Reverse Dependencies of websocket-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on websocket-client:
- vfunctions-sdk — A package to manage development inside nitro enclaves.
- vintersdk — no summary
- vinterunofficial — no summary
- virtex — Virtex API wrapper
- vitamin-model-checker — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vitamin-model-checker-test — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vk-api — Python модуль для создания скриптов для социальной сети Вконтакте ( API wrapper)
- vk-mda — Python модуль для написания скриптов для социальной сети Вконтакте ( (API wrapper)
- vkcoin — Враппер для платёжного API VK Coin
- vmilabs — official SDK for vmilabs product pillar
- vmipy — SDK for vmilabs
- vnpy-evo — Core module for using VeighNa project in crypto markets.
- voice-ai — no summary
- void-terminal — LLM based APIs
- voxelamming — Convert Python code to JSON and send it to the Voxelamming app.
- vypex — vypex
- vyze — Add a short description here!
- w96msgroom — A library to create bots for Windows 96 msgroom
- wa-automate-socket-client — A python interface for wa-automate-nodejs
- wallex — Wallex cryptocurrency exchange python sdk
- wappstorest — Simple Wappsto Python user-interface to Wappsto Rest
- waseda-tfx — TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
- waterfurnace — Python interface for waterfurnace geothermal systems
- watson-streaming — Speech to text transcription in real-time using IBM Watson
- wattpilot — Python library to connect to a Fronius Wattpilot Wallbox
- wayscript-cli — no summary
- weave-py-api — Weavechain Python API
- web3data — A Python library for the Amberdata web3 API
- webcface — WebCFace Client for Python
- webfriend — An API binding and automation control language for the Chrome Remote Debugging API
- webpilot — Api to control chromium browsers using puppeteer
- websocket-executor — django websocket executor project.
- Websocketee — Python Isnta-Bot for spaming
- webstompy — A simple Python STOMP implementation with WebSocket support
- webthing-client — Client for the Dynamic Dashboard Webthings
- webull-options — no summary
- whatsapp-cli — CLI for whatsapp
- whatsclientpy — no summary
- wheatley — A program that will ring any set of bells in Ringing Room.
- whisper-live — A nearly-live implementation of OpenAI's Whisper.
- whisperflow — WhisperFlow: Real-Time Transcription Powered by OpenAI Whisper
- wirepas-backend-client — Interfaces to interact with Wirepas backend services.
- wirepas-messaging — Wrapper interfaces to interact with Wirepas APIs.
- wirepas-wpe-apt — Tool to playback computed locations data
- woke — Woke is a Python-based development and testing framework for Solidity.
- woodAI — wood ai
- wos-sdk — Python SDK for interacting with WinGs Operating System
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wrapanapi — no summary
- wrapica — Secondary level functions for ICAv2 based off libica
- ws2webhook — Websocket data to webhook
- wsc-grempy-transport — Supports gremlinpython without asyncio
- WsComSrv — A basic websocket communication server
- wsrepl — Websocket REPL for pentesters
- wsserver-malbizer — Websocket Server for python
- wstompy — Using a transport agnostic protocol and websocket-client to speak STOMP over websocket.
- xdeen — AI trading network for cryptocurrencies
- xgboost-model — A small xgboost model package
- xgboost-model-jarushi — A small xgboost model package
- xiaogpt — Play ChatGPT or other LLM with xiaomi AI speaker
- xingpyc — Official Xing Python API
- xl-aliyun-fc2 — xiliu Aliyun FunctionCompute SDK2
- xrpl-websocket — XRL Websocket Client
- xtbclient — XTB trading platform client
- xumm-sdk-py — Xumm SDK for Python
- xunfei-spark-python — 科大讯飞星火大模型SDK
- xunfeispark — xunfeispark is a Python library for building AI applications.
- xxxy-cli — Command line tool for russell
- xxxy-test — Command line tool for russell
- xy-signalrcore — A Python SignalR Core client(json and messagepack), with invocation auth and two way streaming. Compatible with azure / serverless functions. Also with automatic reconnect and manually reconnect.
- yamcs-client — Yamcs API client library
- yapyaci — Yet Another Python ACI Module
- Yas — Yet Another Slack bot
- YasiBot — Another example of the library making the rubika library robot
- yflive — live Yahoo! Finance data streamer
- yfQuotes — get quotes from yahoo!Finance
- yliveticker — Live market data from Yahoo! Finance websocket
- yliveticker-test — Live market data from Yahoo! Finance websocket
- ystreamer — API to interact with Yahoo Finance Websocket API
- ytmd-sdk — A Python SDK for interacting with the YouTube Music Desktop App.
- yunchi — YunChi SDK
- ZAmino.fix — Aminofix update.
- zaqar — OpenStack Queuing and Notification Service
- zcoinbase — A Simple Coinbase Client for the Coinbase Pro API
- zern — An unofficial client library using Zerodha web api for live data and historical data
- zeroframe-ws-client — ZeroFrame WebSocket API for Python
- zeronetx — Decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network
- zf-memician — Memician is a state of the art Memelord
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zhaohua — 一个简单的,自用的Python库。
- zhmcclient — A pure Python client library for the IBM Z HMC Web Services API
- zit — ZitySpace CLI tool
- zlapi — zlapi: Zalo API for Python
- zpywallet — Multi-coin BIP32 (HD) wallet creation, transaction listener, creation and broadcasting
- zun — OpenStack Containers service
- zwave-me-ws — Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me
- zwave-ws — Library, implementing websocket connection to ZWave-Me