- xRBM — Tensorflow implementations of the Restricted Boltzmann Machine family of models
- xrcalc — Microapp xarray calculator
- XRCEA — X-ray crystallography extensible analyzer
- xrd-image-util — Utility package for handling XRD image data.
- XRD-Learn — A Python package for visualizing and analyzing X-ray Diffraction (XRD) experimental data, providing tools to process, visualize, and extract meaningful insights from XRD patterns and measurements.
- xrd-simulator — Tools for diffraction simulation of s3dxrd type experiments.
- xrd-viewer — no summary
- xrd-xy-parser — parse xy format file of X-ray diffraction
- xrdconfig — Easy access to Xrootd config parameters
- xrdfit — Automated fitting of XRD peaks using Pseudo-Voight fits
- XRDimage — XRDImage is a Python 3 package developed by the SDLE Research Center at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH.
- xrdmon — monitor for XRootD servers
- xrdownloader — XploitsR | XRDownloader is a module for faster downloading of files.
- xrdphase — Python package for doing science.
- xrdPlanner — A tool to project X-ray diffraction cones on a detector screen at different geometries (tilt, rotation, offset) and X-ray energies.
- xrdsum — Package for retrieving and calculating checksums for XRootD
- xrdtools — A library to read .xrdml files
- xrdump — Replacement for ncdump using xarray.
- xre — Build regex like legos.
- xrea — XREA API wrapper
- xRedUtils — Simple, general purpose functions in one place!
- xregi — A package for automatic 2D/3D registration of X-ray and CT images
- xregion-ssm-parameter — xregion-ssm-parameter
- xregion-ssm-parameter-reader — xregion-ssm-parameter-reader
- xrely-lib-client — client library for xrely platform.
- xremap — Generate xremap config from Python
- xrennerjsonnlp — The Python Xrenner JSON-NLP package
- xreq — A small example package
- xresponse — Reusable Responses and Error responses for xKern APIs
- xrest — no summary
- xretrieval — Retrieve and Evaluate with X(any) models
- xRevChatGPT — ChatGPT is a reverse engineering of OpenAI's ChatGPT API
- xrf-tomo — XRF Tomography Reconstruction
- xrfeitoria — OpenXRLab Synthetic Data Rendering Toolbox
- xrframes — Similar to ``xmovie``, make animations from xarray objects.
- xrft — Discrete Fourier Transform with xarray
- xrmap — Plot xarrays lat-lon datasets using folium
- xrmath — A math tool by Xinre.
- xrmocap — no summary
- xrmreader — A reader and preprocessor for txrm/xrm data acquired by Zeiss microscopes.
- xrnn — Light weight fast machine learning framework.
- xrobo-calibration — The xrobo_calibration project provides a robust framework for calibrating robotic systems. It supports tools and methodologies for determining transformations between key components, such as cameras, robotic arms, and mobile base using calibration patterns like chessboards or markers.
- xrocket — xRocket Python SDK
- xroms — Package for working with ROMS output in xarray
- xron — A deep neural network basecaller for nanopore sequencing.
- xronos — no summary
- xrootd — eXtended ROOT daemon
- xrootdfs — XRootDFS is PyFilesystem interface to XRootD.
- xrootdlib — library for working with the XRootD middleware
- xrootdpyfs — XRootDPyFS is a PyFilesystem interface for XRootD.
- xrosfs — Mount a Running Docker Container File Sytem via FUSE
- xrotor — Stripped down version of XROTOR as compiled python module
- xroute-env — A standard API for reinforcement learning in detailed routing.
- xrouter — XRouter
- xrp-price-aggregate — A utility library that wraps grabbing the current spot price of $XRP from various exchanges.
- xrpa — xrpa
- xrpatcher — A ML-oriented generic patcher for xarray data structures.
- xrpl-dex-sdk — Python SDK for interacting with the XRPL decentralized exchange
- xrpl-helpers — no summary
- xrpl-plugin — no summary
- xrpl-py — A complete Python library for interacting with the XRP ledger
- xrpl-py-23 — A complete Python library for interacting with the XRP ledger
- xrpl-py-release-test — A complete Python library for interacting with the XRP ledger
- xrpl-py-release-test-1 — A complete Python library for interacting with the XRP ledger
- xrpl-sidechain-cli — A CLI that helps you set up an XRPL sidechain.
- xrpl-websocket — XRL Websocket Client
- xrpld-netgen — Xrpld network generator
- xrpld-publisher — Xrpld validator lists publisher library
- xrprimer — description
- xrpy — Easier XRPL functions
- xrrloader — no summary
- xrscipy — Scipy integrated into xarray
- xrsignal — implementing signal processing routines in scipy.signal for distributed computing using xarray as dask
- xrsmtp — XploitsR | XRSmtp is a module for fetching the details of any SMTP provider for your development or personal use.
- xrst — Extract RST files from source code and run Sphinx
- xrtc — SDK for XRTC API - the next generation TCP streaming protocol
- xrtpy — no summary
- xrtr — A Radix Tree based router for HTTP and other routing needs with support for middlewares and endpoints with a Cython boost
- xrview — Visualizing xarray data.
- xrvoyage — XR Voyage Python Package
- xrx-mysql-utils — A mysql utility package
- xrx-redis-file-transporter — A redis file transport package
- xrx-text-utils — A small text utils package
- xrypt-xethhung12 — A simple tools to hybrid encryption and decryption
- xrzz — HTTP Request from scratch 101
- xs-api — xs get data
- xs-transformers — no summary
- XS-treatment — XS-treatment suite for SAXS/WAXS data treatment.
- xs1-api-client — A library to get and set values of the EZcontrol XS1 Gateway
- xs3d — Compute cross sectional area of 3d shapes.
- xsanta — Secret Santa Generator
- xsar — xarray/dask distributed L1 sar file reader
- xsarsea — Python xarray library to compute geophysical parameters (such as wind, waves or currents) from radar quantities
- XSBCK — eXecutable SBCK
- xsbe — Tool for parsing XML using example XML documents as a schema
- xsc — xsc
- xscaffold — Used to scaffold a project.
- xscanner — no summary
- xscen — A climate change scenario-building analysis framework, built with xclim/xarray.