Reverse Dependencies of bandit
The following projects have a declared dependency on bandit:
- certbot-dns-leaseweb — Automate dns-01 challenge completion using Leaseweb Domains API.
- cfn-cli-typescriptv2-plugin — The CloudFormation Resource Provider Development Kit (RPDK) allows you to author your own resource providers that can be used by CloudFormation. This plugin library helps to provide runtime bindings for the execution of your providers by CloudFormation.
- chaostoolkit-reliably — Reliably CLI
- charmory — Adversarial Robustness Evaluation Library
- chart-review — Medical Record Chart Review Calculator
- chat-file — no summary
- chat-with-mlx — A Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) chat interface with support for multiple open-source models, designed to run natively on MacOS and Apple Silicon with MLX.
- chatgpt-gui — An unofficial GUI app for ChatGPT.
- chatnoir-api — Simple, type-safe access to the ChatNoir search API.
- chatnoir-pyterrier — Use the ChatNoir search engine in PyTerrier.
- checkov — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- checkov2 — Infrastructure as code static analysis
- chess-term — Play chess in your terminal
- ChurchToolsApi — A Python wrapper for the ChurchTools API
- ciceroscm — Python version of the CICERO-SCM simple climate model
- civis — Civis API Python Client
- civis-jupyter-extensions — Tools for using Civis Platform with Jupyter notebooks
- civis-jupyter-notebook — A tool for building Docker images for Civis Platform Jupyter notebooks
- clairvoyance2 — clairvoyance2: a Unified Toolkit for Medical Time Series
- clementine — 🍊 A sweet little Python package
- climate-assessment — Climate assessment of long-term emissions pathways: IPCC AR6 WGIII version
- coala-bears — Bears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
- coauthor — Coauthor Python Project
- codeworks — CodeWorks python package
- CohesiveSDK — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- collate-sqllineage — Collate SQL Lineage for Analysis Tool powered by Python and sqlfluff based on sqllineage.
- commonrdv — Librairie commune pour les API de rendez-vous mairie
- compendium — Simple layered configuraion tool
- compfs — Composite Feature Selection using Deep Ensembles
- concrete-datastore — A highly versatile REST Datastore
- concrete-mailer — Python package for sending rich e-mails.
- configparser-override — ConfigParser with environment variable and direct assignment overrides
- consulate-fork — A Client library and command line application for the Consul. Fork of Consulate package
- convert-case — Convert between string cases with built-in case inference.
- coregio — Python container registry API library.
- cortecs-py — Lightweight wrapper for enabling ⚡️ instant provisioning
- countdoom — Fetch the current Doomsday Clock from
- criteria-pattern — The "Criteria Pattern" is a Python package that simplifies and standardizes criteria based filtering, validation and selection.
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- crossfit — Offline inference and metric calculation library
- crowdstrike-falconpy — The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python
- crowdstrike-falconpy-dev — The CrowdStrike Falcon SDK for Python
- crowdstrike-falconpy-tools — CrowdStrike FalconPy Tools
- crunch-uml — Crunch_uml reads UML Class model from multiple formats (including XMI, Enterprise Architect XMI, Excel, Json, and others), can perform transformations and renders them to other formats (including Markdown, json, json schema and many others).
- — AWS account components
- cs.ratelimit — Ratelimit components
- cumin — Automation and orchestration framework and CLI written in Python
- cupyopt — CU Python Opinionated Prefect Tasks
- curldl — Safely and reliably download files with PycURL
- curses-toolkit — Some simple UI elements for text user interfaces
- custom-actions — Sample Package to test things
- cx-copilot — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- dad-tool — Dummy Address Data (DAD) - Real addresses from all around the world.
- dado — Dado: Data Driven Test Decorator.
- dali-rp2 — Data loader and input generator for RP2 (, the privacy-focused, free, non-commercial, open-source, community-driven cryptocurrency tax calculator: DaLI removes the need to manually prepare RP2 input files. Just like RP2, DaLI is also free, open-source and it prioritizes user privacy.
- data-iq — Data-IQ: Characterizing subgroups with heterogeneous outcomes in tabular data
- datagnosis — A Data-Centric AI library for measuring hardness categorization.
- dbini-torch — PyTorch optimized bilateral normal integration
- ddpg-tf2 — Simple yet effective DDPG implementation for continuous action space,
- debugai — AI-powered Python code analysis and improvement tool
- declare-cloudinfra-standard-template-library — Sample Python Project for creating a new Python Module
- dell-unisphere-mock-api — A FastAPI-based mock implementation of the Dell EMC Unisphere REST API
- deluca — no summary
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- demotivate — A simple script to print random demotivations.
- designate — DNS as a Service
- developing-tools — Package designed to enhance the development process by providing a collection of tools/utilities
- device-ui — UI for micro devices based on QT
- devopstemplate — This package provides a command-line interface for setting up a Python project based on a dev-ops template
- dfetch — Dependency fetcher
- dictionary-simplifier — Simplify python dictionary operations with custom function
- diffy — Forensic differentiator
- dimutex — Mutex implementation for distributed systems.
- din — Dunder Mixins
- displayrws — SPI Display and ESP32 project
- djaiot — `DjAIoT`: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Internet-of-Things (IoT) Applications based on Django
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- djangelo — Tracking and rating Django Model activities with ELO system
- django-admin-inline-paginator — The "Django Admin Inline Paginator" is simple way to paginate your inline in django admin
- django-admin-search — The "Django Admin Search" is a advanced search modal for django admin
- django-app-tree — no summary
- django-blogorama — Blogging App to add to any project
- django-ckeditor-5 — CKEditor 5 for Django.
- django-ckeditors — CKEditors for Django.
- django-codegen — no summary
- django-declarative-apis — Simple, readable, declarative APIs for Django
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django-drf-utils — Utilities for commonly used functionality in django and django-rest-framework among BIWG projects.
- django-dynamic-filenames — Write advanced filename patterns using the Format String Syntax.
- django-esm — Lightweight JavaScript ESM module loader for Django.
- django-hostutils — host utilities for django projects
- django-htmxify — no summary
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-identities — A django app with authentication related functionality, a custom user model and object level permissions / groups.
- django-k8s-health-check — Django Health Check
- django-lti-toolbox — A Django application to build LTI Tool Providers
- django-mail-auth — Django authentication via login URLs, no passwords required.
- django-marion — The documents factory
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin