Reverse Dependencies of zstandard
The following projects have a declared dependency on zstandard:
- lm-datasets — A collection of datasets for language model training including scripts for downloading, preprocesssing, and sampling.
- lm-dw-deezer — Liberum Melodian Library for making easy tracks downloading from Deezer
- lm-eval — A framework for evaluating language models
- lmms-eval — A framework for evaluating large multi-modality language models
- LogQS — A client for interacting with the LogQS Service.
- lonelypsc — PubSub over HTTP (subscriber side)
- lonelypss — PubSub over HTTP
- mabel — Python Data Libraries
- mango-explorer — Python integration for
- mango-explorer-v4 — no summary
- mapbuffer — Serializable map of integers to bytes with near zero parsing.
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- marv-robotics — Data management platform for robot logs
- mautrix-facebook — A Matrix-Facebook Messenger puppeting bridge.
- mbpy — no summary
- mcap — MCAP libraries for Python
- mdutilities — A command line tool for megadrive homebrew developers
- mercury-engine-data-structures — Construct file definitions for the Mercury Engine, the in-house game engine from MercurySteam
- mercury-sync — A pure-Python, asyncio based library for authoring distributed systems
- meta-memcache — Modern, pure python, memcache client with support for new meta commands.
- midastrader — A robust backtesting and live trading engine designed for seamless strategy development and deployment. It supports user-defined strategies, multi-threaded execution, and integrations with brokers and data sources.
- mirutil — Tools for getting and cleaning TSE data
- mitmproxy — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy-ban — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy-lin-customization — 基于mitmproxy,根据自己的使用习惯定制的内容,加入接口花费时间排序,按照定义规则自动跑接口造数据,graphqlview的功能
- mo-sql-parsing — More SQL Parsing! Parse SQL into JSON parse tree
- mo-streams — More Streams! Chained function calls
- modelbit — Modelbit helps you rapidly deploy and manage ML models with modern MLOps features.
- modelgauge — Automatically and uniformly measure the behavior of many AI Systems.
- mozci — no summary
- mrtautopilot — Communicate with the MRT Autopilot Mavlink API
- ms-swift — Swift: Scalable lightWeight Infrastructure for Fine-Tuning
- msys2dl — A tool to download MSYS packages and extract files from MSYS2
- mtda — Multi-Tenant Device Access
- mtmitm — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- musicbrainz2notion — A tool to sync artists and music databases from MusicBrainz to Notion.
- mysqlx-connector-python — A Python driver which implements the X DevAPI, an Application Programming Interface for working with the MySQL Document Store.
- mytiktok — A Simple Python Package for Scarping and Downloading Tiktok Videos
- nanocube — Lightning fast OLAP-style point queries on Pandas DataFrames.
- nasty-utils — Independent useful utilities created during NASTY's development.
- ncmlyrics — No description at now.
- nemo-curator — Scalable Data Preprocessing Tool for Training Large Language Models
- netdata-llm-agent — A language model agent that interacts with Netdata API
- neurosis — A neural network trainer (for weebs)
- next-drop-lib — A high-speed data pipeline library
- NextDrop-Library — A high-speed data pipeline library
- nixietune — A semantic search embedding model fine-tuning tool
- nlp — HuggingFace/NLP is an open library of NLP datasets.
- nr-ops — An opinionated operator framework.
- nstools — no summary
- nsz — NSZ - Homebrew compatible NSP/XCI compressor/decompressor
- Nuitka-winsvc — Nuitka but support compile as Windows service
- nusacrowd — no summary
- nvidia-lm-eval — A framework for evaluating language models - packaged by NVIDIA
- nzrec — NZ REC delineation tool
- obvs — Making Transformers Obvious
- oc-ds-converter — A library for converting metadata provided by various data sources, e.g. Crossref, DataCite, JaLC, and mEDRA, into the format used by OpenCitations Meta.
- oc-meta — OpenCitations Meta contains bibliographic metadata associated with the documents involved in the citations stored in the OpenCitations infrastructure. The OpenCitations Meta Software performs two main actions: a data curation of the provided CSV files and the generation of new RDF files compliant with the OpenCitations Data Model.
- oc-preprocessing — This package is meant to preprocess OpenCitations source dumps so to make them easily usable in OpenCitations main processes, by deleting unused information, splitting big files, and validating identifiers
- odc-dscache — ODC Dataset File Cache
- olmocr — no summary
- omlish — omlish
- openchatkit — OpenChatKit - a powerful, open-source base to create both specialized and general purpose chatbots
- opensearch-benchmark — Macrobenchmarking framework for OpenSearch
- ops2deb — Build debian packages
- pacdb — Pure-python module to parse and read pacman sync dbs.
- packg — Collection of utilities used in other python projects.
- pandas-plink — Read PLINK files into Pandas data frames
- pandora-llm — Red-teaming large language models for train data leakage
- paramdb — Python package for storing and retrieving experiment parameters.
- paxml — Framework to configure and run machine learning experiments on top of Jax.
- pbs-installer — Installer for Python Build Standalone
- pickleplot — Save and open matplotlib plots as compressed pickle files
- plateau — no summary
- plibby — no summary
- pmpc — Python-interface Particle Sequential Convex Programming Model Predictive Control (SCP PMPC) interface.
- pmpt — A Python Package Advanced Manager
- proxytg — Package implements TelegramAccount class, which keeps your telegram session persistent with proxy
- pt-vid — Process Gantt Chart
- pup — Pluggable Micro Packager
- py-data-juicer — A One-Stop Data Processing System for Large Language Models.
- py-data-modori — LMOps Tool for Korean
- pydistcheck — Inspect Python package distributions and raise warnings on common problems.
- pydpkg — A python library for parsing debian package control headers and version strings
- pyhtools — Python Hacking Tools (PyHTools) (pht) is a collection of python written hacking tools consisting of network scanner, arp spoofer and detector, dns spoofer, code injector, packet sniffer, network jammer, email sender, downloader, wireless password harvester credential harvester, keylogger, download&execute, and reverse_backdoor along with website login bruteforce, scraper, web spider etc. PHT also includes malwares which are undetectable by the antiviruses.
- pyiceberg — Apache Iceberg is an open table format for huge analytic datasets
- pylogrotate — Logrotate in Python
- pymongo — Python driver for MongoDB <>
- pyrodigal — Cython bindings and Python interface to Prodigal, an ORF finder for genomes and metagenomes.
- pyrovelocity — A multivariate RNA Velocity model to estimate future cell states with uncertainty using probabilistic modeling with pyro.
- pyrrhic-restic — Restic implementation in Python
- pystand — Install Python versions from python-build-standalone project
- pystarburst — PyStarburst DataFrame API allows you to query and transform data in Starburst products in a data pipeline without having to download the data locally.
- pytest-workflow — A pytest plugin for configuring workflow/pipeline tests using YAML files
- python-urlopen — Python urlopen wrapper.
- qcmanybody — QCManyBody
- qcportal — A distributed compute and database platform for quantum chemistry.
- qfc — no summary
- qllm — A general x-bit quantization engine for LLMs,[2-8] bits, awq/gptq/hqq/vptq
- quark-amd — The deep learning model compression toolkit.