Reverse Dependencies of ase
The following projects have a declared dependency on ase:
- cmlkit — Machine learning tools for computational chemistry and condensed matter physics
- combinemols3d — Combine 2 molecules in 3D by sample.
- comp-chem-utils — Utilities for computational chemistry.
- cp2k-helper — A package to help accelerate working with cp2k
- Cp2kData — A Small Package to Postprocess Cp2k Output
- cpctools — A package for analysing molecular systems
- CryDBkit — ToolKit for building your own Crystal Database
- Crylearn — toolkit for embedding crystal to graphy
- cryspr — Python implementation of crystal structure pre-relaxation and predcition (CrySPR).
- crystal-functions — Functions to be used with the CRYSTAL code.
- CRYSTALClear — Python framework for the CRYSTAL code.
- crystallite-size-calculator — no summary
- CRYSTALpytools — Python tools for the CRYSTAL code developed and mantained by the CRYSTAL code developers.
- curator-torch — Library for implementation of message passing neural networks in Pytorch
- czone — An open source python package for generating nanoscale+ atomic scenes
- dac-sim — no summary
- DebyeCalculator — A vectorised implementation of the Debye Equation on CPU and GPU
- decaf-espresso — Light-weight ASE calculator wrapper for Quantum Espresso.
- deepmd-kit — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deepmd-kit-cu11 — A deep learning package for many-body potential energy representation and molecular dynamics
- deltascf-aims — Application to test calculation of core holes in FHI-aims
- dft-python-api — Python DFT code APIe
- dftd-labeler — A convenience tool to label structures with DFT dispersion corrections.
- dftd3 — Python API of the DFT-D3 project
- dftinputgen — Unopinionated library to generate input files for DFT codes
- dftpy — Python3 packages for Density Functional Theory
- dfttoolkit — A collection of python modules and libraries for several DFT codes to handle input and output.
- diep — material representation via the direct integration of the external potential
- diffusivity — diffusivity calculates the diffusion properties by processing trajectory files
- dockonsurf — Code to systematically find the most stable geometry for molecules on surfaces
- dosmaster — DOS(Density Of States) Plot Smartly in Terminal
- dpamber — Some useful tools related to Amber and DP.
- dpdata — Manipulating data formats of DeePMD-kit, VASP, QE, PWmat, and LAMMPS, etc.
- dpdata-abinit — Dpdata plugin of ABINIT hist file
- dpdata-qdpi — The dpdata plugin for QDPi.
- dpgen — DP-GEN: The deep potential generator
- dpmdtools — DPTools: CLI toolkit and python library for working with deepmd-kit.
- dragonfruit — Workflow tool
- dscribe — A Python package for creating feature transformations in applications of machine learning to materials science.
- dxutils — A small toolbox for computational solid state physics
- e3md — Library for machine learning on physical tensors
- easyunfold — Collection of code for band unfolding
- ectoolkits — ElectroChemical Toolkit(ECToolkit), the package to calculate electrochemical results from atomistic simulations.
- effmass — An effective mass package
- elastensor — A package designed to assist with the creation of 3rd order elastic constants from DFT
- elastic — Extension for ASE to calculate elastic constants
- elasticnet — Predict the mechanical properties of multi-component transition metal carbides (MTMCs).
- elastool — Elastic tool for zero and finite-temperature elastic constants and mechanical properties calculations
- enstelco — ENergy-STrain ELastic COnstant calculations made simple!
- environmentfinder — Tool for finding atomic environments in crystal structures
- esma — Quantum Espresso automation tool
- espresso-machine — Quantum Espresso automation tool
- excitingscripts — Executable command-line scripts for working with the exciting code.
- excitingtools — Utilities for aiding in the construction of exciting inputs and the postprocessing exciting outputs.
- expectra — Code for simulating EXAFS calculations from molecular dynamics trajectories or normal modes using FEFF
- express-py — EXcellent PRoperty Extractor and Serializer.
- extxyz — no summary
- faare — faare
- fairchem-applications-cattsunami — Accelerating Transition State Energy Calculations with Pre-trained Graph Neural Networks
- fairchem-core — Machine learning models for use in catalysis as part of the Open Catalyst Project
- fairchem-data-oc — Code for generating adsorbate-catalyst input configurations
- fairchem-demo-ocpapi — Python client library for the Open Catalyst API
- fast-grid — Fast grid calculation
- fastatomstruct — no summary
- fastlogfileparser — Parse computational chemistry log files, but fast-ly.
- FermiSoftness — A script for calculating Fermi-Softness.
- fireballpy — Minimalistic Fireball for Python
- firecode — Computational chemistry general purpose ensemble optimizer and transition state builder
- flatgraphene — Generate mono and multilayer graphene geometries
- fortnet-ase — Interfacing Fortnet with the Atomic Simulation Environment
- fortnet-python — Python Tools for the Fortnet Software Package
- fpop — Operators related to first-principles calculation
- g80sxm — Analyse and create figures for Nanonis SPM data
- gblearn — Machine learning grain boundary properties and structure.
- gbsd — A Python package for determining the structures of materials with gradient-based methods.
- gdpx — Automate computational chemistry/materials sciance and machine learning interatomic potential training workflow.
- gpumd-wizard — Material structure processing software
- graph-pes — Potential Energy Surfaces on Graphs
- green-mbtools — Collection of Python tools for quantum many-body simulation using Green Software Package
- grsq — Structure factor and X-ray scattering from radial distribution functions
- gulp_setup — A python script to convert any ase input file to gulp (.gin)
- HamiltonIO — A library for reading/writting Hamiltonian with localized basis set.
- hecss — High Efficiency Configuration Space Sampler
- hiperccat — tools for automating job creation and management for DFT calculations
- hiphive — High-order force constants for the masses
- hippynn — The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch
- HlightReaxMD — Projects for analysis of cascade collision processes and molecular chemical reactions
- hmpol — A package to calculate the moments and polarizabilities of molecules
- hpfitter — Hyperparameter fitter for the Gaussian Process from GP-atom
- htdefects — A Python library for high-throughput defect calculations
- htflow-utils — utility functions and classes for SurfFlow and TriboFlow
- HTMACat — A high-throughput modeling, calculation, and analysis framework for catalytic reaction processes.
- htscf — High-throughput computing flow
- htsct — High-throughput computing tools
- hzdplugins — plugins for my own research
- ifes-apt-tc-data-modeling — Foster exchange about data models and work towards clear specifications of file formats and data models in the research fields of atom probe tomography and related field-ion microscopy (atom probe microscopy).
- imgraph — Graph Neural Network Library Built On Top Of PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric
- ions — A python library for studying ionic conductors
- ipsuite — A suite of tools for machine learned interatomic potentials.
- ipyatom — a package primarily for interfacing ase/pymatgen with ipyvolume/matplotlib