entry points are used by
setuptools and
pip to create & install a project's GUI programs.
If a project defines a gui_scripts
entry point named foo
that points to
, then when the project is installed, the installer
will also create & install an executable named foo
that invokes
in modulename
when run. See the setuptools documentation for
Project | Entry Point |
cityscapesScripts | csLabelTool |
cityscapesScripts | csViewer |
clampsuite | clampsuite |
Clement | clement |
clippersaver-karjakak | clippers |
cliptitle | cliptitle |
clockify-idleless | clockify_idleless |
cmlib | cmlib_demo |
code128 | code128w |
comports | comports |
computerSitTimer | computerSitTimer |
COMTool | comtool |
conan-explorer | conan_explorer |
conda-manager | condamanager |
ConGen | congen-gui |
construct-editor | construct-editor |
construct-gallery | bleak_scanner_construct |
construct-gallery | construct-gallery |
continuousbeam | contibeam_win |
controku | controku |
conversationalspacemapapp | csm-run |
converter-csv | converter-csv |
CountESS | countess_gui |
covid19-detection | covid19-detector |
Cracker | cracker |
CRIkit2 | crikit2-start |
cron-log | spam-gui |
cruiz | cruiz |
cruiz | cruiz-pyside2 |
cruscoplanets-gui | cruscoplanets_gui |
csv2opd | csv2opd |
cubeviz | cubeviz |
customs-id-number-validator | shortcut2 |
cutcutcodec | cutcutcodec-gui |
cutevariant | cutevariant |
cyla-mixture | cyla |
cytoflow | cytoflow |
Dans-Diffraction | dansdiffraction |
data-to-paper | data-to-paper |
dataArtist | dataArtist |
datadigitizer | datadigitizer |
dataintegrityfingerprint | dataintegrityfingerprint-gui |
datalad-gooey | datalad-gooey |
DataShow | DataShow_gui |
datecalc | datecalc-gui |
daty | daty |
dckit | dckit |
dcmfetch | dcmfetchtool |
dcmpi | dcmpi_explorer_gui |
dcmpi | dcmpi_gui |
dcmpi | dcmpi_run_gui |
dcspy | dcspy |
deaduction | deaduction_gui |
dear-messenger | dear-messenger |
deareis | deareis |
deluge | deluge |
deluge | deluge-gtk |
deluge | deluge-web |
deluge | deluged |
denonremote | denonremote |
desktop-entry-creator | desktop-entry-creator |
dfvue | dfvue |
dial | dial |
dig-spider | dig-spider |
diplib | dipview |
DiscoNet | DiscoNet |
Discord-Advert-Framework | daf-gui |
diskimgr | diskimgr |
DisPass | gdispass |
dittohunt | dittohunt |
dotjs | dotjsw |
dottorrent-gui | dottorrent-gui |
doublehelix | helix |
dronecan_gui_tool | dronecan_gui_tool |
dtgui | dtgui |
duckdns-updater | duckdns-updater |
dusted | dusted |
dycall | dycall-gui |
easysetuppy | EasySetupPy |
easysetuppy | easysetuppy |
eclipseprofileselector | eclipse-profile-selector |
educelab-imgproc | el_imgproc |
educelab-mets | METSEditor |
eduvpn-client | eduvpn-gui |
eduvpn-client | letsconnect-gui |
efck | efck-chat-keyboard |
efjtk | efjgui |
electricalsim | egs |
EMBL2checklists | EMBL2checklists_GUI |
emid | emid |
emzed-spyder | emzed.spyder |
energyplus-launch | energyplus_launch |
energyplus-pet | energyplus_pet_gui |
energyplus-regressions | energyplus_regression_runner |
energyplus-transition-tools | energyplus_transition_gui |
envswitch | envswitch_gui |
EPRsimGUI | EPRsimgui |
EPRsimGUI | eprsimgui |
EPRsimGUI | simGUI |