Python package for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- pyresample — Geospatial image resampling in Python
- pysep-adjtomo — Python Seismogram Extraction and Processing
- pyshbundle — PySHbundle: A Python implementation of GRACE Spherical Harmonics Synthesis MATLAB codes SHbundle
- pyshtools — SHTOOLS - Spherical Harmonic Tools
- pyshtools-winmac — SHTOOLS - Spherical Harmonic Tools
- pysonde — Post-processing tool for atmospheric sounding data
- pysumma — A python wrapper for SUMMA
- python-awips — A framework for requesting AWIPS meteorological datasets from an EDEX server
- python-siren — Interactive Redescription Mining
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- pyTMD — Tide Model Driver to read OTIS, GOT and FES formatted tidal solutions and make tidal predictions
- pytoolsz — A set of Python Tools, mainly used to deal with work problems.
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- qa4sm-reader — Processes output of (NetCDF file), creating plots and providing the data in other formats.
- qtrack — QTrack - African Easterly Wave Tracking in Model and Reanalysis Data
- radarx — Xarray based radar toolkit
- radvelso — radvelso's tools for superobs
- rcatool — The Regional Climate Analysis Tool (RCAT), is a tool to calculate and visualize weather and climate model statistics.
- readDiag — Read and plot GSI diagnostics files
- record-temp-analysis-nc — A package to analyze and plot record-breaking temperatures.
- regionmask — create masks of geospatial regions for arbitrary grids
- regridcart — lat/lon and local-cartesian regridding
- remix.framework — REMix energy system optimization framework
- respyrar — Monitor air quality - Monitoreá la calidad del aire
- rf — Receiver function calculation in seismology
- roms-tools — Tools for running and analysing UCLA-ROMS simulations
- salientsdk — Salient Predictions Software Development Kit
- satastro — Mission analysis for astronomy mission with satellites
- satip — Satip provides the functionality necessary for
- satpy — Python package for earth-observing satellite data processing
- scahpy — Package to process and analyze outputs from IGP-RESM-COW model
- scikit-decide — The AI framework for Reinforcement Learning, Automated Planning and Scheduling
- scikit-fda — Functional Data Analysis Python package.
- scitools-iris — A powerful, format-agnostic, community-driven Python package for analysing and visualising Earth science data
- scriptengine-tasks-ecearth — ScriptEngine tasks for use with the EC-Earth climate model
- sdap-os — Demo of usage of object storage for SDAP
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- seacharts — Electronic navigational charts (ENCs) processing & visualization
- seagliderOG1 — Convert from Seaglider basestation to OG1 format
- sealev — Se Level DBs
- seaplan — Sea-going mission planning
- selfutils — An example of a python package from pre-existing code
- shakemap-modules — USGS Earthquake Impact ShakeMap Modules
- siaplotlib — Provide an easy to use interface for plotting oceanographic data.
- sincomp — A toolset for computation and comparison of Chinese dialects
- siphon — A collection of Python utilities for interacting with the Unidata technology stack.