Reverse Dependencies of zstandard
The following projects have a declared dependency on zstandard:
- quetz-server — The mamba-org server for conda packages
- queuepipeio — A project that provides queue-based I/O functionality
- RabiBridge — A lightweight framework for service decoupling and peak shaving in web services, leveraging RabbitMQ. - GoodManWEN/RabiBridge
- rasteret — Fast and efficient access to Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs)
- ratarmountcore — Random Access To Archived Resources Library
- rcdata — Default template for PDM package
- rdsmproj — Set of tools for use in research of rare disease related text.
- Reachable — Check if a URL is reachable
- regrank — Regularized methods for efficient ranking in networks
- renku — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform.
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- repopulator — A portable library to generate binary software repositories
- reqs-cli — no summary
- rockface — Python library for the Rockface API
- rohmu — Rohmu is a python library providing an interface to various cloud storage providers.
- rosbags — Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files.
- rpipe — A little python remote pipe server and client.
- rpistream — A very simple library built for streaming video from a remote Raspberry Pi server in realtime.
- rpmfile — Read rpm archive files
- rqdatac — Ricequant Data SDK
- rSpringRank — Regularized methods for efficient ranking in networks
- rwkit — Simplified reading & writing files with support for compression
- s3dbm — A python dbm-style interface to S3
- s3tethys — Python S3 tools for tethys using smart_open
- sae-lens — Training and Analyzing Sparse Autoencoders (SAEs)
- sandsldahelper — This python package is meant to make creating, testing and creating useful output files for LDA or PT topic modeling much easier. This package uses Tomotopy for topic modeling.
- sandspythonfunctions — Functions I use regularly with my python projects
- sc-compression — SC Compression
- scalegen-cli — ScaleGenAI CLI
- scandi-reddit — Construction of a Scandinavian Reddit dataset.
- scdatatools — Python tools for working with Star Citizen data files.
- sciris — Fast, flexible tools to simplify scientific Python
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scrapy-zstd — A Scrapy plugin to compress feeds with Zstandard (zstd).
- seacrowd — no summary
- seaflowpy — A Python library for SeaFlow data
- seareport-data — no summary
- sedpack — General ML dataset package
- selenium-wire — Extends Selenium to give you the ability to inspect requests made by the browser.
- seleniumbase — A complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
- sentry-fs-node-storage — Sentry File System Node Storage
- separability — LLM Tools for looking at separability of LLM Capabilities
- seperability — Seperability of LLM Capabilities
- seqsum — Robust individual and aggregate checksums for nucleotide sequences
- serde2 — Utilities for deserializing/serializing Python objects
- servicex-transformer — ServiceX Data Transformer for HEP Data
- sevals — A framework for evaluating language models
- shepherd-core — Programming- and CLI-Interface for the h5-dataformat of the Shepherd-Testbed
- shockdb — A python wrapper on lmdb for a simple dbm key-value database
- simple-ans — Simple ANS (Asymmetric Numeral Systems) implementation
- sinetstream — Library for operating messaging systems such as Apache Kafka and MQTT with the same API.
- sixriver-rosbags — Pure Python library to read, modify, convert, and write rosbag files.
- smallpond — A lightweight data processing framework built on DuckDB and shared file system.
- smart-open — Utils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, gzip, bz2...)
- snail-dict — no summary
- snputils — Process genomes with ease
- sparse_autoencoder — Sparse Autoencoder for Mechanistic Interpretability
- spatialprofilingtoolbox — Toolbox for spatial analysis of single cell data.
- stacs — Static Token And Credential Scanner.
- starlette-compress — Compression middleware for Starlette - supporting ZStd, Brotli, and GZip
- stereo-map-tools — a simple extension helper!
- strax — Streaming analysis for xenon TPCs
- superstream-confluent-kafka — Confluent's Python client for Apache Kafka
- superstream-confluent-kafka-beta — Confluent's Python client for Apache Kafka
- switchboardpy — Switchboard V2 API
- SWJFF — A module that serializes/deserializes data
- taker — Tools for Transformer Activations Knowledge ExtRaction
- tanbih-pipeline — data streaming on top of popular message queues
- tapcoin — Decentralized Finance by Tapcoin
- taskcluster-taskgraph — Build taskcluster taskgraphs
- taxoniq — Taxoniq: Taxon Information Query - fast, offline querying of NCBI Taxonomy and related data
- taylor-pipelines — Modular data-processing workflows in Python.
- test-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- testgailbot002 — GailBot API
- testgailbotapi — GailBot Test API
- testgailbotapi001 — GailBot Test API
- tethysts — tethys time series S3 extraction
- text-dedup — no summary
- tiled — Structured Scientific Data Access Service
- timeplus-connect — Timeplus Database Driver for Python, Pandas, and Superset
- tmp-patch-mango-explorer — Python integration for
- trafilatura — Python & Command-line tool to gather text and metadata on the Web: Crawling, scraping, extraction, output as CSV, JSON, HTML, MD, TXT, XML.
- translator-deepl — Traslate a .SRT file using any custom translator
- trino — Client for the Trino distributed SQL Engine
- tryalot — Try a lot without worrying about the hassle.
- turnkeyml — TurnkeyML Tools and Models
- twb-project — An unified tool for the research in extracting information from Wikipedia Edit History chunk.
- unit-db-test — Unittest wrapper focused on making DB integrity tests
- upathlib — The package *upathlib*
- uproot3 — ROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy.
- urllib3 — HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
- urllib3.future — urllib3.future is a powerful HTTP 1.1, 2, and 3 client with both sync and async interfaces
- urllib3-odigos — HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
- vectorspace — A more opinionated way to do machine learning 🧅
- volare — An PDK builder/version manager for PDKs in the open_pdks format
- vulnlist — vulnlist ~= 'vulnerability data funnel'
- vunnel — vunnel ~= 'vulnerability data funnel'
- webchanges — Web Changes Delivered. AI-Summarized. Totally Anonymous.
- wire-encoder — A set of wire safe encoders
- wring — A tool to compress multiple CSV data files into parquet