Reverse Dependencies of xmltodict
The following projects have a declared dependency on xmltodict:
- OpenDart — 전자공시 OPEN DART 시스템 API
- opendiamond — OpenDiamond Platform for Interactive Search
- openepub — Library to interact with EPUB files.
- openhub-django — Integrate openhub APIs with Django
- openleadr — Python3 library for building OpenADR Clients (VENs) and Servers (VTNs)
- openlit — OpenTelemetry-native Auto instrumentation library for monitoring LLM Applications and GPUs, facilitating the integration of observability into your GenAI-driven projects
- openml — Python API for OpenML
- openshift-python-wrapper — Wrapper around
- openstack-sig-tool — The command line tool for openEuler OpenStack SIG
- OpenXDF — OpenXDF is a Python module built for interacting with Open eXchange Data Format files.
- operetta-compose — Fractal tasks for the Opera/Operetta microscope and drug response profiling
- orangearrow — A Python Library for interacting with the Amazon Product Advertising API.
- orbeon-xml-api — A Python object API for Orbeon XML
- os-copilot — An self-improving embodied conversational agents seamlessly integrated into the operating system to automate our daily tasks.
- os2mo-data-import — A set of tools for OS2MO data import and export
- os2mo-sd-connector — Connector library for SDLon webservices
- osagent — osagent
- osc-sdk — Outscale API SDK and CLI
- osm-fieldwork — Processing field data from ODK to OpenStreetMap format.
- Oxomoc — Colav OAI-PMH Harvester
- p2pd — Asynchronous P2P networking library and service
- pa-api-sdk — no summary
- pacer-tools — no summary
- pacofunctions — package description
- paf-tools — no summary
- pagexml-tools — Utility functions for reading PageXML files
- pan-analyzer — Detect and remediate configuration issues in Palo Alto Networks firewalls
- panamah-sdk-python — Panamah Software Development Kit for Python
- panasonic_viera — Library to control Panasonic Viera TVs
- pandas-read-xml — A tool to read XML files as pandas dataframes.
- pandasxmledit — simplifies working with XML data by leveraging the power and flexibility of pandas DataFrames
- panos-upgrade-assurance — no summary
- papermill_watermark — no summary
- parcelhub-api-client — Python API Client for Parcehub(Whistl)
- parse-it — A python library for parsing multiple types of config files, envvars and command line arguments which takes the headache out of setting app configurations.
- parseaia — A package for reading .aia files from App Inventor
- parsedmarc — A Python package and CLI for parsing aggregate and forensic DMARC reports
- parsons — no summary
- pascal-voc-toolkit — Set of tools to work with Pascal VOC annotation format
- pathpretrain — Simple setup train image models.
- pavimentados — A python package Library which implement IA algorithms to detect cracks and failures on roads. The package is wrapper around all the models and provides an interfaces to use them properly
- payments-paygate — Universal payment handling for Django
- pb-congress-scraper — Public domain data collectors for the work of Congress, including legislation, amendments, and votes.
- pcg-gazebo — A Python package for rapid-prototyping and scripting of simulations for Gazebo
- pds-doi-core — short description of my pds module, less than 100-120 characters
- pds-doi-service — Digital Object Identifier service for the Planetary Data System
- peakina — pandas readers on steroids (remote files, glob patterns, cache, etc.)
- perfectmoney — API for PerfectMoney service
- perfmonitor — Performance monitor CLI for Windows: parse and display performance counter from 'psutil' and 'nvidia-smi'.
- phc-ingestion — Functions for LifeOmic PHC genomic ingestions
- pheme — report-generation-service
- philter-lite — Open-source PHI-filtering software. A fork of philter-ucsf.
- phishermon — A tool to create and take action on behavioural signatures from sysmon data.
- physio-cassette — Storage structures for signals (mostly physiological data), metadata and event annotations
- picsellia-annotations — Package with pydantic schemas of COCO files and VOC File and some utils to read those annotations files
- pigeonly-address — Address Standardization
- pilot-platform-common — Generates entity ID and connects with Vault (secret engine) to retrieve credentials
- pipelinewise-tap-salesforce — tap for extracting data from the Salesforce API - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelite — This solution build by design (configuration) simple of complex Data Pipelines
- pivmetalib — A Python library for working with the pivmeta ontology.
- pizzapi — A Python wrapper for the Dominos Pizza API
- PKNSETools — A Python-based data downloader for NSE, India
- pm4ngs — PM4NGS generates a standard organizational structure for Next Generation Sequencing (ngs) data analysis
- pmtoolkit — no summary
- pnno — Script for annotation data processing
- pod-banking — POD Billing services
- pollo — A repo for qualitative user studies using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT).
- pook — HTTP traffic mocking and expectations made easy
- postalcodes-mexico — Determines large parts of a Mexican postal address from its postal code (C.P.).
- potentials — API database tools for accessing the NIST Interatomic Potentials Repository: explore and download interatomic potentials and computed properties.
- pplmyapi — Python client for PPL myAPI
- preimutils — All you need to prepare and preprocess your annotated images
- premiscale — A Kubernetes controller that automatically scales and administers private virtual and physical infrastructure
- presidio-evaluator — no summary
- prestashop_api — Prestashop api wrapper for python
- prestashop-gateway — Python gateway to call Prestashop Webservice
- prestashop-orders-client — A simple Python client for PrestaShop API to extract orders
- privy-presidio-utils — Read the latest Real Python tutorials
- project_generator — Project generators for various embedded tools (IDE). IAR, uVision, Makefile and many more in the roadmap!
- project_generator_definitions — no summary
- proMAD — Semiquantitative densitometric measurement of protein microarrays
- prompt-admin — no summary
- protein — Quick UniProt protein search for the command line
- protobufferize — Compile protobuffers with setuptools
- prtg-cli — CLI for PRTG Network Monitor
- pttavm-python — A client for interacting with PTT AVM API
- pubarchiver — Archive journal articles into Portico and PMC
- PublicDataReader — Open Source Public Data Reader
- pubmed-api — Runs PubMed search strings over pubmed API using a batch logic
- pubmed-lookup — Lookup PubMed records and make Publication objects with info about a scientific publication
- pubmed-sdk — A Python SDK for searching PubMed using the NCBI E-Utilities
- PubMedSucker — Pull all articles from PubMed and insert them into a Neo4j Graph Database
- purplship — Multi-carrier shipping API integration with python
- py-blueprint — Configure Python to Yaml.
- py-ccm15 — A package to control Midea CCM15 data converter modules
- py-ccm15-2025 — A package to control Midea CCM15 data converter modules
- py-ews — A Python package to interact with both on-premises and Office 365 Exchange Web Services
- py-ews-dev — A Python package to interact with both on-premises and Office 365 Exchange Web Services
- py-financas — Py Finanças é um pacote python que simplifica obtenção e uso de dados do sistema financeiro brasileiro.
- py-hierarchy-2-2d — no summary