Reverse Dependencies of xmltodict
The following projects have a declared dependency on xmltodict:
- pypublicwww — Python library and command-line utility for search in publicwww
- pyqb — Quickbase API Python Wrapper
- pyrcdevs — Python library for using the RCDevs API (Manager and SOAP APIs)
- pyrcrack — Pythonic aircrack-ng bindings
- pyrio — Functional-style Streams library for processing collections. Supports querying files (json, toml, yaml, xml, csv, tsv, plain text) - as well as creating and updating them. Provides easy integration with itertools
- pyrmv — Small module that makes your journey with RMV REST API somehow easier.
- pyschism — Python package for working with SCHISM input and output files.
- pySCOrchestrator — A simple client for calling System Center Orchestrator runbooks in python
- pyscrobble — A Python package for interacting with the API
- pysdmx — Your opinionated Python SDMX library
- pysecspy — Python Wrapper for SecuritySpy API
- pysecuritas — Python library to retrieve and interact with securitas devices.
- pyskyqremote — Library for Sky Q Remote
- pysll — no summary
- pysolarenergy — Python module for SolarEnergy inverter
- pysonos — A SoCo fork with fixes for Home Assistant.
- pysradb — A Python package for interacting with SRAdb and downloading datasets from SRA/ENA/GEO
- pystf — Python Stream TransFormer
- pystics — STICS in Python
- pytan3 — Tanium API workflow encapsulation.
- pytest-splunk-addon — A Dynamic test tool for Splunk Apps and Add-ons
- pytfiac — API for Tfiac AC
- pythaiair — Thai Air Quality library
- python-aisweb — API Wrapper for brazilian AIS services.
- python-benedict — python-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath/keyattr support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xls, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
- python-csv-demjson3 — Python tools for manipulating csv files. This package resolves demjson/setuptools issue with original python-csv developed by Jason Trigg and support Python 3.12.6
- python-elemental — Python Client for Elemental On-Premises Appliances
- python-fhir-converter — Transformation utility to translate data formats into FHIR
- python-gestpay — Gestpay WSs2s and WsCryptDecrypt SOAP Client
- python-namesilo — API wrapper for Namesilo service
- python-odlclient — OpenDaylight Client Library and Command
- python-omnilogic-local — A library for local control of Hayward OmniHub/OmniLogic pool controllers using their local API
- python-rako — Asynchronous Python client for Rako Controls Lighting.
- Python-SFDX-Toolkit — Python SFDX Toolkit
- python-tabular — Connect to your tabular model and perform operations programmatically
- python-vlc-http — Python module that enables communication with the VLC http server
- python-zillow — A Python wrapper around the Zillow API
- python3-libraccoon — libraccon a library for high performance offensive security tool for reconnaissance based on raccoon scanner. This include performing DNS reconnaissance
- pytorch-hrvvi-ext — HrvvI's extension to PyTorch
- pyvn — Python3 Ivnosys Utils
- pyWAPOR — no summary
- pywaterml — The pywaterml is a package that lets you handle WaterML functions such as GetValues, GetSitesInfo, etc. In addition it lets offers extra functions such as mean interpolation for data with gaps
- pywatershed — pywatershed is a Python package for hydrologic modeling
- pywe-event-message — Wechat Event Message Module for Python.
- pywe-xml — Wechat XML Module for Python.
- pywibeee — Command line interface (CLI) for WiBeee (old Mirubee) meter
- pywinauth — A tool to generate TOTP code based using secrets from WinAuth
- pywinos — The cross-platform tool to execute PowerShell and commandline commands remotely and locally.
- pywinrm — Python library for Windows Remote Management
- pywinrm2 — Python library for Windows Remote Management
- pyxecm — A Python library to interact with Opentext Extended ECM REST API
- pyxiver — Python wrapper for the public API.
- pyxspider — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- pyzctrl — Simple API to interact with select ZControlĀ® devices.
- qcloud-sdk-py — Python SDK for TencentCloud
- qnapstats — Python API for obtaining QNAP NAS system stats
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- qspylib — A set of API wrappers for different amateur radio websites, including LotW, QRZ, eQSL, and ClubLog
- qstat — Parse qstat xml to python dict
- qstats — SGE qstat info
- qt-installer — Yet Another QT Installer (ya-q-ti!) - A CLI for installing Qt packages and tooling; for use in enviroments like GitHub Actions or Docker
- qualysdk — SDK for interacting with Qualys APIs, across most modules the platform offers.
- quickbuild — Python client for PMEase QuickBuild
- raccoon-scanner — Offensive Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering
- radarx — Xarray based radar toolkit
- rainforest-mch — RandomForest QPE python library
- ramlfications — A Python RAML parser
- ranger-cli — A (unofficial) command-line interface for Apache Ranger public REST API.
- raw-packet — Raw-packet Project
- rbxlx-export — A tool to extract scripts from Roblox XML files.
- rcctl — Azure Service Fabric Reliable Collections command line
- rcv-cruncher — Analyze RCV elections
- rdplot — A plot tool for rate distortion curves
- reading-impact-model — no summary
- rechtspraak-extractor — Library for extracting rechtspraak data
- refy — A scientific papers recomendation tool.
- register-code-gen — Generate code for registers based on SVD files
- RegScale-CLI — Command Line Interface (CLI) for bulk processing/loading data into RegScale
- rejected-article-tracker — Utility package to track if a journal article has been published somewhere.
- reliontomotools — Additional tools for Relion tomo
- repelsec — no summary
- reporelaypy — Library for visualizing, processing and storing test results.
- repox — a lightweight Repox client written in Python
- reptor — reptor allows you automating pentest reporting with SysReptor.
- requestez — A simpler interface for scraping with some basic parsing, aes encryption decryption and some logging utils.
- requests-fortified — Extension of Python HTTP `requests` with verbose logging using `logging-fortified`.
- requests-mv-integrations — Extension of Python HTTP `requests` with verbose logging using `logging-mv-integrations`.
- requests-toolkit-stable — A package of APIs using requests.
- reseval — Reproducible Subjective Evaluation
- rest-vlc — A Python library for controlling VLC media player via REST API
- resting — Pretty convenient REST API client
- resultsdbpy — Library for visualizing, processing and storing test results.
- rets — RETS Client for Real Estate Data
- RFEM — Python Framework for RFEM6 Web Services
- rheofit — Import and analyze rheological data
- richcontext-scholapi — Rich Context API integrations for federating discovery services and metadata exchange across multiple scholarly infrastructure providers
- rigging — LLM Interaction Framework
- RiksdagenDataDownloader — A tool to download data from
- RobertCommonBasic — Robert Common Basic Library
- robot-list — This is a package which lists the robot framework tests using robot command line arguments