Reverse Dependencies of ase
The following projects have a declared dependency on ase:
- ipyoptimade — Jupyter client for searching structures through OPTIMADE API
- ipyvasp — A processing tool for VASP DFT input/output processing in Jupyter Notebook.
- janus-core — Tools for machine learnt interatomic potentials
- jaxmd-tools — no summary
- jittoku — Useful scripts for QE etc.
- kgcnn — General Base Layers for Graph Convolutions with Keras
- kgrid — Reciprocal space sampling for atomistic crystal structures
- KinBot — Automated reaction kinetics for gas-phase species
- kinisi — Efficient estimation of diffusion processes from molecular dynamics.
- kmcos — kMC modeling on steroids
- kultools — Utility package for atomistic simulations using ASE and VASP
- lammpsinputbuilder — LammpsInputBuilder (or LIB) is a Python library designed to generate Lammps inputs from a molecular model, a forcefield, and a high level definition of a simulation workflow.
- LatticeFinder — This program is designed to give the lattice constants for a 3D crystal lattice or a 2D system, such as graphene (in development).
- lawaf — A library for constructing Lattice and other Wannier functions
- LEAFeatures — Local Enviroment-induced Atomic Features (LEAF)
- libdescriptor — Fully differentiable descriptors for atomistic systems
- lightshow — A one-stop-shop for computational spectroscopy
- load-atoms — Large Open Access Datasets for Atomistic Materials Science (LOAD-AtoMS)
- m3gnet — Materials Graph with Three-body Interactions
- mace-models — Access pre-trained MACE models
- mace-torch — no summary
- macrodensity — no summary
- madas — The MAterials DAta Similarity framework.
- Martinoid — This module was inspired by martinize ( and has been created to perform automatic topology building of peptoids within the MARTINI forcefield (v2.1) in the GROMACS program.
- masci_tools — masci-tools is a collection of tools for materials science.
- mat3ra-api-examples — Mat3ra API Examples
- mat3ra-made — MAterials DEfinitions and/or MAterials DEsign library.
- matador-db — MATerial and Atomic Databases Of Refined structures.
- matbench-discovery — A benchmark for machine learning energy models on inorganic crystal stability prediction from unrelaxed structures
- matcalc — Calculators for materials properties from the potential energy surface.
- matdb — Welcome to MatDB, a material science database designed to be light weight and portable.
- materialist — no summary
- materials-learning-algorithms — Materials Learning Algorithms. A framework for machine learning materials properties from first-principles data.
- materials-visualization — Routines to visualize atomic models in jupyter
- matgl — MatGL is a framework for graph deep learning for materials science.
- matgraphdb — Welcome to MatGraphDB, a powerful Python package designed to interface with primary and graph databases for advanced material analysis.
- matid — MatID is a Python package for identifying and analyzing atomistic systems based on their structure.
- matminer — matminer is a library that contains tools for data mining in Materials Science
- matscipy — Generic Python Materials Science tools
- mattersim — MatterSim: A Deep Learning Atomistic Model Across Elements, Temperatures and Pressures.
- MAZE-sim — Multiscale Zeolite Atomic simulation Environment (MAZE)
- mbGDML — Create, use, and analyze machine learning potentials within the many-body expansion framework
- MCPoly — Useful tools for Computational Chemistry for polymers
- MDANSE — MDANSE Core package - Molecular Dynamics trajectory handling and analysis code
- mddatasetbuilder — A script to generate molecular dynamics (MD) datasets for machine learning from given LAMMPS trajectories automatically.
- mdinterface — mdinterface: A package for building interface systems in Molecular Dynamics simulations.
- mechviz — MechViz -- Python-based toolkit for the analysis and visualization of mechanical properties of materials
- mff — Gaussian process regression to extract non-parametric 2- and 3- body force fields.
- miko-analyzer — Analyzing tool for deep learning based chemical research.
- mincepy-sci — Plugins to enable common scientific and machine learning type to be saved by mincePy
- minflow — A basic package for a customized workflow using quantum espresso or abinit.
- minimulti — Mini Extendable framework of multi Hamiltonian
- mir-flare — Fast Learning of Atomistic Rare Events
- mir-pysampling — no summary
- mkite-core — distributed computing for high-throughput materials simulation
- mkite-db — mkite: distributed computing platform for high-throughput materials simulations
- mkits — multi-DFT codes assistant program.
- ml4chem — Machine learning for chemistry and materials.
- mlacs — Machine-Learning Assisted Canonical Sampling
- mlcalcdriver — A package to drive atomic calculations using machine learned models.
- mlip-arena — Fair and transparent benchmark of machine-learned interatomic potentials (MLIPs), beyond basic error metrics
- mlipx — Machine-Learned Interatomic Potential eXploration
- MLWC — MMLWC (machine learning Wannier center)
- mofchecker — Perform sanity checks for MOFs.
- mofdscribe — Ecosystem for digital reticular chemistry
- moffragmentor — Splits MOFs into metal nodes and linkers.
- mofpy — Python package to handle MOF structures and perform various analysis.
- mofstructure — A Python tool to deconstruct MOFs into building units and compute porosity. The code removes guests from MOFs and all porous systems, computes SMILES strings and InChIKeys of all building units.
- moftransformer — moftransformer
- mofun — Find and replace functional groups in any given periodic structure.
- Molara — A visualisation tool for chemical structures.
- molbar — Molecular Barcode (MolBar): Molecular Identifier for Organic and Inorganic Molecules
- molecular-builder — Package for building molecular systems
- MolParse — Package for parsing, writing, and modifying molecular structure files
- molsaic — Python package for performing cluster-cutout calculations
- moyopy — Python binding of Moyo
- mpdd-alignn — A version of the NIST-JARVIS ALIGNN optimized in terms of model performance and to some extent reliability, for large-scale deployments over the MPDD infrastructure by Phases Research Lab.
- mpinterfaces — High throughput analysis of interfaces using VASP and Materials Project tools
- musConv — Generate supercell and check supercell convergence with SCF forces
- muse-xtal — no summary
- muspinsim — Full quantum simulation of muon experiments
- nano-net — Python framework for tight-binding computations
- narupatools — Tools and extensions for Narupa
- NepTrain — NEP自动训练
- nepx — Python interface for NEP
- nequip — NequIP is an open-source code for building E(3)-equivariant interatomic potentials.
- nfflr — neural force field learning toolkit
- NISP — The Nanocluster Interpolation Scheme Program (NISP) is designed to perform an interpolation scheme that gives idea of the types of perfect, closed-shell and open-shell clusters for a cluster at selected sizes.
- nnpackage — NNPackage - Deep Neural Networks for Atomistic Systems (based on SchNetPack)
- nomad-normalizer-plugin-system — System normalizer plugin for NOMAD.
- nomodeco — a python package for the determination of optimal internal coordinate systems for molecular structures
- nvcs — nglview wrapper for crystal structure
- NXSP-to-xyz — A Python tool
- occuprob — A tool for calculating occupation probabilities and ensemble-averaged properties via the superposition approximation.
- oganesson — oganesson enables rapid AI workflows for material science and chemistry
- ogreinterface — A Python library used to generate and optimize epitaxial inorganic interface structures.
- openfermion — The electronic structure package for quantum computers.
- OpenMechanochem — python module for mechanochemical simulations
- openqdc — ML ready Quantum Mechanical datasets
- optimade — Tools for implementing and consuming OPTIMADE APIs.