
gui_scripts entry points are used by setuptools and pip to create & install a project's GUI programs. If a project defines a gui_scripts entry point named foo that points to modulename:funcname, then when the project is installed, the installer will also create & install an executable named foo that invokes funcname in modulename when run. See the setuptools documentation for more information.

Project Entry Point
sorting-vis sorting-ctk
sortrenamer sortrenamer
sound-source-id sound_source_id
soundcraft-utils soundcraft_gui
spfluo-app spfluo-app
spimagine spimagine
spin2win spin2wingui
spot-motion-monitor smm_ui
spotdlQt spotdlQt
spotify-win-cli spotify-win-cli
spyking-circus spyking-circus-launcher
ssrviz ssrviz
starburst starburst
STIM-Module startapp
stix-parser stix-parser-gui
stm32pio stm32pio_gui
streamlink streamlinkw
studentui studentui
stxmalign stxmAlign
stxmnorm stxmNorm
stxmproc stxmProc
subclrschm subclrschm
submit-tool submit-tool
subtitld subtitld
sudokuaspuzzle sudokuaspuzzle
sudokustepper sudokustepper
sun-path-diagrams sun-path-diagrams
suncal suncalui
suntranslator suntranslator
surface-crns SurfaceCRNQueueSimulator
Sutekh sutekh
swane swane
swat-em swat-em
sway-input-config sway-input-config
swift-block swift-block
SWV-AnyPeakFinder swv_anypeakfinder
SxTool sxtool
symetrie-hexapod puna_ui
sysmon-pytk gui_sysmon
sysmon-pytk sysmon
T-i-m-e-r T-i-m-e-r
tapeimgr tapeimgr
tasks-collector tasks_collector_gui
tat tat
tc_circuit tc-viewer
telepythy telepythy-gui
teletvg-karjakak ttvg
TerMPS TerMPS-gui
terrario terrario
text2qti text2qti_tk
textshot textshotw
textworker textworker
thonny thonny
threadspipepy threadspipepy
Timecard-App Timecard-App
timechart timechart
timejournal tj
timeview timeview
timeview timeview-gui
tinycom tinycom
tipico tipico_basic_pyqt5_gui
tipico tipico_basic_pyside2_gui
tipico tipico_basic_qt_gui
tkiv tkiv
tlhelp32 tlhelp32
top30 top30
topplot topplot
torf-gui torf-gui
tp-timesheet tp-timesheet
tpcb tpcb
traxis traxis
Trayifier trayify
TreeTime treetime
treGen treGen
tribler tribler
trifusion TriFusion
trufont trufont
TSAnalyzer TSAnalyzer
tspublisher tschanedit
tsuchinoko tsuchinoko
tuttut tuttut
tweetinstone tis-gui
TwentyTwentiesHumorBot TwentyTwentiesHumorBotCuration_headless
TwentyTwentiesHumorBot TwentyTwentiesHumorBot_headless
twitchview twitchview
txt2mobi3-app txt2mobi3_app
typing-test-sdd typing-ctk
typstwriter typstwriter
Ultimarc ultimarc-ui
ultttt ultttt
unipygame realpython
unmessage unmessage-gui
USB-Imager usb-imager
usbguard-simple-gui-py-qt usbguard-simple-gui-py-qt
usbguard-simple-gui-py-qt usbguard-simple-gui-py-qt-window-only
V2Mp3 v2mp3
vaex-core vaexgui
vape4d vape4d
varats vara-buildsetup-gui
varats vara-graphview