Reverse Dependencies of astropy
The following projects have a declared dependency on astropy:
- 21cmSense — Compute sensitivies of radio interferometers to the cosmic 21cm signal.
- a2p2 — no summary
- a3cosmos — A Python Package of A3COSMOS Astronomical Data and Catalog Utilities.
- a3cosmos-gas-evolution — A Python Package for Galaxy Cold Molecular Gas and Star Formation Evolution Equations.
- aartfaac-arthur — AARTFAAC visualisation utilities
- aas-timeseries — Experimental package to make interactive visualizations for time series, for AAS Publications
- aastex — A Python wrapper around the AASTeX Latex packages
- abacusutils — Python and C/C++ code to read halo catalogs and other Abacus N-body data products
- abate — A package to fit exoplanet atmosphere lightcurves, especially for JWST data
- abism — Adaptative Background Interferometric Strehl Meter,Graphical user interface (GUI) to mesure Astrophysics image quality (Strehl ratio)
- acalib — Advanced Computing for Astronomy Library
- accessvis — 3D visualisation tools and utilities for earth systems data
- acdc-hst — Software to perform an optimized FUV (Far Ultraviolet) dark correction to HST COS data (Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph).
- acepython — Python wrapper for the FORTRAN ACE code.
- aces-apps — A collection of utilities developed out of the ACES working group to support the processing of ASKAP data.
- ACID-code — Returns line profiles from input spectra by fitting the stellar continuum and performing LSD
- across-burstcube — ACROSS API Python client for BurstCube
- acstools — Python Tools for HST ACS
- adam-core — Core libraries for the ADAM platform
- adaptivelcbin — adaptivelcbin
- AegeanTools — The Aegean source finding program, and associated tools.
- aftpy — Python package to Read, Visualize and download AFTmap data.
- agnpy — Modelling jetted Active Galactic Nuclei radiative processes with python
- ai.cdas — Python interface to CDAS data via REST API
- ai.fri3d — FRi3D model of coronal mass ejections
- ai4scr-athena — ATHENA package provides methods to analyse spatial heterogeneity in spatial omics data
- aict-tools — Artificial Intelligence for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes
- aidapy — AI package for heliophysics
- aimapper — Python package for the adaptively-integrated intensity map (AIMAP) method
- aimfast — An Astronomical Image Fidelity Assessment Tool.
- aipy-eovsa — Astronomical Interferometry in PYthon customized for EOVSA
- airball — A package for running and managing flybys using REBOUND
- alerce — ALeRCE Client
- Alexandria11 — Collection of tools to work with Galactic Archaeology
- algol-bayer — bayer-masked spectroscopic image reduction package
- algol-reduction — Spectral reduction package
- almaqso — ALMA QSO analysis
- ALMASim — An ALMA Simulation package for a more civilized era.
- AlmaTracking — A dynamic repository for streamlined Alma tracking.
- alminer — ALminer: ALMA archive mining and visualization toolkit
- AMAT — Aerocapture Mission Analysis Tool
- amical — no summary
- amlensing — Astrometric microlensing prediction with Gaia sources
- amoeba-agn — This package is designed to model agn variability self consistently across multiple models
- amoeba2 — Automated Molecular Excitation Bayesian line-fitting Algorithm
- amosutils — no summary
- ampel-hu-astro — Astronomy units for the Ampel system from HU-Berlin
- ampel-lsst — Legacy Survey of Space and Time support for the Ampel system
- ampel-photometry — Photometry add-on for the Ampel system
- ampel-ztf — Zwicky Transient Facility support for the Ampel system
- an-example-package — Functions for technical justification
- anacal — no summary
- anesthetic — nested sampling post-processing
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anisocado — Generate off-axis SCAO PSFs for the ELT
- AOMUSE — AO Muse package
- aopp-deconv-tool — Tool for performing deconvolution (using LucyRichardson and ModifiedClean algorithms), PSF fitting and filtering, and data manipulation for 2d images and 3d datacubes.
- aotpy — Helper package for handling Adaptive Optics Telemetry (AOT) standard files
- aphos-openapi — APhoS Python library for data representation
- apifish — Toolbox for the analysis of smFISH images.
- APLpy — The Astronomical Plotting Library in Python
- APOExptime — Exposure time calculator for Apache point observatory
- apollinaire — Module for helio- and asteroseismic data analysis
- applefy — applefy: A library to compute detection limits for high contrast imaging of exoplanets
- arcface — ArcFace face recognition implementation in Tensorflow Lite.
- argus-rico — Transient alert generation and database interaction for Argus and Evryscope
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- arpespythontools — Explore, analyze, visualize Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) data.
- arpys — Python tools and scripts for ARPES data analysis
- arr — Astronomic Reference Resolver
- arte — Arcetri Random sTuff collEction
- artemis7 — Personal library to compute and draw
- artistools — Plotting and analysis tools for the ARTIS 3D radiative transfer code for supernovae and kilonovae.
- arts-localisation — Localisation of ARTS transients
- arts-tools — Tools to read or process ARTS data
- arts-tracking-beams — Create a tracking beam from ARTS tied-array beam data
- arvi — The Automated RV Inspector
- as4012_sstr — Computational Assignment for AS4012
- Ascopy — A python package of Yuan et al.’s copula method.
- asdf-astropy — ASDF serialization support for astropy
- asdf-coordinates-schemas — ASDF schemas for coordinates
- asdf-transform-schemas — ASDF schemas for transforms
- asdf-wcs-schemas — ASDF WCS schemas
- asf-tools — Tools developed by ASF for working with SAR data
- asgardpy — Gammapy-based pipeline for easy joint analysis of different gamma-ray datasets
- asivaflow — Data Reduction Pipeline
- aspired — ASPIRED
- asteca — Stellar cluster analysis package
- asteroloc8 — Locate asteroseismic numax
- astLib — A set of python modules for producing simple plots, statistics, common calculations, coordinate conversions, and manipulating FITS images with World Coordinate System (WCS) information
- astraeus — Orbit Propogation and Numeric Integration
- astrafocus — My package description
- astro-d11 — Applies a Differential Emission Line Filter on astronomical spectrum data cubes
- astro-datalab — Tools for interacting with NOIRLab's Astro Data Lab.
- astro-drpy — A data reduction toolkit for astronomical photometry and spectroscopy.
- astro-elk — This python package computes, and corrects ensemble light curves for TESS pixels within a specified aperature, from TESS FFI data.
- astro-gala — Galactic dynamics in Python
- astro-gdt — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Core Components
- astro-gdt-cgro — Gamma-ray Data Tools: CGRO Mission
- astro-gdt-fermi — Gamma-ray Data Tools: Fermi Mission