entry points are used by
setuptools and
pip to create & install a project's GUI programs.
If a project defines a gui_scripts
entry point named foo
that points to
, then when the project is installed, the installer
will also create & install an executable named foo
that invokes
in modulename
when run. See the setuptools documentation for
Project | Entry Point |
EPRsimGUI | simgui |
eQuimage | eQuimage |
eQuimageLab | eQuimageLab |
ErwinJr2 | ErwinJr |
ErwinJr2 | ErwinJr-genshortcut |
escapydl | escapydl-gui |
eternal-radio-player | eternal-radio-player-gui |
ev3sim | ev3sim |
eventeditor | eventeditor |
eventeditor-GPT | eventeditor |
exhibiter | exhibiter |
ExifDateGeoBatch | ExifDateGeoBatch |
extrap | extrap-gui |
ezntfs | ezntfs-app |
faber-bench | faber-bench |
fabio | fabio_viewer |
facebookreport | facebookreport |
factoriohelper | factoriohelper |
factorytest-pinephone | factorytest |
felonfinder | felon-finder-win |
fetrix | fetrix |
FFGo | ffgo-noconsole |
ffmpeg-downloader | ffdl-gui |
ffmpeg-gui | ffmpeg-gui |
fibomat | beam_simulation |
fijiconvert | fijiconvert |
fime | fime |
Finger-balabolka | finger_balabolka |
five-timer | five-timer |
flannel | flannel |
flent | flent-gui |
fleter | fleter-demo |
flopferret | flopferret |
FlowTutor | flowtutor |
flpinspect | flpinspect |
fluxel | fluxel_gui |
flyer-composer | flyer-composer-gui |
fnschool | fnschool-gui |
fonttoolsWB | fonttoolswb |
formiko | formiko |
formiko | formiko-vim |
FotoKilof | fotokilof |
four-letter-blocks | four_letter_blocks |
FoxDotEditor | FoxDotEditor |
fprime-visual | fprime-visual |
framework16-inputmodule | ledmatrixgui |
freesas | freesas |
FreeSimpleGUI | fsghelp |
FreeSimpleGUI | fsgissue |
FreeSimpleGUI | fsgmain |
FreeSimpleGUI | fsgsettings |
FreeSimpleGUI | fsgver |
FreeTVG-karjakak | TVG |
fritzbox-tray | fritzbox-tray |
functino | functino |
fyler | fyler |
galacteek | galacteek |
galassify | galassify |
galaxies | galaxies_gui |
gamest | gamest |
gazeMapper | gazeMapper |
gdpy3 | gdpy3-gui |
GearMess-client | gui_client |
genxword | genxword-gtk |
gepwc | gepwc |
get-spotlights | get-spotlights-gui |
Gifu | gifu |
gistPipeline | Mapviewer |
gistPipeline | gistPlot_gas |
gistPipeline | gistPlot_kin |
gistPipeline | gistPlot_lambdar |
gistPipeline | gistPlot_ls |
gistPipeline | gistPlot_sfh |
git-annex-metadata-gui | git-annex-metadata-gui |
gitalong | gitalong-gui |
gitbuilding | gitbuilding-gui |
glassesValidator | glassesValidator |
GloPel | GloPel |
GloPel | glopel |
gltfloupe | gltfloupe |
glue-core-for-glue-genes | glue |
glue-qt | glue |
glueather | glueather |
glyxtoolms | glyxtoolms |
gns3-gui | gns3 |
gns3-webclient-pack | gns3-webclient-config |
gns3-webclient-pack | gns3-webclient-launcher |
grafmon | grafmon |
grascii-gui | grascii-gui |
gravitools | gt-aqg-dash |
gshogi | gshogi |
gsystemctl | gsystemctl |
gtimelog | gtimelog |
gui-executor | gui-executor |
guidata | guidata-tests |
guiqwt | guiqwt-tests |
guiqwt | sift |
guiqwt303 | guiqwt303-tests-py3 |
guiqwt303 | sift-py3 |
gxps | gxps |