- xterm — Professional modding to the terminal and changing the font of string texts
- xterm-backup — Custom keyboard and mouse events for xterm_backup terminals
- xterm256-colors — Handy utilities for interacting with xterm-256color terminal emulators
- xterm256-converter — This util can convert hex color code to nearest xterm 256 color.
- XtermGUI — A lightweight, expressive GUI framework for compatible terminals
- xtermutil — A package to help customize xterm
- xtesting — OPNFV reference testing framework
- xtesting-db-populate — xtesting db populate script
- xtestlib — Lib to test deployments and features
- XTestRunner — Modern style test report based on unittest framework.
- xtex2svg — A simple Python Module to convert (inline or block) LaTeX snippets to SVGs (files and/or texts)
- xtext — super fun, comfy & __foundational__ tools to help you build & interpret with generative ai.
- xtf — xtf is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xtfixdemo — A demo Python module
- xtg-auth — Authentication backend for Telegram Mini Apps on starlette/fastapi API
- xtgen — A cmdline tool for generating code to train ML models, using latest research datasets and architectures
- xtgeo — XTGeo is a Python library for 3D grids, surfaces, wells, etc
- xtgeoviz — Plotting library for xtgeo objects
- xth — xth is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xthematic — cli app for customizing terminals
- xtheme — theme generator
- xThermal — Python API of xThermal package which is designed to calculate EOS and thermal dynamic properties of H2O, H2O-NaCl, and some other species in the near future.
- xthread — Useful threading for pause/unpause and terminating
- xtick — no summary
- xtictoc — Welcome to Xtictoc, a simple console-based Tic-Tac-Toe (XO) game in Python.
- xtiff — A tiny Python library for writing multi-channel TIFF stacks
- xtiler — Coordinate system for tiling with hexagons.
- xtime — xtime
- xtimeout — Trace a timeout function call and handle with it
- xtimetracker — Simple time tracking from the command line
- xtip — Run commands on selected text quickly
- xtj — xtj is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xtk — xtk is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xtkinter — 一个基于tkinter包的扩展模块,可以更加自由的定义各种窗口及美化小部件,使用xtkinter包可以做出更漂亮的图形界面
- xtl-read-assistant — X as a third language reading assistant
- xtlearn — This is a package with classes to be used in sklearn pipelines with pandas dataframes
- xtlib — A set of tools for organizing and scaling ML experiments
- xtlsapi — Awesome xtlsapi created by hiddify
- xtmigrations — Fast and easy to use database migration tool for Postgresql, written in Python
- xtml — A machine learning trainer across various ML frameworks.
- xtn — A library for working with the xtn format
- xtn-tools-pro — xtn 开发工具
- xtnkk-tools — xtn 开发工具
- xtnkk-tools-pro — xtn 开发工具
- xto — xto is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xton — TON SMC deployer Interface
- xTool — A python script tools
- xtoolbox — ToolBox for Python
- xtools — XTools API wrapper
- XToolsLib — This is a simple library with many useful and simple tools.
- xtop — xtop, a command line xpu hardware monitoring tool that supports CPU, GPU, and NPU.
- xtor — Manage Tor instances
- xtorch — Simple and powerful pytorch framework.
- Xtouch2Vjoy — This script maps MIDI Control Change (CC) and Note On/Off messages from a Behringer X-Touch Mini to vJoy virtual joystick inputs. It allows you to control vJoy axes and buttons using MIDI devices.
- xtoy — get xtoyed predictions from raw data
- xtp-job-control — Workflow engine to use the VOTCA-XTP library
- xtproductions — the Arsenal
- xtproductjson — Can be used to convert product excel sheet to list
- xtPyapollos — no summary
- xtq — xtq is a collection of libraries for building AI applications
- xtquant — no summary
- XtQuant-pro — 迅投QMT接口相关介绍和常用功能封装.
- xtr — xtr
- xtra — Taken By Trakos (:
- xtracer — Python Multi Tracer Tool
- XtraCrysPy — A Python tool for visualizing atomic systems and properties of condensed matter.
- xtract — Library to (un)pack archives and (de)compress files
- xtract-nlp — A tool to process codebases, generate embeddings for code chunks, and query code snippets using natural language models like CodeBERT.
- xtract-sdk — A package used for downloading and processing files from multiple habitats.
- xtracthub — SDK for xtract-container-service
- xtractmime — Implementation of the MIME Sniffing standard (
- xtracto — Xtracto is a lightweight web development framework designed to simplify the process of creating dynamic web pages using Python and pypx.
- xtractr — A mechanism to improve extraction
- xtracture — Xtracture is an open source library designed to efficiently extract arbitrary elements from documents.
- xtradict — Extended dict class
- xtrail-ai — Retrieve machine details, monitor resources, and execute jobs dynamically.
- xtrain — A Flax trainer
- xtrainers — Efficient training for Machine Learning
- xtraining — Training package
- xtralien — A library for controlling Ossila's Source Measure Unit
- XtraMLTools — Additional Tools for Machine Learning
- xtransfer — A file transfer cli to rule them all.
- xtranslator — A package for translating text and detecting languages
- xtream — nstream streaming platform
- xtream-diamonds — Xtream Data Science Interview Assignment
- xtreamcodeserver — XTreamCode server and library
- xtremcache — Handle generic file and directories caching
- xtreme-calculator-sdk — Use the XTreme Calculator to pass your exams.
- xtreme-vision — A Python Library for Computer Vision tasks like Object Detection, Segmentation, Pose Estimation etc
- xtremes — Some utilities to perform Extreme Value Analysis
- xtrf-api — XTRF Home Portal API
- xtrip-auth — Cryptographically strong pseudorandom key generator based on the XStrip Algorithm
- xtrm-drest — Dynamic REST with DRF Writable Nested package for CRUD
- xtrm-library — Core library for each project developed by Extreme Solutions
- xtrmth — assorted math functions, to provide all of your math needs.
- xtrude — An xarray extension for 3D terrain visualization
- xts — xts is the Python SDK for XT Systems
- xts-cipher — A Python package for encryption and decryption using the XOR-Transposition-Substitution (XTS) cipher algorithm.
- xtsjspider — 系统设计工作室开发用于学习开发使用
- Xtssort — sort