- acapi2 — Acquia Cloud API v2 client library.
- acappella-info — Python implementation of Acappella Dataset
- acapy — acapy package (Python bindings for AVALDATA AcapLib2 )
- acapy-agent — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-agent-jamie-testing — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-client — A client library for accessing Aries Cloud Agent
- acapy-controller — ACA-Py Controller
- acapy-mydata-did-protocol — ACA-Py plugin for MyData DID DIDComm protcol
- acapy-patched — no summary
- acapy-patched-old — no summary
- acapy-peopledata-did — ACA-Py plugin for MyData DID DIDComm protcol
- acapy-plugin-pickup — Pickup Protocol for ACA-Py
- acapy-revocation-demo — Demonstrate Indy AnonCreds revocation using ACA-Py
- acapy-wallet-groups-plugin — Agent plugin to add a group id to a wallet
- acas-auth — no summary
- acasclient — ACAS API Client
- acasio9 — Advanced Calculator
- AcAuto3D — no summary
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- ACB-MSE — Automatic-Class-Balanced MSE Loss for PyTorch (ACB-MSE) to combat class imbalanced datasets and stabilise fluctuating loss gradients.
- acb-py — Library for reading/extracting ACB files
- acbrlib-python — Camada de abstração para acesso à ACBrLib em Python
- acc-fwu — A tool to update Linode/ACC firewall rules with your current IP address.
- acc-lib — Personal collection of methods useful for accelerator physics
- acc_provision — Tool to provision ACI for ACI Containers Controller Build info: Release info not in the current build.
- acc2psql — Converter from *.accdb/*.mdb to PostgreSQL *.sql
- accapi — Avigilon Control Center API for Python
- accarbon — Tweet images of source code submitted to AtCoder.
- accasim — An HPC Workload Management Simulator
- accbib — a package to deal with bibliography
- accbpg — Accelerated Bregman proximal gradient (ABPG) methods
- acccmip5 — Package for accessing CMIP5 database in real-time
- acccmip6 — Package for accessing CMIP6 database in real-time
- accdbtools — convert accdb tables to csv files
- accel — automated computation chemical library specialized for handling large numbers of conformers
- accel-brain-base — accel-brain-base is a basic library of the Deep Learning for rapid development at low cost. This library makes it possible to design and implement deep learning, which must be configured as a complex system, by combining a plurality of functionally differentiated modules such as a Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM), Deep Boltzmann Machines(DBMs), a Stacked-Auto-Encoder, an Encoder/Decoder based on Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM), and a Convolutional Auto-Encoder(CAE).
- accelapy — Accela REST API
- accelasc — implementation of accel_asc algorithm for integer partitions
- accelbooks — no summary
- AccelBrainBeat — AccelBrainBeat is a Python library for creating the binaural beats or monaural beats. You can play these beats and generate wav files. The frequencys can be optionally selected.
- accelbyte-py-sdk — no summary
- accelbyte-py-sdk-all — AccelByte Python SDK - All
- accelbyte-py-sdk-core — AccelByte Python SDK - Core
- accelbyte-py-sdk-feat-auth — AccelByte Python SDK - Feature - Auth
- accelbyte-py-sdk-feat-token-validation — AccelByte Python SDK - Feature - Token Validation
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-achievement — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Achievement Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-ams — AccelByte Python SDK - Fleet Commander
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-basic — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Basic Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-challenge — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Challenge Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-chat — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Chat Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-cloudsave — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Cloudsave Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-dsartifact — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Ds Artifact Manager
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-dslogmanager — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Ds Log Manager Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-dsmc — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Dsm Controller Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-eventlog — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Event Log Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-gametelemetry — AccelByte Python SDK - Analytics Game Telemetry
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-gdpr — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Gdpr Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-group — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Group Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-iam — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Iam Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-inventory — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Inventory Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-leaderboard — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Leaderboard Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-legal — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Legal Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-lobby — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Lobby Server
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-match2 — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Match Service V2
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-matchmaking — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Matchmaking Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-platform — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Platform Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-qosm — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Qos Manager Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-reporting — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Reporting Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-seasonpass — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Seasonpass Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-session — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Session Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-sessionbrowser — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Session Browser Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-sessionhistory — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Session History Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-social — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Statistics Service
- accelbyte-py-sdk-service-ugc — AccelByte Python SDK - AccelByte Gaming Services Ugc Service
- accele — no summary
- accelerate — Accelerate
- accelerate-fft — FFT for MAC using vDSP
- accelerated-numpy — Faster loops for NumPy using multithreading and other tricks
- accelerated-scan — no summary
- accelerated-sequence-clustering — Fast sequence clustering module
- accelerator — A tool for fast and reproducible processing of large amounts of data.
- accelerator-physics — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- accelerator-toolbox — Accelerator Toolbox
- accelerator-utils — Sharing useful python functions for accelerator physics with the public
- accelerometer — A package to extract meaningful health information from large accelerometer datasets e.g. how much time individuals spend in sleep, sedentary behaviour, walking and moderate intensity physical activity
- accelo — no summary
- accelphys — Accelerator Physics
- accelrotate — Rotate linux devices (screens, touchpads etc) based on accelerometer
- acceltools — tools for ACCeL
- accentdatabase — no summary
- accentnotifications — no summary
- accept-paymob — Python client for the Paymob.accept API
- accept-types — Determine the best content to send in an HTTP response
- acceptable — API metadata and schema tool for generating tests and documentation
- acceptance — Accept Header parsing library
- acceptanceutils — Generic acceptance testing utils.
- acceptlang — A package for parsing Accept-Language tag received from (untrusted) client context.
- accepton — AcceptOn Python library
- accepts — @accepts decorator to check arguments types
- accera — no summary