Reverse Dependencies of cartopy
The following projects have a declared dependency on cartopy:
- gedidb — A toolbox to download, process, store and visualise Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) L2A-B and L4A-C data
- geefcc — Forest cover change from Google Earth Engine
- GEO-ADPTC — Adaptive Density Peak Tree Clustering
- geobizml — A package for geospatial data visualization, plotting, analysis, and machine learning.
- geocat.viz — GeoCAT-viz is vizualization component of the GeoCAT project and
- GeoCS — Coherent sets for Geophysical trajectories.
- geodataset — Extension of netDCF4.Dataset for geospatial data
- geoengine — A package for easy access to Geo Engine instances
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- geoiter — A simple tool to iterate circles within given boundaries:
- geokube — a Python package based on xarray for GeoScience Data Analysis
- geomapviz — Geographical visualization
- geonum — Toolbox for 3D geonumerical calculations and atmospheric composition
- geoplot — High-level geospatial plotting for Python.
- georinex — Python RINEX 2/3 NAV/OBS reader with speed and simplicity.
- geoschem-gcpy — no summary
- GEOSLAM — Seismo-Lineament Analysis Method
- geospade — A place for classes and properties of raster and vector geometries and their geospatial operations alike.
- geoviews — GeoViews is a Python library that makes it easy to explore and visualize geographical, meteorological, and oceanographic datasets, such as those used in weather, climate, and remote sensing research.
- geovista — Cartographic rendering and mesh analytics powered by PyVista
- geovizir — Support package for geo visuals.
- gerg_plotting — no summary
- glidertest — Diagnostic tests of glider quality
- goes2go — Retrieve GOES Satellite data from AWS. Also proves some RGB recipes.
- GOESVisualizer — A simple tool to visualize GOES16/17
- gplately — Object-orientated Python interface to pyGPlates for plate tectonic reconstruction
- gpm-api — Python Package for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Data Archive
- gpoly — Simple Earth polygon "CLI" tool
- GpsDataAnalyzer — A simple Python toolkit to analyze GPS data
- GSIBerror — A Python class to read the records and attributes from the background error covariance matrices compatible with the Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation in the .gcv file format.
- h3 — Uber's hierarchical hexagonal geospatial indexing system
- hdf_compass — An experimental viewer program for HDF5 and related formats.
- healpix-convolution — space-domain convolution on the healpix grid
- herbie-data — Download numerical weather prediction GRIB2 model data.
- hexwatershed — A mesh-independent flow direction model for hydrologic models
- hiveplotlib — Visualize Network Data with Hive Plots
- honeybees — Honeybees is an agent-based modelling framework targeted at large-scale agent-based models.
- huracanpy — A python package for working with various forms of feature tracking data
- hvplot — A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
- hydroDL — Hydrological Deep Learning
- hydromt — HydroMT: Automated and reproducible model building and analysis.
- hydromt-delft3dfm — hydroMT plugin for Delft3D-FM models.
- hydromt_delwaq — hydroMT plugin for DELWAQ models.
- hydromt_sfincs — hydroMT plugin for sfincs models.
- hydromt_wflow — hydroMT plugin for wflow models.
- hydroutils — A collection of commonly used util functions in hydrological modeling
- hyo2.ssm2 — A library and an application to manage sound speed profiles.
- HyperCoast — A Python package for processing hyperspectral data in coastal regions
- icenet — Library for operational IceNet forecasting
- icepyx — Python tools for obtaining and working with ICESat-2 data
- ichthyop — Python package for the analysis of Ichthyop outputs
- icon-uxarray — Awesome icon_uxarray created by jcanton
- iconarray — A package of modules for processing and plotting ICON data.
- ILAMB — The International Land Model Benchmarking Package
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- ismn — Readers for the data from the International Soil Moisture Database
- iwslcxspecapp — no summary
- kkpy — Python library for my meteorological research
- Lagranto — Library to work with trajectories.
- lat-epig — This programme extracts the output of a search query from the [Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss / Slaby (EDCS)]( in a reproducible manner and saves it as a TSV file. The output can be also plotted to a map of the Roman Empire, along with the system of Roman Provinces, roads, and cities.
- ldcpy — A library for lossy compression of netCDF files using xarray
- leoss — Low Earth Orbit Spacecraft Simulator
- libpypsg — A Python library for accessing the Planetary System Generator.
- lineaSSP — A Python module to use or retrieve information from the LIneA Solar System Portal.
- LorenzCycleToolkit — no summary
- lsdviztools — lsdviztools is a collection of routines for plotting geospatial data, with a focus on data produces by LSDTopoTools or by lsdtopytools.
- malpolon — Malpolon v2.1.2
- MapPlotter — 2D map plots of data and NetCDF files using Cartopy
- mapreader — A computer vision pipeline for the semantic exploration of maps/images at scale
- matplotlib-map-utils — A suite of tools for creating maps in matplotlib
- matplotlibXtns — matplotlib extension functions.
- meshiphi — MeshiPhi: Earth's digital twin mapped on a non-uniform mesh
- met-dig — Weather analysis and diagnostic graphics for map discussion
- meteofrance-publicapi — A wrapper of the datasets
- meteoscanner — A module used for making continuous cross-section view of the atmosphere.
- metobs-toolkit — A Meteorological observations toolkit for scientists
- metocean-api — metocean-api - Tool to extract time series of metocean data from hindcasts/reanalysis
- metocean-stats — metocean-stats - Tool for generation of metocean statistics
- MetPy — Collection of tools for reading, visualizing and performing calculations with weather data.
- mintpy — Miami INsar Time-series software in PYthon
- monda — A package for retrieval, quality control and analysis of Data from MONOCLE systems
- moniplot — a Python data visualization library for (satellite) instrument monitoring
- movingpandas — MovingPandas provides trajectory data structures and functions for handling movement data based on Pandas, GeoPandas, and more. Visit for details.
- mplotutils — utilities for matplotlib and cartopy
- mra-vis — Default template for PDM package
- mygrads — A set of GrADS functions in Python.
- nacispreloader — Preloader of nacis natural earth shapefiles
- nasa-pace-data-reader — A package for reading NASA PACE data files.
- navigator-api — Navigator Web Framework based on aiohttp, with batteries included.
- nc2 — NCĀ² NetCDF viewer
- ncvue — ncvue: A minimal GUI for a quick view of netcdf files, aiming to be a drop-in replacement for ncview and panoply
- nereus — no summary
- netcdfella — Netcdfella is providing multiple ways to convert netcdf filed into other data types such as ASCII, PNG and JPG, and even create graphs.
- neural-transport — Neural Transport - A Python library to train neural network emulators of atmospheric transport models.
- nngt — Python package to generate and study graphs and detailed spatial or biological networks.
- nvector — The nvector library is a suite of tools written in Python to solve geographical position calculations forked from nvector.
- OAFuncs — Oceanic and Atmospheric Functions
- ocean-wave-tracing — Ocean wave tracing
- oceans — Misc functions for oceanographic data analysis
- ocf-datapipes — Pytorch Datapipes built for use in Open Climate Fix's forecasting work