- XoogMongoFunctions — convert a Pandas DataFrame into a MongoDB document
- xoop — no summary
- xop — XOP optimization for XML Infosets.
- xopen — Open compressed files transparently
- xopera-template-library — Python CLI for managing template library.
- xopes — Efficient operators for Machine Learning
- xoppylib — no summary
- xops — A simple x-ops toolkit
- XOR-CheckSum-zsd — XOR_CheckSum tools
- xor-cipher — Simple, reusable and optimized XOR ciphers in Python.
- xor-cipher-core — Simple, reusable and optimized XOR ciphers in Python (core).
- xor-cipher-pikicode — Simple XOR cipher
- xorbits — Scalable Python data science, in an API compatible & lightning fast way.
- xorbits-sql — Run SQL queries freely on Xorbits.
- XORc — XORc is a simple python package to provide simple XOR encryption using XOR algorithms.
- xorCryptPy — Simple Python XOR string encryption library
- XorEncoder — An Xor Encoder
- xorius — A LLM-based agent.
- xorjson — Fast, correct Python JSON library supporting dataclasses, datetimes, and numpy
- xornlpcrack — XOR cracker with NLP
- xorrkaz-unifi — Utilities for working with UniFi controllers
- xortool — A tool to analyze multi-byte xor cipher
- xortool-ciphey — Multi-byte xor analysis for Ciphey
- xoscar — Python actor framework for heterogeneous computing.
- xoscar-ray — Xoscar on Ray.
- xot — a package with modular components for building X of Though (XoT) systems
- xotab-serialization — Serialization library
- xotes — personal note management system.
- xotl.crdt — CRDTs for Python
- xotl.plato — Basic (non-recursive) 'platonic' schemata
- xotl.ql — A pythonic query language, with similar goals as LINQ had for C#
- — Collection of usefull algorithms and other very disparate stuff
- xotless — Collection of small utilities that have not yet being promoted to
- XOTweet — XOTweet is a tweet bot that scraps twitter for keywords and returns all valid tweets
- xou — xou is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xournal-converters — Python scripts for converting Xournal documents to HTML and PDF.
- xoutil — Collection of usefull algorithms and other very disparate stuff
- xova — Measurement Set Averager
- xover — Cross-over analysis of hydrographic variables
- xoverturning — compute overturning in xarray
- xowbuk — bestest
- xows — XoWS library / cli tool
- xoxo — Balanced diversity solver xoxo to the square.
- XoxoDay — XoxoDay Api Client For Python
- xoy — xoy is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- XP-Extinction-Toolkit — Extinction correction package using extinction curves derived from XP spectra
- xp-pen — no summary
- xp-scenery-organizer — A small package to organizer the X-plane's scenery_packs.ini file
- xp-xscreensaver — XP logon screensaver for xscreensaver
- xpa — X-ray diffraction lib for analysis
- xpag — xpag: Exploring Agents
- xpander-sdk — xpander-sdk
- xpanse — Python library is an interface to the Cortex Xpanse API.
- xpansiv-xsignals — Python SDK for the XPANSIV XSIGNALS platform
- xpanther — Find Unique Xpath of any HTML/XML element
- Xpaper — Cross platform library for managing desktop wallpaper
- xparser — An XResources parser for python applications.
- xpartition — Tool for writing large xarray datasets to zarr stores with independent processes
- xpass — identity function
- xpath-expressions — Treat XPath expressions as Python objects
- xpath-filter — XPath filter of HTML files
- xpath-helper — A simple and chainnable API to build complicated XPath queries without the hassle.
- xpath-identifier — Identify Xpath expressions in a given document
- xpath-localizer — XPATH internationalization and localization helper
- xpath-parser — A xpath expression parser
- xpath-string — Module which allows to make xpath operations over string which represent xpath
- xpath-utils — xpath_utils
- xpathi — Library for generating XPath expressions as string using magic methods 🧙✨
- XPathMongoCompiler — CS5421 project: Design and implementation of a compiler for an XPath dialect for JSON and MongoDB
- xpathparser — A fork of the xpath module from the pyang package that parses XPath strings into tokens
- xpathreader — Reads xPath files. Documentation:
- xpathwebscrapper — Simple and easy configurable web scrapper
- xpathwrapper — Selenium xpath wrapper to easily use in automation python
- xpattern — Pattern Matching with XObject.
- xpay — Python bindings for the XPay API
- xpboards — A python util for xpboards
- xpca — Implementations of extended PCA methods, such as IPCA and WWMPCA.
- xpcs-viewer — A python-based interactive visualization tool to view XPCS dataset
- xpdeep — Coming soon
- xpdeep-api — Coming soon
- xpdeep-api-client — Coming soon
- xpdeep-dataset — Coming soon
- xPDF50 — Downloads clean PDFs of CS50 course materials from web pages
- xpdfpghljk — This is just a cython + packaging + cibuildwheel test
- xpdlines — A program for plotting powder diffraction patterns and background subtraction
- xpe — A versatile commandline xpath parser
- xpect — Programmed dialogue with interactive streams.
- XPER — XPER (eXplainable PERformance) is a methodology designed
- XperiBot — Telegram Bot for monitoring ML experiments
- xperimental-data-conv — convert excel resources into sbol and flapjack and upload them
- xpersist — xpersist provides custom caching utility functions in Python
- xpflow — Utilities for representing experiments with classes
- xpg — xonsh python for pg
- XpGraph — Explaining Graph-based Classifiers
- xphn-discord-components — Fork of discord_components, an unofficial library for discord components.
- XPHN-ezDiscord — Easily create and use Discord Webhooks and simple bots.
- xphonebr — Grapheme to phoneme conversion and tools for tts with deep learning.
- xphyle — Utilities for working with files.
- xpi — For Raspberry Pi3B+
- xpi-blocks — Package for xPI boards to handle sensors and peripherial devices