Reverse Dependencies of bandit
The following projects have a declared dependency on bandit:
- pynmeagps — NMEA protocol parser and generator
- pypas — Python wrapper for CyberArk Core PAS REST-API
- PyPermission — A node based permission engine for python.
- pypersonality — Identify the personality from a given text using (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Personality Type Dataset
- pypi-version-check — PyPI Version Check
- PyProcessingPipeline — Package for defining processing pipelines.
- pyproject-pre-commit — pre-commit hooks for python projects using pyproject.toml.
- pypvt — Generate, perfrom consistency testing and perturb initialization of Eclipse reservoir simulator decs with respect to pvt
- pyrchive — A Python package for interacting with
- pyresumize — Resume Parser Written in Python3 . The module supports .pdf and .docx files
- PyRMVtransport — Python library to make use of transport information from
- pyrtcm — RTCM3 protocol parser
- pySISF — A Python toolkit for SISF Images
- pyslice — Specialized templating engine do develop a parameterized set of model data sets
- pyspark-dataframe-wrappers — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- pyspartn — SPARTN protocol parser
- pyspeedinsights — Measure your site speed, performance, accessibility and SEO in bulk from the command line with Python and the PageSpeed Insights API.
- pytest-azure — Pytest utilities and mocks for Azure
- pytest-bandit — A bandit plugin for pytest
- pytest-bandit-xayon — A bandit plugin for pytest
- pytest-logikal — Common testing environment
- pytextrank — Python implementation of TextRank as a spaCy pipeline extension, for graph-based natural language work plus related knowledge graph practices; used for for phrase extraction of text documents.
- python-artifact-signer — no summary
- python-luxafor — Python API for Luxafor busylights
- python-nessus-api — Yet another Python package for latest Nessus Professional
- python-ottype — A python implementation of Operational Transformation.
- python-rektor-monitor — no summary
- pythonbible — pythonbible includes features for parsing texts for scripture references,
- pythonbible_api — pythonbible-api is an API wrapper for the pythonbible library using FastAPI.
- PythonEasyApplication — Easy Application in Python
- pythonmonitorapp — no summary
- pytorch-pqrnn — Pytorch implementation of pQRNN
- pytximport — A python implementation of `tximport` to transform transcript into gene counts
- pyubx2 — UBX protocol parser and generator
- pyubxutils — UBX Protocol Command Line Utilities
- pyxcp — Universal Calibration Protocol for Python
- qoqo-braket — no summary
- qoqo-for-braket — no summary
- qoqo-iqm — IQM backend for qoqo quantum computing toolkit
- qoqo-mock — no summary
- qoqo-myqlm — An inteface to execute circuits from QOQO to MYQLM
- qoqo-qiskit — no summary
- qoqo-strawberry-fields — no summary
- qoqo-tket — no summary
- qpid-bow — Set of tools to work with Qpid and a library for high-level Qpid interaction.
- qstone — Benchmarking suite for Quantum Computers integration into HPC Systems
- qtbricks — Python Qt components: widgets and utils, focussing on scientific GUIs
- quantstream — 'QuantStream' is a Python library for financial data analysis and visualization.
- query-package-documentation — A package to explore documentations
- quickdocs — Creates HTML docs from a project's readme and sphinx-apidoc.
- quik_db — A python library for a streamlined database experience from config file
- rabbit-tunnel — Publish your local server to public via rabbit-tunnel
- rabbit-tunnel-server — A server for rabbit tunnel
- ragelo — RAGElo: A Tool for Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation Models
- ragger — Testing framework using Speculos and LedgerComm as backends
- rasa-nlu-contrib — Rasa NLU engine backported from main Rasa project
- ray-elasticsearch — Unified, type-safe access to web archive APIs.
- rdap — Registration Data Access Protocol tools
- rdltr — simple read-it-later app
- redis-dict — Dictionary with Redis as storage backend
- redlibssh — Alternate bindings for libssh C library
- redlibssh2 — Alternate bindings for libssh2 C library
- redssh — An SSH automation library.
- reference_package — A basic package setup with examples.
- reinventing-catastrophe-modelling — no summary
- rekor-monitor-jacksonqu — Verify your software using trusted supply chains.
- rembg — Remove image background
- removebg-infusiblecoder — Remove image background
- repobee — A CLI tool for managing large amounts of GitHub repositories
- repobee-junit4 — JUnit4 runner plugin for RepoBee
- reprompt — Reprompt
- requests-ntlm3 — The HTTP NTLM proxy and/or server authentication library.
- retryx — no summary
- richie — A CMS to build learning portals for open education
- ricochet — Simple Spring-inspired IoC framework for Python.
- rijksplotlib — A datavizualization compliance library for RWS Datalab
- rimseval — Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) Data Evaluation for CRD Files.
- rosetta_finder — Searching for Rosetta Binaries.
- RosettaPy — A Python utility for wrapping Rosetta command line tools.
- rototiller — no summary
- rp2 — Privacy-focused, free, non-commercial, open-source, community-driven cryptocurrency tax calculator: it handles multiple coins/exchanges and computes long/short-term capital gains, cost bases, in/out lot relationships/fractioning, and account balances. It supports multiple countries and accounting menthods (FIFO, LIFO, HIFO), it features transparent computation for easy result verification, and it generates reports tax accountants can understand (e.g. form 8949).
- rpgt — Automated Repository and Pipeline Generation for Data-Science Projects.
- rt — Python interface to Request Tracker API
- rule-based-retrieval — Python package for Rule-based Retrieval using RAG
- rws-knmi-lib — Library voor communicatie met KNMI weer data.
- rws-waterinfo — no summary
- sagemaker-ssh-helper — A helper library to connect into Amazon SageMaker with AWS Systems Manager and SSH (Secure Shell)
- Sanic — A web server and web framework that's written to go fast. Build fast. Run fast.
- sat-utils — Contains a collection of shared utility functions
- satindex — This package calculates several indexes based onn multiband satellite images.
- sawtooth — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- sbm69 — A library to retrieve blood pressure measurements from the SilverCrest® SBM69 Bluetooth Blood Pressure Monitor
- scame — A composite linter and style checker.
- scholarag — Pipelines for RAG on scientific papers
- scholaretl — ETL for parsing scientific papers.
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scikit-tree — Modern decision trees in Python
- scope-py — A lens library which targets usability over rigor.
- scorepyo — This is the scorepyo repository.
- scores — Scores is a Python package containing mathematical functions for the verification, evaluation and optimisation of forecasts, predictions or models.