Reverse Dependencies of bandit
The following projects have a declared dependency on bandit:
- Gaelina — Config as folder
- galo_ioc — Provides an implementation of the service locator pattern.
- galo_method_decorators — A library that allows you to use decorators for instance methods without affecting the methods in
- galo_startup_commands — A library that allows you to flexibly manage the startup and shutdown of an application.
- ganzo — Project creator (from templates)
- gaohn-common-utils — A small utility package
- gaohn-dsa — DSA package.
- garpix-qa — Checking the Django project for quality
- gatenlp — GATE NLP implementation in Python.
- gcpm — Google Cloud Platform Condor Pool Manager
- genelastic — Generate and store genetic data into an Elasticsearch database.
- gentun — Hyperparameter tuning for machine learning models using a distributed genetic algorithm
- geo-rasterizer — Package to rasterize shapes in a geodataframe to a reference geotif.
- geoips — Geolocated Information Processing System
- george-walrus — Backport compiler for Python 3.8 assignment expressions.
- ghapi-client — Python client for the GitHub API
- ghga-message-schemas — GHGA Message Schemas: A package that collects schemas used for messaging between GHGA service.
- ghga-metadata-utils — Utilities concerning the GHGA Metadata Schema
- ghga-service-chassis-lib — A library that contains the basic chassis functionality used in services of GHGA
- github-archive — A powerful tool to concurrently clone, pull, or fork user and org repos and gists to create a GitHub archive.
- github-checks — Minimal Python API for GitHub Checks to submit feedback from builds running on 3rd party build platforms
- gitlab-project-configurator — Manage, deploy and update your gitlab projects configuration as source.
- gitlabcis — An automated tool that assesses the GitLab CIS benchmarks against a project.
- gjson — gjson-py is a Python package that provides a simple way to filter and extract data from JSON-like objects or JSON files, using the GJSON syntax.
- gnetcli-adapter — Gnetcli-server adapter for Annet
- goedwig — A generic query engine for graph data, based on abstract syntax trees as input.
- google-auth-plugins — A set of custom plugins for Google Authentication Library
- gp2040ce-binary-tools — Tools for working with GP2040-CE firmware and storage binaries.
- gpt-review — Python Project for reviewing GitHub PRs with Open AI and Chat-GPT.
- gptfunctionutil — A simple package for the purpose of providing a set of utilities that make it easier to invoke python functions and coroutines using OpenAI's GPT models.
- graal — A generic source code analyzer
- grab-screen — Take screenshots and upload anywhere
- gridify — Generate a grid of box shaped polygons covering an area
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- haiway — Framework for dependency injection and state management within structured concurrency model.
- hatch-aws — Hatch plugin for building AWS Lambda functions with SAM
- hatch-aws-publisher — Hatch plugin for deploying to AWS with SAM
- haveibeenpwned-asyncio — Asyncio and aiohttp based library and CLI to connect to haveibeenpwned.
- haven-conf — Simple and flexible dataclass configuration system
- — An API wrapper for the Helldivers 2 Community and official APIs
- heliclockter — A robust way of dealing with datetimes in python by ensuring all datetimes are timezone aware at runtime.
- hgvs-dataproviders-rest — hgvs dataproviders based on UTA and SeqRepo REST Interfaces
- hi-getter — A simple way to get live Halo data straight from Halo Waypoint.
- histdatacom — A Multi-threaded/Multi-Process command-line utility and python package that downloads currency exchange rates from Imports to InfluxDB. Can be used in Jupyter Notebooks.
- hive-udf — Hive UDF (user defined functions)
- homer — Configuration manager for network devices
- hspf-utils — Command line script and Python library to develop water balance from HSPF models
- HTF_PythonProjectTest — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- httpie-lambda — AWS Lambda invoke transport plugin for HTTPie
- hubrdvmairie — API de la plateforme de recherche de rendez-vous mairies
- hyperimpute — A library for NaNs and nulls
- I-Language — The I programming language is a high level programming language written in pure python.
- ib-fundamental — Interactive Brokers Fundamental data for humans
- ib-interface — A Python Framework for Interactive Brokers TWS API
- id — A tool for generating OIDC identities
- ilcli — i like command-line interfaces
- imhotep_bandit — An imhotep plugin for bandit
- incorporeal-cms — A CMS for serving Markdown files with a bit of dynamicism.
- ingysec — no summary
- inseq — Interpretability for Sequence Generation Models 🔍
- inspyctor — Command-line tool to review Python code for style and security.
- intake-sqlite — An Intake driver to access local or remote SQLite databases by URL.
- internetmonitor-client-python — A high-level client representing Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor.
- intropy — Jump-start your python project
- invase — INVASE: Instance-wise Variable Selection
- ir-datasets-clueweb22 — Extension for accessing the ClueWeb22 via ir_datasets.
- ironic — OpenStack Bare Metal Provisioning
- ironic-python-agent — Ironic Python Agent Ramdisk
- iSanic — A web server and web framework that's written to go fast. Build fast. Run fast.
- janus-logging — sync and async logging within one logger instance
- javascriptasync — fork of JSPyBridge overhauled to allow for asyncio compatibility and more control.
- jori-autoprognosis — Test
- jsonschema-gen — JSONSchema generation from Python type hints
- JuMonC — Jülich Monitoring and Control
- juneyaodag — SQL Lineage Analysis Tool powered by Python
- jupyterquest — A Python package for automating grading of Jupyter notebook files.
- jwql — The James Webb Space Telescope Quicklook Project
- kabupy — A Python package for scraping Japanese stock information from various websites.
- kaiju-auth — Authentication services.
- kaiju-db — Postgresql db services and tools
- kaiju-files — File management services.
- kaiju-images — Image processing services and functions.
- kaiju-kafka — Kafka transport services.
- kaiju-model — Web interface related classes.
- kaiju-redis — Redis and keydb services
- kaiju-tasks — Service and user task management
- kaiju-tools — Base classes and services for a backend application.
- kantan — Configurable venv extension
- karpyncho-reload-urls — A context manaager to reload urls routing in unittests changing a django setting.
- karpyncho-stdout-context — Stdout Context to use in unittest.
- katch — A declarative error handler for Flask applications
- kcommon — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- kedro-airflow — Kedro-Airflow makes it easy to deploy Kedro projects to Airflow
- kedro-datasets — Kedro-Datasets is where you can find all of Kedro's data connectors.
- kedro-docker — Kedro-Docker makes it easy to package Kedro projects with Docker.
- kedro-prefect-oliver — Kedro-Prefect integration library
- kedro-telemetry — Kedro-Telemetry
- kelvin-app — Kelvin Application Framework
- kelvin-icd — Kelvin ICD
- kelvin-sdk — Kelvin SDK