Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- iCCF — Analysis of CCF profiles and activity indicators
- icecube-skyreader — An API for Results Produced by SkyDriver & the Skymap Scanner
- icecube-tools — Python tools
- icesat2waves — Tools to analyze wave tracks using icesat2 data
- id_Dodd23 — A package to classify halo stars into Dodd23 groups.
- idl2py — Simple IDL to Python converter
- idsred — INT-IDS data-reduction pipeline
- ift-resolve — Radio imaging with information field theory
- igwn-monitor — Nagios (Icinga) monitoring plugins for IGWN
- image_registration — Package for registering images with extended emission
- imageio — Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, scientific, and volumetric data formats.
- iMaverick — no summary
- imaxt-image — IMAXT Image Utilities
- imaxt-mosaic — Image stitching
- imaxt-multiscale-plugin — A simple plugin to use with napari
- imcascade — imcascade: Fitting astronomical images using a 'cascade' of Gaussians
- imephu — Generate finder charts for astronomical observations.
- imephutest — Generate finder charts for the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT).
- imexam — Astropy affiliated package
- imo-vmdb — Imports VMDB CSV files from IMO into a SQL database.
- insar-eventnet — A deep learning model that can recognize and mask significant deformation events in InSAR interferograms.
- inspiral-range — GW detector inspiral range calculation tools
- interface-region-imaging-spectrograph — A Python library for analyzing solar observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS).
- interferopy — radio-to-mm interferometric data analysis package
- interlo — Quickly create simulations of interstellar object motion through the milky way.
- iop4 — A rewrite of IOP3, a pipeline to work with photometry and polarimetry of optical data from CAHA and OSN.
- ipag-core — no summary
- ipsvm — Machine learning algorithm for detection of interplanetary shock waves
- ipyaladin — no summary
- iragnsep — Fits of IR SEDs including AGN contribution.
- irispreppy — no summary
- ironman-package — Joint Fit Rossiter McLaughlin Data with photometry and out-of-transit radial velocities
- ismgcc — Finding velocity coherent structures in molecular ISM using Gaussian decomposition and Graph theory
- issim — A Python package for simulating ISM in galaxies
- jackknify — Jackknifing interferometric datasets
- jax-quantity — Quantities in JAX
- jaxspec — jaxspec is a bayesian spectral fitting library for X-ray astronomy.
- jazz-hands — Your one-stop-shop for quick computations with wavelets (aka little waves, aka jazz hands) on irregularly sampled data.
- jdaviz — Astronomical data analysis development leveraging the Jupyter platform
- jeans — package to compute integrals related to spherical Jeans equation, including various parametric functions to describe halo and tracer components
- jeta — Modules supporting JWST engineering telemetry archiving.
- jetset — A framework for self-consistent modeling and fitting of astrophysical relativistic jets SEDs
- jf1uids — conservative, differentiable, radial 1d fluid solver with astrophysical modules
- jfioa — Reader Data Planetary
- jhat — no summary
- jimGW — Gravitatioanl wave data analysis tool in Jax
- jkepler — jax tools for modeling Keplerian orbits
- joecomp — Loads data.
- jorbit — Solar system orbit fitting and integration with JAX
- juliet — juliet: a versatile modelling tool for transiting exoplanets, radial-velocity systems or both
- jupyterlab-bxplorer — This is a JupyterLab extension that allows users to explore and interact with cloud storage services.
- jux — X-RAY Flare Burst Deterministic Detection
- jwql — The James Webb Space Telescope Quicklook Project
- jwst-footprints — The JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool is a Python application that provides a simultaneous view of both NIRSpec and NIRCam fields of view on a given sky position, for assistance in planning NIRCam pre-imaging for NIRSpec.
- JWST-FOV-plotter — Simple tools to easily represent JWST FOVs.
- jwst-gtvt — JWST General and Moving Target Visibility Tool
- jwst-mast-query — Query MAST for data products from the James Webb Space Telescope, and download them
- jwst-novt — JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool
- jwst-reffiles — A tool to create CRDS-formatted reference files for JWST from a set of input dark current files and a set of flat field files.
- k2sc — K2 light curve detrending with Gaussian Processes.
- kaipy — Python software for CGS MAGE and other Kaiju models
- kamodo-ccmc — A functional api for scientific data
- kanon — History of astronomy library
- karmapi — Data with karma and pi
- katsdpimager — GPU-accelerated radio-astronomy spectral line imager
- katsdpimageutils — Utilities shared by katsdpcontim and katsdpimager
- katsdpmodels — Interfaces to access models used in MeerKAT SDP
- kbackground — no summary
- kcwidrp — KCWI Data Reduction Pipeline
- keckdrpframework — Framework for DRPs at Keck
- keeleastrolab — Convenience functions for Keele astrophysics lab students
- kenworthy — Astronomy routines for extrasolar planets, exorings and dust scattering
- kepler-apertures — Tools to compute PRF models from Kepler's FFI and use them to do aperture photometry and compile light curves of the EXBA masks.
- kesacco — Keen Event Simulation and Analysis for CTA Cluster Observations: python code to simulate and analyse galaxy cluster data with CTA
- kgpy — Generic Python utilities for use with Kankelborg Group repositories.
- kilonova-heating-rate — Kilonova light curves from Hotokezaka & Nakar 2019
- kilopop — Kilonova and population model used in C. N. Setzer et al. 2022 arxiv:2205.12286v2.
- kima — A data analysis framework for exoplanet detection
- kimmy — Chemical evolution in galaxies
- kinms — The KinMS (KINematic Molecular Simulation) package can be used to simulate observations of arbitary molecular/atomic cold gas distributions.
- kinms-fitter — Wrapper for KinMSpy that automates most common galaxy fitting tasks
- kirkwoodnight — Interactive command line tool to assist with observations at Kirkwood Observatory.
- kkpy — Python library for my meteorological research
- km3astro — Astronomical utilities for KM3NeT
- km3irf — KM3NeT instrument response functions
- KOFFI — no summary
- la-forge — Python package for conveniently plotting results from pulsar timing array bayesian analyses.
- lacosmic — Laplacian Cosmic Ray Identification
- laff — GRB lightcurve flare and continuum fitter.
- lancstro — Package defining the Lancaster Observational Astronomy group
- latab — Tool to easily convert numpy arrays into latex tables with astropy units support.
- LATSourceModel — A set of functions and classes to build spatial-spectral models for analysis of Fermi LAT gamma-ray data.
- lbcgo — Data reduction for the LBT's Large Binocular Camera
- lbg_tools — no summary
- lc-classifier — ALeRCE light curve classifier
- lc-correction — Scripts for ALeRCE light curve correction
- lcbuilder — Easy light curve builder from multiple sources
- lcdata — lcdata: Tools for manipulating large datasets of astronomical light curves
- lcviz — A Jdaviz-based light curve analysis and visualization tool
- ldcpy — A library for lossy compression of netCDF files using xarray