Reverse Dependencies of websocket-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on websocket-client:
- hyperquant-framework — HyperQuant Crypto-Trading Framework
- ia-planner-jerson — Planificador de tareas con IA implementando diferentes modelos
- ia-planner-jerson-gpt — Planificador de tareas con IA implementando diferentes modelos - 2024
- IBATS-BitMex-Feeder — 连接BitMex交易所,获取实时行情、历史行情,保存到mysql数据库同时redis广播,供 ABAT 交易平台进行策略回测、分析,交易使用
- IBATS-Huobi-Feeder — 连接 Huobi 火币交易所,获取实时行情、历史行情,保存到mysql数据库同时redis广播,供 IBATS 交易平台进行策略回测、分析,交易使用
- ibm-appconfiguration-python-sdk — IBM Cloud App Configuration Python SDK
- ibm-whcs-sdk — ('This is the Watson Health Cognitive Services Python SDK containing ACD and IML',)
- icecream-cmri — A framework for testing yunce offline plan
- iconsdk — ICON SDK for Python is a collection of libraries which allow you to interact with a local or remote ICON node using an HTTP connection.
- ict-agent — 智能ict三维编程拓展组件
- ict-szpu — 深职院智能ict三维编程拓展组件
- ict-vscl — 深职院智能ict三维编程拓展组件
- idem-azurerm — Idem language provider for Azure
- ilo — Control ilo robot using python command.
- image-crawl — Crawl and transform images
- imerit-ango — Ango-Hub SDK
- impresso-commons — Python module highly reusable within impresso.
- ImputeHiFI — no summary
- inductiva — Python client for the Inductiva API
- inflection-pi-api — A reverse engineered API for Inflection AI Personal Intelligence, called PI
- infomaniakpysher — Pusher websocket client for python, based on Erik Kulyk's PythonPusherClient
- inhumate-rti — Inhumate RTI Client
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- interloper — Tool to run ecs execute command in lambda.
- interpals — Interpals API wrapper to make bots easier to use
- intriniorealtime — Intrinio Python SDK for Real-Time Stock Prices
- ioe — The Python Internet of Energy Library
- iot-device — MicroPython REPL Interface
- — A client library designed for connecting to a server instance.
- iotccsdk — SDK in Python for interacting with the Vision AI DevKit. See
- IPRemote — no summary
- ipsw — A Python library for the ipsw Engine API.
- IQData — no summary
- iqoapi — Connect with Iqoption and trade automatically.
- iqoptionapi-simple — This api is wrapper for iq option implementation of the iqoption version supported by community.
- iqradre — no summary
- iqsopenapi — inquantstudio quant open api
- isomorphic — isomorphic interfaces for cli, api, yaml, json, gui
- ithaca_py — Ithaca Protocol SDK
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- iWAN — simple tool
- ixnetwork — IxNetwork Low Level API
- jacdac-python — Python client package for Jacdac
- jellyfin-apiclient-fix-tls — Python API client for Jellyfin
- jellyfin-apiclient-python — Python API client for Jellyfin
- jellyfishlights-py — Python library for controlling Jellyfish Lights via the local network.
- jesse — A trading framework for cryptocurrencies
- jesse-apexpro — Python3 Apexpro HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- jklm-client — Python client for the party game
- jovyan — no summary
- json-websocket — json-websocket
- jupyter-api-client — Unofficial Python API client for Jupyter
- jupyter_enterprise_gateway — A web server for spawning and communicating with remote Jupyter kernels
- jupyter-kernel-client — no summary
- jupyter-kernels — 🪐 ⚪ Jupyter Kernels.
- jupyter_micropython_kernel — Jupyter kernel to interact with a MicroPython ESP8266 or ESP32 over its serial REPL.
- jupyter-nbmodel-client — no summary
- jupyter_server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- k8s-workload-restarter — no summary
- KahootPY — A python package to interact with Kahoot!
- kaisaglobalapi — Kaisa Global Quantitative Trading API
- kaisaglobalapi-test — Kaisa Global Quantitative Trading API
- kanao — Kanao is a project designed to train a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model on custom datasets. It provides the capability to train the model using various data sources, including PDFs, Word documents, plain text files, and URLs.
- kaniko-deploy — no summary
- kareliapy — Python library for
- kaziro — Kaziro API Client
- keapi-robotics — A API to communicate with a KEBA PLC via WebSockets
- keepersdk — Keeper SDK for Python 3
- keephq — Alerting. for developers, by developers.
- kick-chat — chat in the terminal
- kili — Python client for Kili Technology labeling tool
- kishu — Intelligent Python Checkpointing
- klat-connector — The Klat Chat API
- kolaBitMEXBot — Trading bot with trail stop and chained orders for pour Bitmex and maybe more...
- komponents — Generates Kubeflow Components from Kubernetes CRD specifications
- kosmos-client — Client to connect to the KosmoS Platform
- kqhivemind_hivebox — HiveMind NFC reader client for HiveBox
- krypton-client — Client for krypton-server and cryptocurrency exchanges
- kubernetes — Kubernetes python client
- kubernetes-async-patch — Kubernetes python client
- kubernetes-dynamic — Kubernetes Dynamic client
- kubernetes-redjohn — Kubernetes python client
- kubestriker — A Blazing fast Security Auditing tool for Kuberentes
- kubestrikercicd — A Blazing fast Security Auditing tool for Kuberentes
- kucoin-universal-sdk — Official KuCoin Universal SDK
- KwoksTool — no summary
- kyo — Library for the creation of bots from the AminoApps platform.
- L2dvEXApi — API for Live2DViewerEX
- l2r — a OpenAI gym environment for high performance autonomous racing
- lakehouse-engine — A configuration-driven Spark framework serving as the engine for several lakehouse algorithms and data flows.
- langchain-xfyun — 在LangChain中流畅地使用讯飞星火大模型
- latentscope — Quickly embed, project, cluster and explore a dataset.
- latoken-api-v2-python-client — LATOKEN REST API and STOMP Websocket python implementation
- Lavapy — A powerful and robust Python library built from the ground up for interacting with Lavalink.
- Layernode — LayerProtocol blockchain
- lazo — lazo
- lbank-connector-python — LBANK connector for the public API, private API, and websockets.
- lc-sdk-python — Package which lets to work with LiveChat API.
- lci-sim-app-device — Sim App Device package
- lectricus — Electron and NWJS Vulnerability Detection Utility