Reverse Dependencies of ase
The following projects have a declared dependency on ase:
- optimade-client — Voilà/Jupyter client for searching through OPTIMADE databases.
- optuna — A hyperparameter optimization framework
- orb-models — Foundation models for computational chemistry.
- orca-parser — A module for parse ORCA output files including hessians (.hess) files
- Organisms — This program is designed to perform a genetic algorithm global optimisation for nanoclusters.
- orGUI — orGUI: Orientation and Integration with 2D detectors
- ORR-Optimization — Catalyst structure optimization for the oxygen reduction reaction on Pt and Au
- oteapi-core — Open Translation Environment (OTE) API.
- oximachine-featurizer — Mine MOF oxidation states and featurize metal sites.
- PACMAN-charge — Partial Atomic Charges for Porous Materials based on Graph Convolutional Neural Network (PACMAN)
- pantea — A Python package for developing machine learning interatomic potentials, based on JAX.
- panthera — Package for calculating thermochemistry with anharmonic corrections
- ParMan — Parman extends Python concurrent.futures to facilitate parallel workflows
- pdyna — Perovskite dynamics analysis package
- perconeb — A tool for finding percolation pathways in crystals
- perovskite-intercalation — Routines to create intercalated perovskite crystals
- pet-torch — no summary
- pheasy — A calculator for high-order force constants and phonon quasiparticles.
- physicsml — A package for all physics based/related models
- PLAMS — Python Library for Automating Molecular Simulations
- pMuTT — Python Multiscale Thermochemistry Toolbox (pmutt)
- poremks — for analytics on nanoporous molecular structures
- pormake — Python library for the construction of porous materials using topology and building blocks
- PoseButcher — A tool for categorising and segmenting virtual hits with reference to experimental protein structures and (fragment) hits.
- postopus — Postopus (the POST-processing of OctoPUS data) is an environment, written in python, that can help with the analysis of data that was computed using the Octopus package.
- ppafm — Classical force field model for simulating atomic force microscopy images.
- PVAssess — no summary
- pwdata — pwdata is a data pre-processing tool for PWMLFF, which can be used to extract features and labels. It also provides convenient interfaces for data conversion between different software.
- py-hrmc-sim — no summary
- py4vasp — Tool for assisting with the analysis and setup of VASP calculations.
- pyace-lite — Python bindings, utilities for PACE and fitting code "pacemaker"
- pyatoms — Python automated tools for materials screening
- PyBigDFT — Python utilities for BigDFT
- pycce — A package to compute spin dynamics using CCE method
- pychemcurv — Discrete and local curvature applied to chemistry and chemical reactivity
- pycsoap — Generation of SOAP descriptors.
- pyDFTutils — utils for DFT/TB calculation
- pydseamslib — Python bindings for seams-core
- pyfhiaims — An FHI-aims official Python package
- PyFLOSIC2 — Python-based Fermi-Löwdin orbital self-interaction correction (FLO-SIC)
- pyg-nightly — Graph Neural Network Library for PyTorch
- pyhrmc — A Python implementation of Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo for electron scattering of thin films
- pyhrmc-dev — A Python implementation of Hybrid Reverse Monte Carlo for electron scattering of thin films
- pyiets — A tool for calculating inelastic tunneling spectra
- pyiron-atomistics — An interface to atomistic simulation codes including but not limited to GPAW, LAMMPS, S/Phi/nX and VASP.
- pyiron-contrib — Repository for user-generated plugins to the pyiron IDE.
- pyiron-lammps — Vector-oriented LAMMPS interface to rapidly iterate over series of atomistic structures or interatomic potentials.
- pyiron-potentialfit — Repository for user-generated plugins to the pyiron IDE.
- pykinml — Neural Net Potential Energy Surface
- pylammpsmpi — Parallel Lammps Python interface - control a mpi4py parallel LAMMPS instance from a serial python process or a Jupyter notebook
- pymatflow — An emulation assistant, input generation and manage for DFT programs
- pymatgen — Python Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures
- pymatgen-analysis-diffusion — Pymatgen add-on for diffusion analysis.
- pynics — Computing Nuclear Independent Chemical Shifts
- pyNSID — Framework for storing, visualizing, and processing N-Dimensional Spectroscopic and Imaging Data (NSID)
- pynta-flow — An automated workflow for reaction path exploration on metallic surfaces
- pynter-defects — Tools for atomistic calculations, provides features for point-defect calculations
- pynxtools — Extend NeXus for experiments and characterization in Materials Science and Materials Engineering and serve as a NOMAD parser implementation for NeXus.
- pypotlib — Python bindings and ASE adapters for potlib
- pyprocar — A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.
- pyrovskite — Python package for 2D- and 3D-perovskites
- pyscal-rdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- pyscal2 — Python library written in C++ for calculation of local atomic structural environment
- pyscal3 — Python library written in C++ for calculation of local atomic structural environment
- Pysimxrd — XRD simulator
- pysisyphus — Python suite for exploring potential energy surfaces.
- pyTEMlib — pyTEM: TEM Data Quantification library through a model-based approach
- python-ace — Python bindings, utilities for PACE and fitting code "pacemaker"
- python-autojob — tools for automating job creation and management for DFT calculations
- pyxtal — Python code for generation of crystal structures based on symmetry constraints.
- pyxtal-ff — Python code for force field training of crystals
- qeh — Quantum Electrostatic Heterostructure Model
- qetools — A python wrapper for quantum espresso calculations
- QMCblip — A small package to couple Quantum Monte Carlo codes to Machine Learning Force Fields through ASE.
- qmlearn — QMLearn
- quacc — A platform to enable high-throughput, database-driven quantum chemistry and computational materials science
- quasigraph — quasigraph: Chemical and Geometric Descriptor Toolkit for Machine Learning Models.
- quests — Quick Uncertainty and Entropy from STructural Similarity
- rdkit2ase — interface between rdkit and ASE
- rdmc — A light-weight software package with expertise in handling Reaction Data and Molecular (including transitions states) Conformers.
- ReacNetGenerator — ReacNetGenerator: An automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.
- reaction-path-step — A SEAMM plugin for finding transition states and reaction paths
- reaxpro-wrappers — The wrapper of AMS and Zacros drivers for SimPhoNy
- reptar — A tool for storing and analyzing manuscript-scale computational chemistry data
- rescupy — RESCUPy is a Python interface for the material simulation tool RESCU+ and the transport simulation tool NanoDCAL+.
- RIIGID — RIIGID - RIgid Interface Geometry IDentification
- runnerase — An Interface between the Runner Neural Network Energy Representation (RuNNer) and the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE).
- safe-ase — safe_ase
- sagar — Structures of Alloys Generation And Recognition
- schnetpack — SchNetPack - Deep Neural Networks for Atomistic Systems
- scythe-extractors — A library of tools that generate summaries of the data contained in scientific data files
- sea-urchin — The Electrolyte Machine is a set of Python tools to post-process trajectories from AIMD, MD and metadynamics simulations.
- seamm-ase — Connector between SEAMM and ASE
- Sella — no summary
- sgdml — Reference implementation of the GDML and sGDML force field models.
- shakenbreak — Package to generate and analyse distorted defect structures, in order to identify ground-state and metastable defect configurations.
- shore-pkg-geonda — python wrapper for OCEAN-FEFF
- sidpy — Python utilities for storing, visualizing, and processing Spectroscopic and Imaging Data (SID)
- siesta-tools — Set of packages oriented to improve Density Functional Theory Analysis and manipulation of geometries.
- siman — Manager for DFT calculations